Hi! I hope that you will update and fix the “Make Me LInks” plug-in. It does make URLs turn into clickable links, but in WordPress 4.1, audio embedded with the built-in WordPress shortcodes disappears from the pages. When the plugin is deactivated, the embedded audio will reappear.
My site only has about six plugins. I deactivated each, one by one, and the problem only occurred when the Make Me Links plugin was activated.
(FYI – The plugin is not affecting embedded YouTube videos … I’ve only had the problem with embedded audio.)
]]>The current code has a debug Warning from WordPress by the way jquery is being enqueued. I’ve modified the code for the warning to go away, to include https links and to fix a syntax error on the get_bloginfo
function make_me_links_js() {
echo '<script>
jQuery(".entry-content a[href^=\'https://\']").attr("target","_blank");
jQuery(".entry-content a[href^=\'https://\']").attr("target","_blank");
jQuery(".entry-content a[href^=\'' . get_bloginfo("url") . '\']").attr("target","_self");
Not sure why this happen, but when installed this plugin stops my home page slider from displaying. Easily returns when deactivated again.
Any ideas?
]]>Hello dear
I like me know if this plugin only create the links in the post where I am working, or update all posts at same time?
I like me you visit Forobeta for see how the links are automatic generated (only when publish a post)
thanks for your help and happy day