Consider changing italics character from single asterisk (*
) to underscore (_
Current Markdown definitions and pre-processors recognizes both single asterisk (*
) and underscore (_
) and converts them correctly to <em>
element. However, certain Markdown processors may fail, when italics and bold appears in the same place (for example you use italics for entire phrase and additionally bold two last characters, which results in having three asterisks at the end of sentence — ***.
An example of such failing Markdown processor are comments in StackExchange network. If you’re using Markdown processor from Jetpack, it seems to be handling this situation correctly, but when an user would use another Markdown processor in WordPress, this may potentially fail.
This is a rare situation, but happens. Changing single asterisk (*
) to underscore (_
) would change nothing in your plugin (both are valid), but would make life of some users easier.
Not mentioning, that it is much easier and faster to find all these characters in a long text, if italics and bold are NOT using the same character.
]]>I have been using old WordPress installation with old version of your plugin and I have been constantly struggly with the problem, that Right Alt+Z shortcut is incorrectly redefined in your plugin’s editor and it acts like “Undo”, while in Polish and other non-Latin this combination is used to enter national letter (“?” in Polish).
I’m pretty sure, that I have reported this problem here, but as I can seen in newest version set (WordPress 4.3 + plugin 0.9.5) this problem still isn’t fixed.
As you can imagine, this is very annoying to be forced to paste one national letter from clipboard each time you need it (very often in Polish), when all other national characters (also entered with combination of Right Alt + letter) are perfectly working. We (Poles) have problem only with this shortcut and this renders usage of your plugin virtually impossible.
Is there any change you going to take a look and fix this problem?
]]>After recent update to version 0.9.5 of plugin and with WordPress 4.3 I can’t access plugin’s buttons, because they’re hidden by something.
Please, take a look at following screenshot:
]]>I disabled the Markdown Quicktags plugin, and found it works again.
]]>This plugin will disable the Add Media and Add Link buttons in the WordPress visual editor.
]]>Current implementation of this plugin incorrectly overrides Right Alt + Z keyboard shortcut to force Ctrl + Z (Undo) operation.
This renders Markdown QuickTags nearly completely unusable in blogs that uses Polish language or any other language that uses Right Alt for entering language-specific characters.
To avoid such problems, it was defined years ago, that programs and applications should not use Right Alt for any kind of operational shortcouts. Current implementation of Markdown QuickTags breaks this definition.
This should be fixed ASAP in my opinion.
]]>When I go to edit a post, it doesn’t load the buttons, I keep seeing the “Loading” animation. Nothing ever happens.
]]>I’m running wordpress with a different location for wp-content, and the core of wordpress is also on an alternate location.
And so it was that the css failed to load, it was trying to download the mdqt_style.css from **WP_SITEURL** instead of **WP_CONTENT_URL**
So I went and change from
on line 43 in markdown-quicktags.php
And it works with the alternate wordpress installation I have.
]]>OK, so how do I make this work? Even though the Markdown syntax renders fine in Preview mode, it is not working after uploading to my site.
]]>I often write with equations, using the mathjax plugin. “Render” converts the escaped brackets \( F = ma \)
for inline equations and \[ F = ma \]
for displayed equations into their html symbols, so that the brackets print instead of being displayed as mathjax. Would it be possible to avoid this? (Currently I have to render into html and then go back and correct all the equations). Many thanks for an excellent plugin.
]]>When MarkDown Quicktags is enabled my editor Update button does nothing. When I disable MarkDown Quicktags is disabled the button functions.
I am exploring to see if it is a combination of plugins or limited to my use of the plugin.
]]>I just upgraded today, and the markdown toolbar at the top and the markdownify/render options below are missing.
I’m sure this is a compatibility issue with the new features in WP 3.3.
]]>I’m not getting the toolbar on WP 3.3.
]]>In Polish language we have “?” character. We insert it by shortcut rAlt+z. The plugin uses Ctrl+z for Undo, but interprets rAlt+z in the same way. So I (and all other Poles) can’t write using words containing “?”.
]]>Can’t activate.
]]>It tries to load a non-existent stylesheet:
And when I edit a post, I see 3 “Loading” animated images and nothing happens. (Does this have to do with my qTranslate plugin, which supports 3 languages?)
]]>With Firefox4 – Windows 7. When typing ), I’ve got [] and when typing . I’ve got >
(on a test blog with default theme and no other plugin activated)
]]>First I want to say thank you for that really nice plugin. But one little suggestion for a next version. I would really like the editor background to be configurable. Maybe I am bit old style, but I really prefer a white background without any gradient.
For those who want to archive that manually, simply delete or comment out in markdown-quicktags/css/mdqt_style.css
the both below background lines:
#content,#urlpaste textarea {
/* background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.56, #FFFFFF), color-stop(1.00, #CCCAC4)); */
/* background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF 56.07%, #CCCAC4 100.00%); */
]]>When one try to activate the plugin, wp shows a warning
“The plugin does not have a valid header.”
But going back to the plugin list, one can activate it and it works just fine.
]]>Wonderful plugin, very useful, even for seasoned Markdown users.
Keep up the good work!
PS: I personally would have preferred no gradient background, i.e. to have the text area exactly as the WordPress default one.
]]>The 0.7.7 update doesn’t load any editing controls, so I had to disable it. I was using 0.7.5 previously. The site in question has WP in root, in contrast to the change comments that said the plugin was updated for operation in subdirectories.