Suggestion to update all open tags to be <?PHP. the plugin errors out if short open tag is enabled in php.ini.
]]>In function redirectIfNotMember() in npcms_membership.php the redirectToPost doesn’t work using the default permalink settings. Suggest fix from line 89
if ($restriction == 'member') {
if (!$m->isUserLoggedIn()) {
wp_redirect(add_query_arg("redirectToPost", $post->ID, get_permalink($loginPageId))); exit;
//wp_redirect(get_permalink($loginPageId).'?redirectToPost='.$post->ID); exit;
if ($restriction == 'member-roles')
if (!$m->isUserLoggedIn()) {
wp_redirect(add_query_arg("redirectToPost", $post->ID, get_permalink($loginPageId))); exit;
//wp_redirect(get_permalink($loginPageId).'?redirectToPost='.$post->ID); exit;
if (!$m->userInRole($selectedRoles)) {
wp_redirect(add_query_arg("unauthorized", "true", get_permalink($loginPageId))); exit;
//wp_redirect(get_permalink($loginPageId).'?unauthorized=true'); exit;
I just installed this plugin and the restrict access box appears on each page, but it doesn’t expand. Likewise, the login page tells me that the username and password are incorrect. Is it possible I am not pointing to the right URL for the iMIS connection?
Thanks for your help.
My version of iMIS is 15.0.
We are working with an organization that has upgraded to iMIS 20 and were wondering if you were updating this plugin to accommodate that version as well? There are several issues that are happening because of the current setup and a plugin such as yours that helps integrate WordPress with iMIS would help, we believe.
Thank you.