When I try to log in via the widget it redirects me to the wp-login page and says my credentials are incorrect. When I use the same credentials on wp-login it works just fine.
]]>I can’t remove the red style override on the login/logout link. How can this be done?
(Incidentally, in my admin dashboard I don’t have the edit options – as shown in the plugin directory screenshots – for the general settings (which include the stylesheet). But I don’t think this would make a difference anyway since the red color is not being assigned from the stylesheet.)
]]>HI, I am wondering if I can directly edit the Meta in the files. I do have access to FTP, so dont worry. I just need to know what file and where the file that contains information about the Meta links in the sidebar.
]]>Like this plugin as an opposed to editing the Meta file directly. Having said that, no mater what I do it will not remove the www.ads-software.com link in the form, even though it says it you can enable/disable it. The tick box is unchecked for both login logout, I renamed it, cleared the cache, even used a different browser and a different device. Anyone else have this problem?
]]>In the screenshots, I see the “Edit” ability in the three lower selections “Stylesheet”, “Sidebar Widget Settings (PHP Function)”, and “Display on Pages”. After installing the plugin, I have these selections but not the ability to edit them.
I also do not see any selection for using the redirection ability as described.
Thank you!
]]>Could you seriously reduce the “size” of the Login Widget?
Between a few of the options there is a lot of space.
The Lost Password & Register links should be on the same line, etc.
I don’t know, if you could find a way, to just reduce everything, and eliminate space. The thing is HUGELY long.
Much appreciated.
]]>Plugin not able to edit the meta
]]>hello awesome plugin by the way!
Just wondering if it is possible to change the ‘Your profile’ link so that it goes to the users front end buddypress profile instead of into the dashboard profile?
]]>When installing the plugin in version 3.3.1 there are several compatibility errors. Errors saying that some methods are depreciated.
I have activated “user must be registered” on my settings > Discussion Option. But the “register” link is still not working on the mini meta widget.
]]>This works nicely with 3.2.1 as far as i can tell!
]]>Being new to WordPress, there is always the possibility that I have messed something up, but when I installed mini-meta it appears that it does not function. As above I am running 3.1.2, and the plugin site says it is tested through 3.0. Any idea when you will have it tested and working with 3.1.2? Or if it is working, let me know and I will try to go back and look to see what I have done wrong.
]]>Hi !
I installed MiniMeta Widget on my website (https://www.arles-avignon.com/), but I’ve a problem with the “Déconnexion/Connexion”, that appears in red, and I wish it were the same color as the rest.
Thanks !
]]>i want to change gravatar size in login form box, in this plugin setting i click edit gravatar and see the size :70 but can not click to change the size. Help ?
is it possible to put an own link in the widget with a short description?
thx, Frank
]]>i ticked login form but i didn’t see login. What did i do wrong?
]]>My site was working fine. My server is fatcow.com, but I had my siteurl and home url set to https://www.seattle99s.org instead of seattle99sorg.fatcow.com. Then I installed minimeta, and I can’t log into my dashboard unless I go into phpMyAdmin and manually change both the siteurl and the home url back to the seattle99sorg.fatcow.com. I don’t want to use these. I’ve tried deleting the minimeta plugin and installing it again, deactivating it, and deleting from dashboard. I still can’t get it to work. what am I doing wront? It worked fine before the minimeta plugin. I still see some fields in phpMyAdmin that have to do with minimeta, but I don’t want to touch them cause I don’t know what they do.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin “MiniMeta Widget” version 4.5.3 and have created a user account for myself and another person but I don’t see a section of settings where you can block people who are not logged into the site from accessing pages I specify (i.e. Documents & Forms) as uers/members only. Looked for documentation but havnen’t found any. Any assistance is appreciated.
Website is: https://lambdaphi-oppf.org/site
Tairk Moore
I am trying to get rid of the bullets in the list.
I am on the adminpage and putting in the css-code, but nothing happens!
I have added:
in the general settings for stylesheet in column 1 on row:
<li style=”” class=”” >
I dont know which class to set!
Please help!
Still a great plugin you have developed: the problem is that I can not change settings (eg CSS) in Firefox 4.0: (
Same for the “check boxes”: they visually renviennent to their original position “checked” by default.
]]>User does not get Registration Confirmation link on their email and cannot retrieve password.
]]>Hi –
For some reason, when I click on the “login” button, I receive an Error 404 message. This was working up to a few hours ago. The site in question is https://nyszetas.webuda.com/wordpress/.
I do love this plugin, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi Daniel,
great widget thanks a lot for it.
I have a problem with an installation where there is qTranslate.
All works fine but when I want add the link to “Your profile” to the widget and use “Ipertextual links administration”, select on “Show only unselected links” select all link except Your profile and it works correctly.
The problem is that, no matter which choice I perform, the widget display also the menu links related to qTranslate (in this case English and Italian).
Of course, clicking on it, the not admin user receive a message that have no enough permission to accede.
I’m not able to avoid this behavior and need link to profile, what can I do?
Thanks in advance
]]>Want to have Gravatar and Login/Register/Admin meta side by side in Widget (left aligned). How can I do this?
]]>Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in /public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/minimeta-widget/app/options-save.php on line 70
usually I manually upload plugins, this one included, but on a site that I have hosted with hostgator, I decided to use the WP backend to find and install the mini meta widget. I activated, when into to setting, and when I try to save, I get the above error.
I tried at first using WP 2.8.6 – then I deactivated, and upgraded to WP 3.0 – tried activation, then settings, when saving, I get the same error.
I tried to 775 some folders and files – but not getting any luck with it. It’s the mini meta 2.5
I tried saving with the default “New” as the name, and simply changing one setting – it gave error. I tried changing the name to “lnkch” instead of “New” – and made no changes to any checkboxes – get the same error.
Have not had this problem the mini meta 2,5 install on my other web server, doing manual install btw.