I install the plug-in, but I cannot see setting under the installed plug in page, neither can I see the plug-in in the left-hand side bar of WordPress where all installed plug-ins appear.
]]>I have Woocommerce on the site to sell products, and login is via the MW login connector. The problem I have is that if users add products to their cart and then log in, the cart is emptied when they login. Is there something in the plugin code that causes the cart to be emptied?
]]>I restrict access to content based on the WP User Role. With Membershipworks Login Connector active, members cannot see this content.
Looking at wp-content/plugins/memberfindme-login-connector/memberfindmelogin.php
I note lines 90 and 91:
The current user ID should not be set to 0, it messes with the WP User system.
I have commented these two lines out and the system now works as expected.
Can this be rectified, please.
]]>I put the membershipworks login widget in the footer of my site for easy access. It’s fine on desktop but on mobile, every page immediately jumps down to the login widget. Is there a way to prevent this other than moving the widget out of the footer?
]]>I’ve recently started helping out on a site that uses this plugin, and they have an issue where if your wordpress_logged_in_[hash] and wordpress_sec_[hash] cookies expire (which happens after two weeks), logging in with [mw… doesn’t create those cookies. If I delete the SFSF cookie (which expires 3 months in the future), then you can log in fine.
Process to duplicate:
1) Delete cookies wordpress_logged_in_[hash] and wordpress_sec_[hash]
2) Log in – at this point the login dialogue disappears, but the cookies from step one are not created
3) Delete SFSF cookie
4) Log in – Note that this time the SFSF cookie and the cookies from step 1 are created correctly
For the time being, I’m setting the SFSF cookie to empty in functions.php if a user is logged out, but would prefer plugin fix, assuming this isn’t an issue with my setup.
I need to check a member is logined or not. I used sf_memberonly(‘[memberonly]’) this function to check but getting error result like ‘PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sf_memberonly()’.We are using genesis theme.Please helps to fix this issue.
]]>We have users that signed up through MembershipWorks and were added as subscribers. We changed their roles to contributor but they cannot see posts when they log into WordPress.
]]>Good morning,
I want to use membership on my website for my members community but I want it to be by invitation only. I want the new members to be invited via unique link sent to the email of the new member by the registered user who invited them.
I also want the membership invitation for new members to be possible at the front end and available to only logged in users.
We are using the login connector and recently gave one of the members Admin access in WP… all was fine.
The user recently updated their email address in the WP Profile and they could no longer log in… “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”
I worked around it by disabling all the plugins and came to this connector plugin as causing the issue. When it’s disabled, no problem exists.
Any ideas on how to fix this up?
]]>As you may already know, MFM user data is not accessible nor stored in the WP database. This pluggin is awesome and a great start. My question is how do we capture data entered in custom form fields that were created with the MFM?
Our goal is to use either Zapier or WP’s API to integrate with other services. This plugin creates / adds a user into wp database but not the custom fields. Any ideas on how we can modify this plugin to add the data submitted in MFM as user meta data and stored in WP database?
]]>I’m having trouble with the WordPress Lost Password functionality when this plugin is enabled.
If you enter a username, the password reset processes normally. If you enter an email address and click the “Get New Password” button, the (url)/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword page doesn’t finish loading and doesn’t send the email notification to the user.
If I disable this plugin, it works just like it should when using the email address (and username).
The password reset in Membership Works is working just fine. It’s just the WordPress passwords and just by email address that doesn’t work.
I’m not seeing anything relevant in the logs or debug.
Any ideas?
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way to allow people in folders other than the default “members” to view content that is hidden with the memberonly shortcode?
We have a folder named STUDENTS with people that we want to see the same content as MEMBERS.
]]>We’re trying to lock down a template to specific “labels” only in MFM.
If the member is signed in, we’re receiving a message but not the_content().
What are we doing wrong?
Here’s our code:
$response = sf_memberonly('[memberonly label="CITAPRIL2016"]');
if ( $response == "") {
} else {
echo $response;
]]>After importing Members via CSV there are no corresponding WordPress accounts.
Is there a way to force the login connector to generate the wordpress user records in one step or does each user have to login individually?
]]>I want to show a message AND the sign up form, or at least a link to it.
I am struggling with this.
]]>I’m attempting to setup user access to a BBPress Forum via MemberFindMe & the Login Connector – because BBpress uses templates for handling it’s paths, i can’t add the plugin shortcode via the_content, but rather will need to utilize it in the template via do_shortcode, however this isn’t working. Can you address why this would be and let me know if there’s a work around?
]]>Are there any known issues with this plugin in IE8? I have a client site that uses this plugin and when users visit the site using IE8 it seems like all the ajax calls just keep going for ages.
]]>About a week ago I updated to WP 4.0.1 and updated my MemberFindMe and MemberFindMe Login Connector plugins as well. Everything says it should be compatible.
Since then, whenever members try to log in to access the PW protected pages of my site, it says “You must be a member to access this content”, even when entering correct info. Eventually, after logging in 2-3 times (the site takes you to new logins each time), the screen just says “0”.
Please advise how to correct this – paying customers are unable to access their info.