An extra empty white slide is added at the beginning of the slideshow. When the page is loading, the first (normal) slide is flashed while the navigation button and arrows are loading, then this white empty slide is displayed.
Anything I did wrong ?
]]>I am looking all around the web for a really simple slider which has navigation arrows, dots and can vertically center a background image.
BUT, for heaven’s sake, I need to get rid of everything that works with pixel size specially height. I want to use viewport units to determine the slider height. For example height: 30vw.
Is this possible with you slider?
If yes, I switch from Revolution Slider (what a pain!) to it.
Thanks so much for reply!
The plugin allows to set custom slider height which is nice. I run into the same issue with a couple other posts about images not displaying optimally in mobile phones. It would be great if slider height can be set for different screen widths and not be stuck with one size fits all.
I see author’s response to other posts like this:
“This is the way the slider is meant to work, creating a full screen visual effect for the visitor when visiting from mobile. Actually, This is a common technique for images that you want to scale in mobile…”
You want to provide flexible settings and leave it up to the designer to decide the height the slider on different screen sizes to optimally preserve image content and minimize unwanted cutoff. True responsiveness is all about how to fit any type of content optimally on different screen sizes.
Thank you
I have an issue with maxslider plugin especially when I use RTL ( ARABIC LANG )
The first image looks symmetrically, but the second image does not appear well.
]]>Is there a way to use html or css to make inline adjustments to text such as italic or font size?
]]>I’ve created a slider which works fine on a desktop, but on a mobile device (iphone8+) it is not responsive. If you’ll take a look at the webpage I’ve linked to, you’ll see that the pictures are being cut off when viewed on a mobile device. I’m using this on the Olsen theme version 2.8. Thank you for your help.
]]>While updating the Maxslider Plugin, my website crashed. https://jacs-association.org/
I cannot access site at all, from the wp-admin or cPanel.
On the site, here’s the message: HTTP ERROR 500
From the error log, here’s the message:
[06-Sep-2021 21:57:24 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function register_block_type() in /home/xmm7vty94dw6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/maxslider/block/src/block.php on line 4
]]>Hi to all CSSIgniter people!
Suddenly (probably after some recent update) slide titles disappeared!
We didn’ t tweak anything either on the slider or the site.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Is it possible to make each slider image is a clickable link, not just the button? Thanks!
]]>Hi, Great easy to use slider plugin! Mobile screen only centers the slide. Is there a way to shrink the entire slide to fit a smaller window? I don’t see a setting for this and tried several css hacks with no success.
]]>Hi Anastis, at first thanks for your great plugin.
I have two questions:
1. Is there any way or idea how i can change and fix the size of the backgroundbox in the slider?
On PC the backgrundbox use neraly full space of the image, but i want to fix it to maybe maximum 33% of image/page width. If i have more text in title and subtitle the backgrundbox can go up maybe in heigt.
2. On mobilephone the images in slider are not realy responsive. In MaxSlider i have choosen imagesize by MaxSlider.
Do you have an idea what i should change or try or type in custom css to solve it.
Thanks for your reply
]]>Having trouble with empty slides that appeare in addition to the slides that I have created. Seems to be happening on mobile, but changing the window back to a bigger format, the empty slides stay there.
I did read from the forum that this issue has appeared before, but as I don’t know much about IT I don’t know how to try the fixes :S
The theme used is Olsen Light.
Have anybody had luck solving this issue?
slides in MaxSlider have a dark overlay which dulls image colors.
Is there any way to remove this dark semitransparent color?
Thank you
]]>I have created 3 slides, but plugin displays 4 slides (3 that I have created and 4th empty one).
How to disable empty slide ?
Please help me, why does my Max Slider overlap with MENU?
How to fix it?
Hi, I use Moliere Theme and I would add the booking widget (that is the code [channel-manager]) already in the slider under button “learn more”
Is it possible?
Thank you
Whenever I use this slider on a page/post other than homepage I get a blank slide at the end of my slideshow that is caused by the page-hero-slideshow-nav-wrap div, which displays the dot navigation on mobile resolutions.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
]]>Hi is it possible to animate text on each slide, how to add css or javascript animation.
Is it possible to link to a url when clicking on the image or title, without having to physically display a button ?
This is a bit unusual, but I’d like to know if there’s a way that I could display an image map (an image with active areas) from imagemapper, inside a slide.
basically, it means displaying a shortcode of the form [imagemap id=”1000″] instead of a picture.
Any idea how to do this?
Thanks for a great plugin!
]]>Hi, the textbox in the slider is not really adaptable on the devices. It seems that its size is never adjusted relative to the overall slider size. Is there a way to fix it?
]]>Forgive my ignorance. Is it possible to use the button URL field to poiiinmt to an eternal link? Thank you.
]]>I tried a slider and the image stretches from one side of the page to another. The image size setting is 300×300. What am I missing that will reduce the image on the site?
]]>hi. Having a problem with your plugin, I can’t add slides and there’s a jQuery error apparrantly. https://www.screencast.com/t/tR6uXZik and its this code right here https://www.screencast.com/t/4gDSk4fCz2Gm
I tried running your plugin in 4.8 and it seems fine. You need to make a fix for 4.9
]]>I just downloaded your plugin and it appears very promising, but I am having trouble setting up my images properly and can’t seem to locate any documentation.
I’m using the default setting, for now, so image size of 750×450. So I resized all my images to have a max height and width of 750×450. Yet when I upload them and insert them into the image deck, when I view the website they still remain cut off, enlarged, … I just can’t seem to get the image to display properly.
It is possible to get some advice, how-tos.
How does one determine the sizes of the images required so they display properly based on the selected Image Size setting?
Thank you,
I have a request / suggestion:
The dot navigation (as opposed to the left/right arrows) is very elegant, but it has a settings problem. Specifically, you can define only 1 color (background), which makes them hard to see on different images. Since the arrows already have 2 colors (back/foreground) in the settings, the dots should also use them.
They could look like the Tabloid theme slider for instance: a circle in the foreground color, inside a bigger circle in the background color.
And 1 nice-to-have: be able to set their vertical position in the image (like pixels from bottom)
Thanks for your attention,
A client is asking me if the slider could be full width, i.e. exceed the lateral limits of the theme and cover all the available screen space horizontally.
Is this possible without too much coding ? I saw that some of your themes offer this option natively, it’s perhaps a good idea to include it in the maxslider settings at some point.
]]>I really like the look of that slider… but on my mobile phone it looks awful. how can I make that slider responsive? or are you gonna, in a later coming update?