how can i find the deleted users, so i must delete it also from my excel file.
Pleas help me.
Kind Regards.
]]>I tweeked and twested this plugin over and over to be able to make some use of it. I payed 218.3€ and that is another trick, as they tell you it costs 185.
Anyway, you have to wait about 2 hours to send 200 emails, and you won’t be able to send more than 2000, most of the time not even that, and you will never know if you have sent the emails and to whom if any sent…
Stay away from this plugin
For anyone encountering a similar problem:
When either trying to create a new newsletter and adding entries to it, the pop-up just keeps on ticking and nothing happends and the text “Waiting datas…” is shown.
Or you can’t generate a senders list.
This is because the file (/wp-content/plugins/meenews/inc/ajax/ajax_actions.php) is programmed to search for wp_config.php at “../../../../../wp-config.php” (line 4). But the path to wp_config.php doesn’t have to be in wordpress root directory. It can also for example be above that directory, for security reasons. This would mean that the line above would need one more “../”.
This is for the WordPress Newsletter Mee News plugin.
]]>This is the worst plugin ever. It sent 400 copies of the same mail to everybody on my contact list.
The assistance is worse thoug… 3 tickets and not even one line of response.
Instead of paying this lugin, you can light your cigar with money and it would be better spent.
]]>Steer clear from this particular plugin. I paid for it and now I am preparing to sue them. It has been sending the same message to my list, 400 copies per person. This caused my customers to block my messages totally.
They are too slow to act or even to answer my mails.
This is a fckd-up plugin that will cause nightmares.
]]>I’ve made an Dutch translation to the MeeNews plugin in poEdit.
But when I upload it to my server it does not automaticly detect the Dutch po-file.
How can I make my Dutch translation work?
Contact and translated po-file also available on elkana [at] elkana [dot] nl
]]>Updated to WP 3.2.1 and updated from 2.7.1 to V5.0 setup but has issues. After setup and config, can’t create newsletter, the popup opens and just hangs. the older version 2.7 was much faster and worked great.
Unsure about support, looks like a nice app but with little support it is a hard to give this product a good rating.
]]>Having upgraded WordPress to 3.2.1, the MeeNews subscription form now returns the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot access private property PHPMailer::$to in /wp-content/plugins/meenews/inc/classes/mee_sender.php on line 121
This thread suggests that an update to PHPMailer in WP 3.2 causes problems with Configure SMTP and WP-Mail-SMTP: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/php-mailer-issue?replies=3.
It seems that MeeNews is also affected.
]]>WordPress database error: [Table ‘qmdse_wpdev.wp_meenewsstats’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT IGNORE INTO wp_meenewsstats VALUES (1, 1, 1)
WordPress database error: [Table ‘qmdse_wpdev.wp_meenewstatsclick’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT IGNORE INTO wp_meenewstatsclick VALUES (1, 1,1, 1, ‘2009-08-05′, ’12:00:00’)
Doesn’t look too good.
Too bad, it looked before install like a nice alternative.
Hi all,
I’ve got a question about MeeNews, and particularly about the sending-of-the-newsletter part. Below is a copy of my ticket at MeeNews support. Haven’t got any response so far, maybe someone of you can help?
For our websites we’ve purchased the Premium version of MeeNews. After ‘installing’, testing and configurating I’ve send a first newsletter to ± 2.400 subscribers.
With testing to 1 – 10 testsubscribers I saw a nice confirmation that the newsletter was send.
With 2400 subscribers I did not see that confirmation, the ‘sending’-page was still visible (I started sending late in the afternoon, I still saw this screen the next morning!). However, I did receive a server-notice that ± 2400 mails had been send.
For the second newsletter, again I did not see the confirmation that the newsletter was send. The server-notice I did receive, told me that ± 1600 emails had been send. This means that MeeNews did not send the second newsletter to all subscribers!
A quick why we purchased MeeNews Premium:
– different templates available to choose from
– using posts from the website to insert in newsletter
– using multiple lists
Any help would be very much appreciated!
]]>When I send the newsletter in the email that arrives to customers, the special characters are not shown, or wrongly shown. In the preview and in the web view, there are no problems, any ideas?
How could I add an image or logo in newsletter widget? Is it possible to your plugin?
]]>I have been using MeeNews daily for about 15 months. This is a great plugin that has helped to increase my traffic by about 15%. The support is fantastic too. Daniel Perez has answered every question even though we don’t speak the sane language. I use the Google translator to communicate with him. I highly recommend using this plugin
I found that while I tried to add post in the newsletter, the image within the post are unable to show up in the newsletter. Is there any image setting needed? Those images are well showned in my post but failed in newsletter.
After upgrading Meenews to 5.0 I’ve recieving this error when trying to use the password recovery function
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PHPMailer in /XXX/wordpress/wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php on line 34
Also, I can create newsletters, but the are not being sent. I asume there is something wrong with the sendmail function.
Any idea ?
Tengo la versión premium del producto y al crear un nuevo usuario, cuando envía el email con los datos de acceso me reporta un error http 500, alguien sabe a que puede deberse??, si desactivo el plugin todo funciona correcto.
Looks like MeeNews has been updated to version 5.0 ?!
I’ve tested and looks good, but some things has changed and broke my theme, for example the template tag that calls the widget
<?php TvNewsletter::activateNewsletterPlugin(); ?>
Also I’ve tested with WP 3.1 alpha, and seems to have some problems like
‘Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 211
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 226
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 233
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 240
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 265
Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 27′
]]>In commercial mode don’t work unsubscribe.
Can’t move subscribers from one part to another.
In general create instability of wordpress script.
I installed it, made some changes and corrections (the English version is rather poorly written to put it nicely), uploaded the files and was able to see the changes. However due to some problems with the server I had to disable it, and after that the widget was gone. After several uninstalls, directly via ftp from the server, and re-installs the widget was still gone (it’s visible in the list of plugins and it can be activated, it just doesn’t show). Also the changes I’d made are still there even after uploading a fresh unaltered version, so it looks like it writes something somewhere, I just haven’t been able to figure out what and where. Have emptied the cache and refreshed server etc. Thank god I installed it on a test blog only, as apparently there’s no telling what it does…
]]>Hi Mee News does not work on many levels
1) the inscription widget does not work
2) the inscription widget has a clickable link to the developers own site
3) It is so badly written that dificult to understand in either English or Spanish
30 When I tried to uninstall it, it caused a fatal error
Hi, I’ve been having problems sending e-mail through the plugin, and my server says it’s because it uses the ‘sendmail’ function instead of ‘phpmailer’. Though I noticed that the plugin has the ability to send mail through phpmailer (I assume so because of the class.phpmailer.php file).
So the question is: how would I make sure meenews is actually using phpmailer and how would I configure it to work right?
I’ve read some tutorials about phpmailer but I don’t seem to get how it relates to the plugin.
Thanks a lot for the help in advance.
]]>i was trying to uninstall and got an error:
class tvnewsletter not found
I’ve been using MeeNews with my regular WP instalation and worked right. Sincer I’ve enabled “multisite” MeeNews started to work wrong.
First, when activated, i had problems creating new sites.
i had to desactivate plugins, create the sites, and then re-activate them.
My problem now is that sending a news form my subdomain site (mydomain.com/site2/wp-admin) it send me an empty email. So I have to
1) create de News from my subdomanin site (mydomain.com/site2/wp-admin)
2) send the News form my main domain site (mydomain.com/wp-admin)
Any idea if this going to be fix ??