1. how do you include more than 9 mentions
2. how do you create a nice 2 or 3 column grid like view
3. only 3/9 are showing on preview page ideas
hi. I am trying to use plugin. However no matter what url i input all it returns is my own wordpress site’s logos, both in preview screen shot and logo selection.
Can you please help me understand why is it happening ?
Hi there! This seems exactly the plugin I’m looking for (thanks so much for developing this!), but it’s loading really slowly for me. In fact, I still don’t know what the final product looks like because it’s taking over 20+ minutes for the final collage to load on the page. Is that usual? I have 9 URLs.
If it slows down my site to a crawl, it’s not useful at all and will just hurt my site, not to mention my site rankings.
]]>Hi there,
This seems like exactly the plugin I’m looking for, and am hoping you still offer support for it.
I have a WordPress installation in a subdirectory on my site:
I’ve set the .htaccess file to redirect calls to the root to the subdir (when you go to the URL, you don’t see the subdir). This seems to only be the case on the public side, not the admin side.
It seems that Media Mentions is looking for an installation in the root and therefore isn’t finding the files it needs to operate. Specifically, it can’t seem to find any image files (even the Amazon logo and PayPal donate images). It doesn’t offer a list of logo selections, nor generate a collage image.
For testing I’ve hardcoded my subdirectory in media_mentions.php and have gotten close, but I’m at the limit of my knowledge and was hoping you could offer some help.
Thank you!
And the website that it seems to need to link to https://www.mediamentionsplugin.com is down.