Rating: 1 star
This plugin does what it says it does, it allows you to connect your WordPress blog directly to your Mailingboss account. What it does not explain is that it also exposes the forms to SPAM bots.
The Builderall team have repeatedly shut down the forms using this plugin, because of the volume of SPAM that the form collects.
IMPORTANT: Your Mailingboss list is receiving automated registrations from scripts called “SPAMBOTS”.
This type of attack damages the reputation of your sending domain and the IPs of our servers. To preserve our servers and your domain’s ability to continue sending emails, the list has been blocked by our system.
A new list with the prefix NEW will be created in your account. The system will copy the confirmed subscribers to this new list. To use the new list, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Change the address of the capture page and add a Captcha protection; 2. Change the form on your landing page with the new list;
3. Change your campaigns and automations to the new list.If you have any questions about this process, please contact our support.
Builderall Team
I have installed and tested three different reCaptcha plugins. None of the plugins, nor the different versions of reCaptcha have been able to work with the forms via this plugin.
I have informed Builderall support and they are aware of this issue, but can offer no support other than for me to make a suggestion for a future improvement.
I have also posted in the support forum for this plugin about this issue, but have not received any feedback.
In short, if you wish to use Mailingboss you will need to use Builderall’s Cheetah website builder. The Cheetah forms have a built in captcha integration that protects the Mailingboss list.