Just wonder if the plugin is compatible or not with buddypress?
Guess it should be, but a staff answer would be appreciated.
Hi there,
I’m having trouble setting up the Mailchimp STS plugin.
I have been through the setup instructions carefully:
– I have installed the plugin
– I have added my Mailchimp API from my PAID Mailchimp account
– I have integrated Amazon SES with Mailchimp with the security keys etc and in the integrations section of my Mailchimp account have a green light, the word connected, and confirmation that I am in Amazon’s production environment with a 24 hour sending quota of 1,000 emails
– I have verified the email address I am sending from via Amazon SES, and adding the email address to verify into the Mailchimp STS sends me another verification email from Amazon with a link, which I have clicked and been taken to an aws.amazon.com confirmation page saying the email is verified
When I go back to the plugin page though it says “No verified email found.” by the email addresses label under Verified Addresses.
When I click to send a test email message I get an error at the top of the page that says:
“Test email send failed. Missing final ‘@domain'”
I checked the email address carefully on the test message and it’s correct, and tried a few times but always get the same error message.
It’s taken ages to get this far with the setup – in Mailchimp, in Amazon Web Services, in WordPress – and we’re trying to launch our site tomorrow. Could someone please offer some advice as soon as possible!
Thanks so much for your help,
Lee Branch
PS: I have screengrabs of the integration panel working, and the congratulations you’ve verified your email page, but no way of attaching here as far as I can tell…
]]>Hi! I’m trying to set up the plugin MailChimp. I have uploaded the plugin and installed it. The directions tell me I will need
1) MailChimp account and API key (done)
2) Amazon SES account with production access (I have signed up with Amazon)
3) Verified email address to sue as sender (got it)
The only place on the form to do anything is the blank next to “API key”. I’ve cut and pasted in the key number given me.
Now all I get is “API error. Please setup the integration first”.
How do I go about setting up the integration?
I hope you can help. Thanks! -John