Since a few days my WP installation gives me the following issue:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MasVideos::$structured_data is deprecated in?/www/htdocs/safemike/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/masvideos/includes/class-masvideos.php?on line?355
PHP 8.2 and 8.3 as well
is there a way to edit or change ithe single video template?
The theme Holaa has a header that overlays the video.
best regards
]]>How can we add Video Resulation switcher and multiple subtitle for each videos , We wanto make a video player like you tube , Where user can switch video resulation as per her/his device and internet speed , also he can choose a subtitle as per his/her need ..
We need help
]]>I changed the theme from pressbook premium to on air2. I inserted the support code to the new functions.php.
Videos and movies are shown and running, but the entire header of the site is vanished.
]]>Videos won’t go to the full screen when viewing on mobile. Is there a setting I have missed? Or is this not possible? Thanks.
]]>This app OceanWP narrows down this theme please find a solution to this, it does not display similar posts at the bottom of the pages.
]]>Hello, i can’t find how to fill the “department” data available for movie’s crew, thank you for this wonderful plugin !
]]>Hello, loving the plugin so far. Just wondering if there’s a way to change the “movie” text to “documentary” or “movies” to “documentaries” throughout the site. My site will be about documentaries, not movies, so I’d prefer the wording to be that.
I’m also talking about the page URLs. Is it possible to have those switched from “” to be “”
I want to change the title of $episode->get_name() to rankmath seo title
Please guide me how I can do this
This is very important for me
if ( ! is_a( $episode, 'MasVideos_Episode' ) ) {
$markup = array(
'@type' => 'VideoObject',
'name' => $episode->get_name(),
'description' => wpautop( do_shortcode( $episode->get_short_description() ? $episode->get_short_description() : $episode->get_description() ) ),
'thumbnailUrl' => array( wp_get_attachment_url( $episode->get_image_id() ) ),
'uploadDate' => $episode->get_date_created()->date( 'c' ),
Hello and thank you for your useful plugin
In the episodes section, when we enable the video download option, only the videos that are directly uploaded can be downloaded, I want the videos that are placed in the URL section with direct links to be displayed in the download section, how can I change this to do?
]]>Hello, thank you for this useful plugin
I put the videos in the episode section with url in the field, but when the videos play, the first second page is black, how can I select the uploaded episode image file as the video cover?
I Added cast, episodes, image etc. but it cant show my on my screens, so for the cast page is same situation. I put the information about cast but i cant see anything again. I believe I miss dsoing something.
could you help me
]]>is it possible to?turn?off?the?movies?and videos section?
]]>Hello. We are looking for the function that makes the iframe from a url given. We have found a masvideos_the_movie() but can not understand process for making a youtube iframe from there.
Thanks in advance!
]]>The Mass Videos Blocks like Movies Blocks seems working on the front end, however, I can’t edit the block on the backend as all I see is this on the editor “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.”
]]>Hello Sir,
I appreciate the great work you did in creating Mas Video plugin.
Unfortunately, I am highly disappointed in its workflow and process of use.
To indicate my disappointment, I want to raise 3 strong issues:
The “my-account” Page is very ugly. It doesn’t show that you put much effort into it at all.
See the Account Page of UsersWP ( ) — and the Profile Page of UsersWP ( )
It goes without saying, that your “my-account” Page is ugly indeed, and it is 100% inspired by WooCommerce‘s My Account Page.
Can you Please improve on your “My Account” Page? — and probably borrow inspiration from UsersWP that I showed you?
1b.) When we click on Video or Video Playlist,
Or we Click on Movie or Movie Playlist,
Or we Click on TV Show or TV Show Playlist, all from the “my-account” page,
These Click actions on those endpoints, should open “New Post Edit Pages” or “New Post creation Pages“.
They should either load these New Post edit or Post creation Pages, or Open these New Post Edit Pages or Post creation Pages as a Popup.
The idea of opening these Upload Video,Movie or TV Show under the “my-account” Page, is not the best approach at all.
It is bad User Experience.
Please rework this Logic, and rebuild it in a way when we click any of those Endpoints, the Pages will load and Open as New Post Creation Pages, or they will load as New Pages with Ajax without Page load, or they will load as a Popup.
Please rework the Video, Movie or TV Show creation Logic on the “my-account” Page, and implement it in the way that I have described.
When I used UsersWP plugin (
It was able to redirect the WP-Admin or WP-Login WP-Login Page to its own UsersWP Login Page– so that even if users deliberately type: domain/wp-admin or they deliberately type: domain/wp-login, it will still load up the UsersWP Login Page.
No way ever to see the wp-login or wp-admin Page anymore.
In this way, users are 100% prevented from ever seeing the WP-Admin or WP-Login Page.
This same Feature is offered by Pie Register ( — and also Profile Builder (
Can you Please implement this WP-Admin Page Redirect Feature— so that no User ever(except Admin), can ever reach the WP-Admin Page ever again?
You mentioned the fact that we should be able to create a website like Youtube or Netflix.
You said it here:
3a.) How can we create a website like Youtube or Netflix if users cannot Post Videos, Movies or TV shows from the frontend of the website?
Please implement a Front End Submission Form Feature, so that our Users can submit Videos, Movies, and TV Shows, all from the front end.
Now, our Users should also be able to create Video, Movies and TV Show Playlists, all from the front end as well.
Needing to hear from you soon.
Hi, I Want Ask about importing TV-Show or Movies.
Can i import Sources to in CVS?,
if can what column name in CVS.?
thereis same like Episode Choice/Episode Embed Content,
Sources Choice or Sources Embed Content?
Greetings. We are using MAS with the Streamit Theme. It would be really great if there was an option to allow entry of cast members on the Videos entry form. Currently, cast members can only be included on Movies and TV shows. Thank you very much.
]]>Hello, I have a problem when I try to import with MAS Videos TMDB Import. The movie or TV series rating is not imported (I mean IMDb rating) for any movie, TV series or episode, and I don’t know why. Also, the episode length of TV series and movies is not displayed, and there is also a problem with the descriptions not being displayed.
]]>I saw that this plugin allows users to create playlists, which I found really exciting! Unfortunately, it looks like it just creates a list of file URLs, not a real playlist?
]]>Hi. I hope you can help me. Whenever I use the TMDB Importer, either searching by title or by ID, whenever I click continue, it asks me to upload a csv file. What do I need to change?
]]>Trying to use the import option to enter path to csv on server but the file not being picked up any ideas
]]>Is there a way to create a template to use with my theme to display MAS content types. Been using a function provided here. But the layout and display is a bit of a mess. So what I am wondering is can I use the standard theme template as a starting point and build a MAS videos template.
]]>Hey there,
I created “Movies Carousel Nav Header Block” and when I choose “ORDERBY” Ascending or Descending both reported only descending order of release date.
I replaced the below code in ” masvideos/includes/class-masvideos-query.php line #2155 & fixed this issue. Hopefully you will correct this in future updates.
case 'release_date':
$args['meta_key'] = '_movie_release_date'; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
if('ASC' === $order) {
$args['orderby'] = array(
'meta_value_num' => 'ASC',
'ID' => 'DESC',
} else {
$args['orderby'] = array(
'meta_value_num' => 'DESC',
'ID' => 'ASC',
Hello, i can’t display MAS Videos Filter TV Shows by Tags Block i don’t understand why.
Here is the error message please help me :
Thank you so much
]]>How to display videos by tag using the shortcode like you can with the category?
hao i can turn on comment in single person ?
In Single episode comment are working fine,
in person section on comment are disabled.
Please tell me how to do it.
]]>hello, how can i make the user able to upload videos
]]>Hello. Awesome plugin. But one question. Is it possible to use WpDiscuz Comment Plugin instead of your standard Comments section? Thanks in advance