Well I’ve installed the plugin and I am logged into my account. My account image has changed but it isn’t my skin.
So how does this plugin work, how can people that register on my wordpress site enter their Minecraft username to grab down their skin?
]]>Discussion options page displays an error and breaks the rest of the options page on the bottom of page.
Default Avatar
For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their e-mail address.Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_user_id_from_string() in /home/noxmcpvp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/minepic/minepic.php on line 125
Same exact issue as https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/fatal-error-1139?replies=3#post-5448442
However this issue has not been fixed.
]]>Another topic here mentioned UserPro. Their issue was resolved via a BuddyPress integration. We are not using BuddyPress.
Can you look into supporting UserPro directly?
Hello RaynLegends,
I use on my Blog bbPress but Minepic destroy the Profile look of bbpress… the pics direct in the Forum works but when i go to /user/Name i becoume an error :C
Can you add a bbPress Support?
(sry 4 my english)
The Avatar not served with UserPro, help please
I get the following error under “Default Avatar” inside wp-admin/options-discussion.php:
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_user_id_from_string() in wp-content/plugins/minepic/minepic.php on line 125
Not sure which one to install, they both seem the same. This one is marked as being a modification of Minotar, could we get an idea of what the modification is?