It seems this plugin is using markup-by-attribute
as it’s textdomain, but the plugin slug is markup-by-attribute-for-woocommerce
. For language packs to work, and automatically updated independently of the plugin itself, the two strings must be exactly the same, according to Plugin Handbook.
By renaming the language pack files and copying them to the plugins/markup-by-attribute-for-woocommerce/languages
dir, I made the translations work. But hey will be lost after the next plugin update.
When the plugin is active, the swatches for the attributes are not displayed as set by the theme (Shoptimizer). Instead, when the plugin is active, the attributes are displayed in a dropdown. When the plugin is deactivated, the swatches reappear. How can I use this awesome plugin with this popular theme?
The plugin works fine but I get an error in Breakdance page builder when the plugin is active
Breakdance\Lib\Vendor\Whoops\Exception\ErrorException:?Undefined property: WP_Error::$description?in?/home/juniorgems/public_html/wp-content/plugins/markup-by-attribute-for-woocommerce/src/utility/general.php?on?81
// Add markup description to attribute terms
$results = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}termmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE ‘mt2mba_markup'”);
foreach ($results as $row) {
$term = get_term((integer) $row->term_id);
$description = trim($this->remove_bracketed_string(ATTRB_MARKUP_DESC_BEG, ATTRB_MARKUP_END, trim($term->description)));
$description .= PHP_EOL . ATTRB_MARKUP_DESC_BEG . $row->meta_value . ATTRB_MARKUP_END;
wp_update_term($row->term_id, $term->taxonomy, array(‘description’ => trim($description)));
I changed the attributes of 2X, 3X, 4X and 5X sizes from +$2, +$3, +$3, +$3 to +$3, +$4, +$5, +$6 respectively. The markups changed globally (for every device) in the ‘choose an option’ dropdown but the description price did not change (The description price reads $15.00 – $18.00 but it should read $15.00 – $21.00). Option 1 below is working but I do not see option 2 or 3 (perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place). Thank you.
Reapply markups to prices
option in the variations bulk-actions menu of each product.? Reprice
) beneath the attributes on the All Products list. One click updates all that product’s variations.Reapply Markups
bulk action on the All Products list. You’ll see a progress bar as each product for my bigger size the wording is this “Add €4.00 for 47”
how can change this to: Extra €4.00 for Size 47
a question: if i add a markup on a big shoe size in the attribute it seem not to show and i have to bulk edit the regular price again on the product.
is this procedure that has to be done every time adding a markup on a attribute? i have thousands of products this will take for ever ?? any other options?
My mark up price isn’t showing and I’m not sure why. I would like to share my access url so you can take a look, but this is a public forum. Is there any way I can email it to you or is that not necessary.
]]>After installing version 3.14, a WordPress site I am working on (running PHP 8.1) experiences a fatal error that prevents access to the admin panel. I was able to revert it to 3.13.2 and all is well again. Here’s the error details:
[05-Oct-2024 02:23:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function “add_links” not found or invalid function name in /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:326
Stack trace: 0 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) 1 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-callables.php(405): apply_filters(‘plugin_action_links’, Array, ‘markup-by-attribute’, NULL, ‘all’) 2 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Modules\Callables->set_plugin_action_links(Object(WP_Screen)) 3 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) 4 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 5 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php(424): do_action(‘current_screen’, Object(WP_Screen)) 6 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-admin/includes/screen.php(243): WP_Screen->set_current_screen() 7 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(212): set_current_screen() 8 /home/xyz/public_html/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once(‘/home/xyz/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php’) 9 {main}
thrown in /home/xyz/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 326
Just did an update and site crashes. Removed plugin, installed fresh version — same. As soon as it is activated, site crahses
PHP error log:
[05-Oct-2024 02:32:57 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function “add_links” not found or invalid function name in /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:326
Stack trace:
0 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array)
1 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php(1076): apply_filters(‘plugin_action_l…’, Array, ‘markup-by-attri…’, Array, ‘all’)
2 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php(707): WP_Plugins_List_Table->single_row(Array)
3 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php(1712): WP_Plugins_List_Table->display_rows()
4 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php(1639): WP_List_Table->display_rows_or_placeholder()
5 /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(801): WP_List_Table->display()
6 {main}
thrown in /home/beltsfromozcom/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 326
After some poking around, crash is caused by this line:
add_filter(“plugin_action_links_” . plugin_basename(FILE), ‘add_links’);
No, not in the add_links() function itself, just adding this filter causes crash. I guess, it has something to do with the generated filter name not matching what WP expects
]]>Hi! I tried to translate the plugin in Italian with Loco Translate but still the plugin is in English. I just want to translate the phrase “Add $… for …”. is there any way the translate it?
Then how can i change from $ to €? It’s already set in my woocommerce €
]]>I am working on a new site and can’t get the plugin to work. (I do have it working on another site, so I am familiar with how plugin should work).
I created a test attribute with two options — one no markup, one with markup.
I then created variable product and added this attributes to it. Generated all variations and set individual variation prices.
Looking at product page, i can select either option, but markup is not appearing. PHP error log is empty.
Anything else I may be missing?
Site is “under maintenance”, but if you let me know your e-mail, I can create login credentials for you.
]]>I am using the plug-in Product Variation Swatches for Woocommerce in combination with your plug-in.
When I updated the plugin to Product Variation Swatches for Woocommerce 2.1.2., your plugin stopped showing the cost next to the product name in the Hardness Test Block dropdown input. Same problem on other pages. Can you help solve the problem?
Hello. The plugin has stopped increasing the offer price for a few days. Only the regular price will be increased. Why is that?
]]>I added all the mark ups to my attribute’s but I do not like that on the product page is says the amount being added instead of just updating the price where the default price is. Is there a way to change this?
After a lot of struggle, i have read the plugin’s wiki in github but could not manage to solve my problem.
I would appreciate if you help me figure out what conflicts with my problem – the markups do not appear or work at all, even after create new attributes and new whole bunch of products to test it, the markups do not show, it looks like they are not working at all, regular price and or sale price inserted right, there is no “Any”, might be the currency that blocks it?
We are using the plug-in Product Variation Swatches for Woocommerce in combination with your plug-in. However when we change a markup from one of the attributes we need to regenerate all variations. When this is done, we need to reconnect all images that belongs to each variation. With 480 varations this takes a lot of time to do. Isn’t there a way that a change in the attribute markup will automatically change prices for existing products with regenerating all variations?
]]>Deprecated Creation of dynamic property MT2MBA_BACKEND_TERM::$placeholder is deprecated
From QueryMonitor. PHP 8.2
]]>I’m running a sale that makes one of the options within my attributes cheaper than usual. I am modifying the Markup (or markdown) field on the sale item but the change doesn’t go through to the product page so the sale price is not reflecting on the product page.
There are too many possible variations possible in this product for me to modify the price manually.
I only want to modify temporarily since I will not be running the sale for long.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>i added the +10 to the mark up on the colors blue lack and pink
and i had set the size markups but only the size markups are working at the moment
]]>i use hte free version of WooCommerce Wholesale Prices
Wholesale Suite – WooCommerce Wholesale Prices, B2B, Catalog Mode, Order Form, Wholesale User Roles, Dynamic Pricing & More By Rymera Web Co
if this would work with me setting a base wholesale price for all variations that would be great
]]>Dear all,
I sell courses with some optional, that I would manage by your plugin, but some options are provided by me other options are external services that for me are just costs.
I have some coupons, some as % discount and some as fixed amount, but I need that the discounts are applied only to some attributes and not others (to the external services).
For example I have a course that costs xx€ , you can buy also lunch and extra tools that you need. I want the discounts are applied just to the course’s cost, not to the lunch or extra tools that I sell at the same price that they cost to me.
Or maybe to achieve this I have to use plugin to “compose products”? If this would be the solution can I manage options that are “discountable” with this plugin to get all variations done and then manage “external services” with a plugin like wpc-composite-products so the customer can choose everything in product page ? Are there incompatibility known ?
]]>Hi! This looks like the perfect plugin for exactly my needs. However:
Unfortunately, it sets the same price for all variation. It should change it right now right? What am I doing wrong?
Are there plans to update this plugin to support WooCommerce’s recently announced HPOS (
]]>Hello! Your plugin has saved the day for us, since we needed to be able to set more than 50 variations, so THANK YOU!
However, I noticed on the settings page, there are many options for marking up prices (obviously ?? but we don’t need to use those (Markup Display, or Markup Calculations)….
What options should be checked or unchecked to disable these extra features?
In my webshop I have 1000 products. I installed the plugin and it works well if I go to edit a product and set regular price of all variations.
But it would be a huge job to do this for all existing products. Is it possible to not have to set the price again for each product, but after I rewrite the percentage price in the attributes, it will automatically take effect for all products?
If not, what solution could you suggest so that you don’t have to do this regular price setting for every product?
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards,
Tamas Fekete
]]>Thank you so much for this plugin Mark.
How to bulk update of all variation price in dashboard or importing csv file? Do you have any update on this topic thanks
]]>Hi Mark,
I have a simple request.
My question is regarding variation description settings –
When we run the command to “set regular prices”
Is it possible to take default attribute description as input (Example –
and paste it in variation description of that attribute here –
The above process should happen when we set regular prices function.
Thanks for this helpful plugin. I don’t know if there’s a option about my problem i’ve checked plugin options and didn’t see it.
Once i’ve set regular and sale price (first regular as said) it only shows the discounted price as main price (sale price). I mean not like this as discounted.
But when you choose the variation, it shows the regular price like this and then sale price+variation price correctly only below variations.
We want to show our main price at the top as current regular price like this and sales price by side.
]]>This is a terrific plugin, thank you. How can I change the text which says “No Selection” to say something like “Make a Selection”? I think it’s confusing – it looks as if there are no options available whereas what we need to tell them is that they need to make a selection from each of the dropdowns.
]]>I have installed the plugin with the Woocommerce. Created some attributes and added markups to each attribute. Created a variable product after that which lists the combination of all the attributes created.
When I visits the product frontend, although the markups become visible in the price dropdown, but the markup price does not get added to the variation price of the product.