The Plugin still does it work like it should do under the newest PHP 8.1 and WP 6.7.2
To not get Warnings from Dashboard Options for this Plugin you have to do:
on line 294 at math-comment-spam-protection.php delete the “#” in front of:
‘DeleteOldOpt’ => array(‘plugin_mathcommentspamprotection’),
at inc.swg-plugin-framework.php:
Put following Code before
if ( (!$isdeleted) && ($this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’] != $this->g_info[‘Version’]) ) {:
at Line 174 :
// Initialize plugin options
$this->g_opt = get_option($this->g_info[‘OptionName’], array());
// Ensure ‘pluginversion’ key is set if it doesn’t exist
if (!isset($this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’])) {
$this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’] = ”;
thats all & enjoy
]]>Conflict with lightbox-related plugins like wp-lightbox and next gallery. Images don’t enlarge correctly when try to see them on site.
Wp 3.3.2
]]>This plugin works just fine in all but one particularly annoying circumstance: Commenting.
When installed, the ONLY way visitors can post comments, is to be “registered” and “logged in”, otherwise they will receive the following error:
Error: Please press the back button and fill the required field for spam protection.
(Note: Pressing the Back button would wipe out their text and force them to re-write it all over again. Annoying & unnecessary.)
I’ve had this problem for what feels like years (back to WP-2.8?), but only just figured out today that this plugin was the source of my problem. Disabling it now allows anyone to comment to my blog once again.
Such a shame. It is otherwise a great plugin, and if you only want Registered users posting, then you won’t care about this bug. Otherwise works with WP-3.3.2.
]]>It should be a simple plugin to install & use it. However with WP v3.3.1 i got this message:
Error: Please press the back button and fill the required field for spam protection.
*tested with localhost & on my live hosting
]]>Just a tip, for anyone wondering how to get it working with wpTouch. The file to edit is wp-content/plugins/wptouch/themes/default/comments.php
. This is where you stick your mcsp_html()
call. Of course it will vary if you use a different theme, but hopefully this guides someone to the right place. (Like me, next time I do a re-install!)
]]>When I install this plugin, I see an annoying message ask me to register.
To not expand my time editing such source code I do registration and for my surprise a anti-spam plugin were affiliate with Spam networks.
Yes, I use “Marcelo Spam Math” as name in registration form…
Hi Marcelo Spam Math, have you looked at Thesis Theme lately?
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first i translate (french) but dont work, so i reset and work again.
when i translate in french (on settings) it make 2 cases with something curious in it, and impossible to get of it
i will try on the php document maybe ? i am afraid, because it the one against spams more i try i have enough of it (and not all comments since)
No math question comes up when trying to post a comment. The user is simply led to an error page being told they didn’t answer the math question, despite there being no math question in the first place.
Stinks if you ask me. The rating is misleading – 4 out of 5 stars among 35 votes for a plugin that doesn’t even work.
]]>field Not shown ~
]]>endless spam, spam without an end…
only comment managing and akismet protect my blog, looking for another spamprotection, this one will not work fine …
After WordPress 3.0 was released, the Math Comment Spam Protection plugin 2.2 suddenly stopped working (the plugin worked perfectly with WP 2.9.2 and lower).
Thanks to Frank Bültge, perhaps we have an easy fix for the problem! (I am still testing a lightly updated version of the plugin, so no promises here!).
So, in case you are using WP 3.0 and the Math Comment Spam Protection plugin 2.2, and the plugin doesn’t protect you from comment spam anymore, try the following:
1) Open the file math-comment-spam-protection.php in the math-comment-spam-protection plugin folder.
2) Find the following code (go to line 106):
if ( ( !isset($user_ID) ) && ( $comment_data['comment_type'] == '' ) ) { // Do not check if the user is registered & do not check trackbacks/pingbacks
and change it to:
if ( ( !isset($user_ID) || (0 == $user_ID) ) && ( $comment_data['comment_type'] == '' ) ) { // Do not check if the user is registered & do not check trackbacks/pingbacks
3) Save the file and re-upload it to your server.
See if this helps making the plugin work again with latest WordPress!
It works for me, for now! ??
]]>Since I updated WordPress to the latest Version 3.0 I wondered why all this spam is getting through again.
A simply test commenting without being logged in shows that it doesn’t matter if you answer the math question or not. The comment goes directly into the moderation or spam area.
Somebody the same problem? Or even a solution?
]]>As it sort of came up on the wp-hackers mailing list, I just thought I would drop a line in here: For people looking for a current version of this plugin, I would suggest the “Quiz” plugin as an alternate. Not precisely the same thing, but works quite well and is still maintained.