When I’m logged in and I click on My Profile it goes to my home page instead of to my profile. The link url is going to profile.php but suddenly it changes to the home page. Any idea?
Thank you
]]>Iam using this plugin for a multisite, and it works good. I have one problem though, I want to use a custom registration page instead of the one provided. Is it possible to change the existing link or do i have to get rid of it?
Sorry for my bad english.
Login-Logout: Being able to control the look with css would have been nice. Because of that I cannot use as it currently is and will rate accordingly.
Hi guys,
How do I change the name displayed here for log in to a different program name?
Thank you,
?? I love this plugin – but now weird line errors ie: 121 etc with latest update
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at ../wp-content/plugins/login-and-out/hypervisor-login-logout.php:375) in ../wp-content/plugins/wordpress-automatic-upgrade/wordpress-automatic-upgrade.php on line 121
using it on website https://www.bbcweb.ca (deactivated at the moment until we can get it working again without bringing down the site)
]]>Hi. Thanks for your small and good plugin.
I have a problem with Site Login in a MultiSite Installation.
You get the error 403 Forbidden if you click on login.
I don’t know why this error popup.
I have a solution, that is working in a MultiSite and a SingleSite Installation.
Line 108 AND 191 (delete action=login& )
Change it from
$code[] = "<a href=\"".get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\" title=\"".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."\">".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."</a>";
$code[] = "<a href=\"".get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\" title=\"".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."\">".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."</a>";
Please commit this in a new update. Thanks.
first off thank you for this plugin, that’s what i was looking for.. one thing, i’d like users to autologin and redirect after registration, is it possible to do withing the piece of code you provide without the plugin.
thank you
Hi I’m trying to use this in a place in my theme but when i try to add the code into my header.php:
<?php rh_hype_lilo(); ?>
It brings up this error:
Although I have installed it correctly. Is there anything I’m missing to get it working? Thanks.
]]>I am interested in getting both the login and register links to redirect to another page. I am using themed pages for both. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? the login page is simply the URL/login, and the register page is the URL/register. I can see the code within the plugin’s PHP file but don’t know the proper syntax to pull it off.
// User _NOT_ Logged In
if ( $options['hide_register'] != 1 ) $code[] = "<a href=\"".get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/wp-login.php?action=register&redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\" title=\"".__('Register','hypervisor-login-logout')."\">".__('Register','hypervisor-login-logout')."</a> | ";
$code[] = "<a href=\"".get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/wp-login.php?action=login&redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\" title=\"".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."\">".__('Login','hypervisor-login-logout')."</a>";
$code[] = $after_html;
foreach ( $code as $snip ) {
echo "<!--Hypervisor Login Logout end-->";
return $code;
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>and they don’t seem to be there.
I want to use the profile edit screen from bbPress instead of the WordPress one.
I’ve spotted this:
$link_string_profile = "<a href=\"".get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/forums/users/'%s'/edit\" title=\"".__('My Profile','hypervisor-login-logout')."\">".__('My Profile','hypervisor-login-logout')."</a>??|??";
As you can see, I’ve tried to customise the URL to include a username and match the bbPress profile edit screen which is url.com/forums/users/USER/edit/ – but my change isn’t working.
Are you able to help me understand how I can do this?
****ERROR: Unknown error updating role-specific URL for role integrator****
Really nondescript, This occurs when adding or updating specific roles.
Peter’s Login Redirect Version 2.2.0
]]>This plugin uses a lot of deprecated functions. Please update.
]]>Made a small tweak to the code, for aesthetics. Hehe…
Here’s the edited portion:
// login_out_menu() displays the page content for the Login & Out admin submenu
function login_out_menu() { ?>
<div class="wrap">
<h2>Login and Out Configuration</h2>
if ( isset ($_POST['update_loginout']) ) {
if ( !wp_verify_nonce ( $_POST['loginout-verify-key'], 'loginout') )
die(__('Failed security check. Reload page and retry','hypervisor-login-logout'));
if ( $_POST['insert_php'] == 'php' ) update_option ( 'rh_insert_php', '1' );
update_option ( 'rh_insert_php', '0' );
$options["display_email"] = $_POST['edisplay_email'];
$options["hide_register"] = $_POST['ehide_register'];
$options["hide_option_label"] = $_POST['ehide_option_label'];
$options["before_html"] = $_POST['ebefore_html'];
$options["after_html"] = $_POST['eafter_html'];
update_option ( 'rh_hidedash_options', $options ); ?>
<div id="message" class="updated fade">
<p><strong><?php _e('Login and Out options updated.','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?></strong></p>
} // end if isset
<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo str_replace( '%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>">
<div class="form-field">
<?php echo '<input type="hidden" name="loginout-verify-key" id="loginout-verify-key" value="' . wp_create_nonce('loginout') . '" />';
$options = get_option('rh_hidedash_options');
$insert_php = get_option ( 'rh_insert_php' );
$before_html = stripslashes($options['before_html']);
$after_html = stripslashes($options['after_html']);
echo "<h3>". __('How to display Login Logout','hypervisor-login-logout'). "</h3>";
echo "<p>". __('Display the plugin by placing the widget in a sidebar or by inserting "<?php rh_hype_lilo();?>" into your template file(s).','hypervisor-login-logout'). "</p>";
<tr><td><label for="edisplay_email"><?php _e('Display email address: ','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" <?php if ( $options["display_email"] == '1' ) echo 'checked="yes" '?> name="edisplay_email" id="edisplay_email" value="1" /></label></td></tr>
<tr><td><label for="ehide_option_label"><?php _e('Hide option label: ','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" <?php if ( $options["hide_option_label"] == '1' ) echo 'checked ' ?> name="ehide_option_label" id="ehide_option_label" value="1" /></label></td></tr>
<tr><td><label for="ehide_register"><?php _e('Hide Register link: ','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?></td><td><input type="checkbox" <?php if ( $options["hide_register"] == '1' ) echo 'checked ' ?> name="ehide_register" id="ehide_register" value="1" /></label>
<h3><?php _e('Customise Appearance','hypervisor-login-logout');?></h3>
<label for="before_html"><?php _e('Insert before Login Logout HTML: (e.g. any valid HTML)','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?> <input type="text" id="ebefore_html" name="ebefore_html" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($before_html) ?>" /></label></td></tr>
<tr><td><label for="after_html"><?php _e('Insert after Login Logout HTML: (e.g. any valid HTML)','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?> <input type="text" id="eafter_html" name="eafter_html" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($after_html) ?>" /></label></td></tr>
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="update_loginout" value="<?php _e('Submit!','hypervisor-login-logout'); ?>" />
All is in order…
its very hard to logout, i have to delete all my web history
]]>Now that I activated this plugin I can’t get into the Admin panel. I just get redirected to my site. I thought this only impacted people logging into the site via wp-login and not wp-admin. I know I can just delete the plugin from my server but I really want to direct people who login back to my site and not the wordpress backend.