I have create a short code [cactus-masonry] and I would like to display only 6 posts.
How can I do this?
]]>How can I set to display only the last 10 posts?
]]>Love your plug in, and its been great over the years, however I’m just bumping into a issue when I load move than 250 images\posts. I receive the error:
Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0
When I back down to 220 images all works as it should.
Here is the short code I’m using.
[cactus-masonry post_category=”Bald Eagles” quality=”large” display_post_titles=”false” display_post_excerpts=”false” post_orderby=”author” post_order=”asc” width=”33.3%” horizontal_spacing=”7″ vertical_spacing=”7″ border_thickness=”2px” border_color=”#ffffff” hover_intensity=”0.25″ hover_color=”#ffffff” page_size=”220″]
I saw a couple of years ago, someone had the same issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
]]>This is the code I am using but unfortunately 3 images are still not loading real size but like 84% of their size. Rectangular images should be 340px wide and 170 height, except the one with the bike which should be 340 high and 170 wide.
[cactus-masonry masonry=”true” post_category=”English” show_posts=”true” quality=”medium” link_location=”post” display_post_titles=”true” horizontal_spacing=’5px’ vertical_spacing=’5px’ post_order=”ASC” show_loader=”false” width=”true” height=“true” minHeight=”170px” minWidth=”170px”]
Thanks for your help
]]>Can I display the Excerpt on mouse hover?
When using a dash ‘-‘ in titles, they are showing up on the front end as ‘–’
Is there a setting to not use HTML special chars?
is there a possibility to rearrange the title, excerpt and the category?
By default the order is: title – excerpt – category.
Now I would like to have: category – title – excerpt.
Many thanks in advance
is there a possibility to display the date as well as title, excerpt and category?
Many thanks in advance
Sorry but i can’t run the shortcode generator on your web page. No preview, and no code created as it is shown in screenshots . Am i so bad ?
Is it possible a thumbnail to link a page, instead of a post or lightbox?
I’ve seen your previous answer about thumbnail linking an external URL, but maybe there’s an option when it’s about a page in the same site?
Thank you.
Great plugin, thanks.
How can I disable or hide the box displaying the loading %, at the top? It dissapears after counting, but I just don’t want it to be visible.
I’m trying to use a masonry layout of latest posts on my blog page and get the above message. Is there a faq instruction guide on how to do this?
Thanks for you help,
I am having some trouble, this amazing plugin is only working in preview mode on a page but when I go directly to the page it does not load.
]]>Hi again
I was wondering if it is possible to hide the loading box-overlay that shows when you load/reload the post, with CSS? Does it have a class that I can fiddle with? I can’t find it…
Thanks for a great plugin. I needed a plugin to display related posts at the bottom of my posts, and tried 10-15 different plugins that claimed to do that. But none where satisfactory. Then I discovered Cactus!
But (always a but!), I can’t seem to find the shortcode option to exclude the current post. Is there such an option? If not, would you consider adding this? Something like
current_posts=’false’ – that hookes to the current post.
Finges crossed ??
Love this plugin but it doesn’t function with Autoptimize plugin. Can you tell me which javascript scripts i need to exclude?
Many thanks
I would like to know if it is possible to define which hyperlink should an image have? I have a sponsor grid and want to link the images directly to their own websites…
]]>The posts align ok on the top row, but then the second row goes different. Like the example below.
1 2 3 4
7 6 8 5
And so on. I found this – gallery_align=”left” – on the website but that doesn’t fix it. Ideally posts will show like below.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Any help please? Thanks.
]]>Its me again – does this plugin support pagination? So if there are 10 posts showing on the page, then it goes to the next 10?
Can this plugin do that?
]]>Is it possible to have the title and excerpts under each image displayed? Instead of on top.
]]>I haven’t downloaded this plugin yet so please don’t tell me off for not checking first ??
I know the normal Pinterest masonry effect is to put posts in order vertically, but can it be done horizontally?
So instead of this…
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
Can it be like this?
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Thanks for your help!
]]>This plugin works perfect, but i have an issue while translating site in a secondary langugae.
I am using sublanguage to translate the website, which actually use the same post , where you add the extra translation through a drop down menu.
So when i use cactus masonry to get the post list, in primary language is perfect.
The issue is that in secondary language it shows the primary title/excerpt while the link if you click on it, links to the correct language.
I am wondering, as it can “see” the secondary url/link why it doesn’t “see” also the secondary title/excerpt ?
Any idea how to fix that?
Thank you
]]>Hello I want this one to be a one picture and it should be the same size all the time. So if the picture I upload are smaller it will resize it.
here is my shortcode.
[cactus-masonry page_size=”1″ width=”100%” height=”100%” display_post_titles=”true” show_loader=”false”]
How can I do this?
I’m using a 25% width display (4 columns). Is there any tips to display the gallery back to 100% or 50% width (1 or 2 columns) on smaller devices / screens ?
Thank you again !
]]>Hello i am trying to use this plugin with siteorigin page builder but it dosent work. when i am using it without the page builder it works and the funny thing is that i have used this on another website with page builder. What could be wrong?
Hi there,
Very nice plugin, many thanks !
I’m using the plugin generator and everything is working well. I can even display custom post types. But I would like to display only some categories from these custom post type, is it possible too ?
For eg I have a custom post type named “portfolio”. I just want to display some categories from it (news, featured…)
]]>I put short code [cactus-masonry post_orderby="rand"]
and it works. Then I put anything else (and trust, I tried a lot of variations, from your website suggestions to how using the generator) it doesn’t go past the first parameter.
For example [cactus-masonry post_orderby="rand" posts_per_page="3"]
The cactus-masonry rand order is respected, but nothing after the first parameter.
Any suggestions?
]]>Fantastic Plug in !!!
My last task is to sort by the posts Feature Image name. I know it seems a bit weird, but its how I sort thousands of images in my image portfolios.
Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance for your help !
Love the plugin but unfortunately the image results appear outside of the post tabs (shortcode ultimate).
You can see this when you click on the ‘news’ tab here: https://www.heavenlygardens.org.uk/the-churchyards/st-stephen/
How can i fix this?
Many thanks
problems with the method on the home page:
[cactus-quality masonry = “large” display_post_titles = “false” width = “20%” post_category = “home”]
If I change the value of display_post_titles = “false” to display_post_titles = “true” the gallery does not load and displays the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
and shows a breakdown:
<p> <script>
var elemsCM_GALLERY_92995 = Array ();
timerCM_GALLERY_92995 var = null;
var s = ”;
var el = null;
s = “<img class = ‘masonry_brick_img size-thumbnail’ src = ‘http: //vanessadiskin.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MG_9975-683×1024.jpg’ alt = ‘CAROLINE HAHN’ style = ‘width: 100%; height: auto; max-height: none; “/> // Break here
<div class = ‘cactus_masonry_databox’>
<div class = ‘cm_title’> CAROLINE HAHN </ div>
</ div>
<p> “;
need help!