It would be really nice to have an option to enable to category links to also pull up all the images in the category and not just the posts. Right now I am working on adding code to the category page template to pull up the images in that category and could use some help!
]]>It doesn’t seem to be auto-saving/updating when in Media Library *grid* view you check a category for an image, X out, and then come back to the image.
It’s only remembering the category in Media Library list view, clicking into a media edit page, checking the category, and then clicking the actual Update button.
Maybe it’s an issue with the newest version of WordPress? Would help a lot to speed my work up on assigning categories to dozens of images.
]]>When inserting an image into a post or page, would it be possible to have a category drop-down so you can narrow down the search by category as well as the generic search option?
I need to get all the media who have a class together in a post. I tried Standard methods for the categories and the taxonomy and it does not work. I would like to know how to get all the media who like airplane category and the example displayed in a custom page.
Nice idea, but it looks like the gallery shortcodes are working on this.
Any chance to get an update?
]]>Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Media_Categories::enqueue_media_categories_styles() should not be called statically in E:\..\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 429
The above warning is displayed on add/edit category, media page.
]]>I want to display one image per category (media category) in a custom loop.
I have that but it’s doesn’t work
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’,
‘numberposts’ => -1,
‘post_status’ => null,
‘child_of’ => 34
$attachments = get_posts( $args );
if ( $attachments ) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
echo ‘
endwhile; endif; ?>
anyone know how can i do this?
]]>Thanks for a great plugin. When I use the plugin with no additional taxonomy, the media listing shows the categories for each media entry and allows clicking on the category to see all of the media. But when I put in my own taxonomy, mediacat, I see it on the edit screen, but do not get the category heading on the media listing (between author and uploaded to). I have read the instructions many times, but must be missing something.
In functions.php of child theme, I have defined the taxonomy and added the following code:
add_filter(‘mc_taxonomy’, ‘win_filter_taxonomy’);
function win_filter_taxonomy($taxonomy){
if($taxonomy == ‘category’){
$taxonomy = ‘mediacat’;
return $taxonomy;
$my_custom_media_metabox = new Media_Categories(‘mediacat’);
]]>Hello, I need to sort .doc files on page by category, I want .doc files to uccur automatically on site, as they are being uploaded. I was trying to use “media categories” plugin and I put shordcode [gallery category=”sermons” on page, it works perfectly ONLY for images in category “sermons”, its not sorting text files. Is there any way how to sort text files using this plugin?
]]>View this webpage:
When you click on the Applebee’s restaurant icon, their website comes up, which is great. But when you go back to my website, the screen goes black.
How do I fix that?
My goal is to have external links for the photo galleries that I create on my website.
P.S. It may work a time or two, but then it will fail and go black.
]]>When inserting media into a page/post the Select Media window pops up, with two tabs which allow either selecting an image from the library, or uploading a new image. If choosing the former, WP presents uncategorized thumbs of ALL the images in the library – not useful if you have a large collection of media (I have over 4000 images). It would be nice if this plugin provided a category filter.
]]>Hi, in one site I can see the view all categories dropdown filter but not on my new site. Is there something I am doing wrong?
]]>It appears this plugin has been abandoned by the author, which is too bad. It’s a fantastic concept.
]]>Would it be posible to add a quick edit on the media page, the page that lists all media?
I have 200+ uploaded images that need categories and a quick edit as in the pages function would help a lot.
I have installed the plugin which allowed me add category to media attachments. Now i want to use this category to remove ads from certain attachments.
In normal wordpress post we can remove ads from certain posts using function !in_category() and since media category slug remains same in this plugin, same should be working in attachments too but to my bad luck its not working on attachments.
Ads removed from single WP posts but not from attachments even after adding category manually.
Any help ?
]]>I would love to know if I can just get a listing of the media categories, along with hyperlink, to all photos tagged with a particular category. Similar to widget for normal post categories.
Seems simple enough, but I cant seem to find the right shortcode.
]]>In my header I have used images but i’d like to make a foreach loop from al the images with the category ‘slider’ so I can make an slider. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
]]>Is there a way for the end user to order the media items?
I can do this by editing the order field in the database but there is no way to manually order or drag and drop inside WordPress.
]]>No matter what options are selected, the search function returns a blank page. Other than that documents are listed and clickable, and if I add a menu item for that category they are listed correctly. There is security on the site so you might not be able to see it
]]>When in the process of Setting Feature Image or Inserting Media and wanting to select an image from the Media Library, there is no filter available to narrow down the existing images to a specific category.
Please add this needed filter by category function to the “Set Feature Image” window and “Insert Media” window.
]]>When uploading a new image with the new wordpress image editor – when you enter in a value into a custom field, the field de-selects itself and then inexplicably selects the previous field.
great plugin; was trying to figure how to get a custom-tax in the Media Modal, and found you’d already figured that out. thanks, saved me bundles of time.
wanted to point out: your code example here:‘mc_taxonomy’
needs a semi-colon, here:
return $taxonomy;
when I assign the category via the Media Library, on the Media > Category page the counter stays on 0. But if I click on the 0, all images in this category are shown…
Could you solve this issue…? Or am I the only one with this problem? ??
]]>Hi, I wonder if I can retrieve the category of media files using XMLRPC.
]]>Managing the WordPress support thread is becoming a bit unruly. Its fine for conversations and general support, but its really bad for bug tracking.
Feel free to ask questions regarding usage, or to ask here first to determine if something is a bug or not – however from now on if something is a valid bug I would appreciate if everyone could report them on the GitHub Issues Tracker.
GitHub Issue Tracker
Just like we already do with and, the GitHub Issues Tracker will serve as just a bug and feature request tracking tool whereas this support forum can be limited to conversations, questions, sanity checks, and general praise of how awesome I am.
This will simplify bug reporting and help me track feature requests and reduce duplicates.
Feature Requests
Please check the issues tracker to make sure the request has not already been made. If it has, feel free to add a comment to show your support for that feature. As stated above, this will help reduce duplicates and let me gauge if a particular feature is especially desired.
Bug Reports
As with feature requests, please check to see that the bug you’ve found is not already in the Issues Tracker. If your not sure that the problem your having is a bug, then feel free to post a question here describing your trouble and if its determined that what you have is a bug with the plugin, I’ll ask you to post it to the issue tracker.
Code Submissions
I love open source – several times I’ve had developers find bugs, fix them on their own, and give me the code. I REALLY REALLY appreciate this. However I can’t always get around to code reviewing or releasing the next version right away. After a while its harder to keep track of the code people have offered me.
I ask that if you go to GitHub, fork my plugin, commit your code, and create a Pull Request. If you don’t know git, it may sound intimidating but believe me its really easy, and GitHub has a ton of tutorials on how to do anything you need to. Its generally something you should get familiar with anyway – its a wonderful tool.
I’m really happy that this plugin has taken off in popularity – I hope I can always stay a bit ahead of what WordPress is doing with the Media Library and fill in the gaps where it falls short.
Thank you all for your feedback, bug reports, code, and your patience.
]]>I have the following category hierarchy
I have assigned a media item the application-notes category. It all looks correct in the admin interface, but it does not show up when I browse the public category archive page. What is the correct url/way to view media items in a category archive listing?
]]>I installed your plugin and adding categories to new media works good. But what we really need is two more things:
1 – a dropdown in the media library window (just like in the posts window), so that we can select to see just the pics of one specific category instead of a list of +20.000 images.
2 – an option in the media library window to bulk add/change categories for selected pictures. With the enormous amount of pictures we have now, it’s nice to have the posibility of adding a category to a picture, but with the interface we have at this moment, it will take months to put all these pics in the right category.
Do you think that this will be possible in some future version? It would make your plugin a heaven-sent solution for our problems.
Thanks in advance.
Just installed your plugin to test it – I do not know if it is an error or if it is intended to behave this way, but when I upload an image there is an popup window that say’s “undefined”.
Is this an error/bug in the plugin?
I’m wondering if there is a way to programmatically get the attachments attached to the current page, from (a) specific categories/category, and list these in a simple html list? I can’t use the gallery tag since it only displays images, and this should be a part of every page so it makes more sense placing it directly into the template files.
Thank you very much, really nice plugin!
I can′t get this code working from my single template:
echo do_shortcode( ‘[gallery category="good-news"]‘ )
It displays all images attached to post, not good-news images
Also I try the shortcode directly in the post editor and it displays all images attached to post, not filtered images by term.
I try with custom taxonomies, but the same output, all images.
WordPress 3.5.1
Media Categories 1.5