• Hello ALL,
    I setup smash gallery and lightbox-plus to work together in my site.
    I have one issue, Jquery that runs my image slide show on the root doesnt seem to to work when photosmash gallery and lightbox-plus is active. When I change the directory on the jquery.php file as in >>1jquery.php the slide show wont work and make “smash gallery and lighbox-plus” work great. When I active jquery for the image slide show on the root “theaub.com”then the plugins dont work (photosmash gallery and lightbox-plus).
    So, I would like to fix the conflict between each other.

    Can anyone help me fix this issue “PLEASE.

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  • Thread Starter MJ



    Let me take a look. There’s a chance that smash gallery is calling it’s own version of jQuery and I’m loading the one that comes with WordPress which really is the preferable way to do it I think.

    LBP also uses Colorbox which is set up for jQuery chaining so it’s possible that other plugins using jQuery that aren’t set up that way are stomping on jQuery for LBP.

    Thread Starter MJ


    Okay, sounds cool.
    I will let you check it out. I been going at it for a couple weeks now and cant figure it out.
    How would you like to do this?

    Site: theaub.com
    contact here: https://theaub.com/?page_id=549
    I will email you back;)

    Thread Starter MJ


    Hello? Can u please help.

    Which version of the plugin are you using?

    jQuery conflicts should be resolved as of version 1.6.6.

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