My users will always prefer verification by email, or would prefer to have the choice, such as for passwordless login or updates on purchases. Do they have the choice? We would like to verify their phone number by SMS once only.
Thinking of using this with SMS and BuddyPress. Does it save the phone number in the user profile somewhere so we can refer to it later or change it as an admin?
Does this also have an API so we can integrate it into a mobile app?
Thank you.
]]>I have fluent forms plugin on contact page which works on its own. But If I activate the Orange OTP Email Verification / SMS Verification / Mobile Verification plugin, then the form after clicking submit button no activity happens and the form is not sent. At the moment I have deactivated this OTP plugin. Can you kindly look and revert Thanks
]]>I found an issue. When using gravity forms SMS Verification it’s not working good when the gravity forms AJAX is enabled. After you click on submit button without fill any field it reload the page and give error in console “jquery is not defined”. The problem persists when using Gravity Forms with Ajax enabled. For example, with the shortcode?[gravityform id="1" title="false" ajax="true"]
, the issue occurs. However, setting Ajax to false?[gravityform id="1" title="false" ajax="false"]
?resolves the problem. The issue seems to be with the OTP plugin since Ajax is a core function of Gravity Forms. You can check the documentation here:?Gravity Forms Shortcodes. Please consult your developers to address this bug quickly.
Trying to translate those two strings:
Unfortunately, I cannot find them via loco translate. Are they hard-coded?
It seems to work quite ok, except for after one verification I’ll have to wait for 1000 hours to request a new token. I have not found any settings to change that. Like a user would have to request probably 5 OTPs per hour.
Would be great to get some feedback here.
]]>I��m using WS form as far I��ve seen it��s the most advanced form plugin that I used, but you support WS form?
]]>Hi everyone!
I have a question: I use the plugin for OTP via email, after login I set a page as redirect. Is it possible to attach a parameter to the redirect URL of that page?
]]>i am using AJAX Login and Registration modal popup – PRO but cant fine the fleld of phone verification. during registration
]]>Can you help me? I keep having this error when ever submitting the form “The phone number OTP was sent to and the phone number in contact submission do not match.”
]]>My sms gateway only work with 10 digit number, No country code required, But in your plugin there is no option to disable country code feature , i have purchased Twillo/msg91 lisence but in premium, there is no fature availbe to disable the country code
]]>Is it possible to send SMS to Israel using miniorange gateway? if yes, is it included in 10 SMS/Day or 300 SMS / month for free?
]]>i would like to use your plugin to verify COD order before actual address is placed. Do I require SMS ID or DLT registration?
]]>WS form is the most complete and customizable form plugin for wordpress developers.
Would have expected integration with it.
Any plans to do so?
Hi, redirection to webpage after successful login is not working. User is redirected to homepage. Is there any chance how to repair this? Thank you.
]]>For OTP Login Via SMS, Does this Plugin allow us to read the SMS and AutoFill. Since most of Customer base use mobile to visit website, I need this feature
]]>Hi all
Is it possible to customize the name of the sender when verifying with SMS, it’s now MOAUTH but I want to have my own company name as a sender.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
After updating to 5.0.4 I got this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\Handler\is_plugin_active() in /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/notifications/wcsmsnotification/handler/class-woocommercenotifications.php:82 Stack trace: #0 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/traits/class-instance.php(23): OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\Handler\WooCommerceNotifications->__construct() #1 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/notifications/wcsmsnotification/class-woocommercesmsnotification.php(87): OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\Handler\WooCommerceNotifications::instance() #2 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/objects/class-baseaddon.php(28): OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\WooCommerceSmsNotification->initialize_handlers() #3 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/notifications/wcsmsnotification/class-woocommercesmsnotification.php(51): OTP\Objects\BaseAddOn->__construct() #4 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/traits/class-instance.php(23): OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\WooCommerceSmsNotification->__construct() #5 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/helper/class-miniorangegateway.php(84): OTP\Notifications\WcSMSNotification\WooCommerceSmsNotification::instance() #6 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/helper/class-gatewayfunctions.php(80): OTP\Helper\MiniOrangeGateway->register_addons() #7 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/class-moinit.php(318): OTP\Helper\GatewayFunctions->register_addons() #8 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/class-moinit.php(66): OTP\MoInit->register_addons() #9 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/traits/class-instance.php(23): OTP\MoInit->__construct() #10 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/miniorange_validation_settings.php(67): OTP\MoInit::instance() #11 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-settings.php(473): include_once('/home/prisma/pu...') #12 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-config.php(98): require_once('/home/prisma/pu...') #13 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/prisma/pu...') #14 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('/home/prisma/pu...') #15 /home/prisma/public_html/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once('/home/prisma/pu...') #16 {main} thrown in /home/prisma/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/notifications/wcsmsnotification/handler/class-woocommercenotifications.php on line 82
Can you please check this?
I’m sticking with the earlier version in the meantime.
]]>Hi, after last update (14.11.2023) there is solved compatibility with HPOS, but newly there is wrong display of controls and dropdowns, as you can see here:
]]>Hi MiniOrange Team,
I have purchased WooCommerce All Inclusive Plan. However installing the premium plugin causing the site to crash. The crash log is:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “OTP\MoOTP” not found in /home/u/domains/site url/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification-woocommerce-premium/miniorange_validation_settings.php:27
Stack trace: 0 /home/u/domains/site url/public_html/wp-settings.php(462): include_once() 1 /home/u/domains/site url/public_html/wp-config.php(103): require_once(‘/home/u��’) 2 /home/u45454545/domains/site url/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/u��’) 3 /home/u/domains/site url/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once(‘/home/u��’) 4 /home/u/domains/site url/public_html/index.php(17): require(‘/home/��’) 5 {main} thrown in /home//domains/site url/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification-woocommerce-premium/miniorange_validation_settings.php on line 27
There has been a critical error on this website.
I am running WordPress: v6.3 & WooCommerce: v8.0.1 & Your plugin version is: v13.3.0
Can You Have a look there.
]]>RE: WordPress social login and register plugin – Linkedin app product “Sign in with Linkedin” seems to have been removed. Documentation says deprecated as of August 1st 2023. Permissions no longer available. Profile and email permissions now provided by another product. Linkedin integration not currently possible.
]]>Do you have to pay for a service to send the verification code?
]]>Hi team,
I installed the Ultimate Member plugin 2.6.7. Wanted to have Phone verification with OTP in the login form. I followed this blog post, the OTP field did not show up. After reading this support, I rolled back to UM 2.6.6. But still the OTP field not showing. Verification OTP plugin version 4.2.0. Please help.
]]>Does this plugin support OTP verification before the actual COD order can be placed?
]]>Good day to all! Tell me, please, there was such a situation:
Installed the OTP Verification plugin on the site ( /) so that the user can register/log in using the SMS code. Registration is going well, but the login is not, writes “Invalid Username”. According to my guesses, this is due to the fact that the subject (woodmart) or wordpress itself thinks that you need to enter an Email in this field, not a phone number. Tell me what to do please?
I am a co-author of the bbP Style Pack plugin, and wanted to reach out to you to work on a resolution for a plugin conflict.
Within Style Pack, we have Moderation Tools for use with bbPress topics/replies. If your plugin is activated while trying to enable/disable those Moderation Tools in our plugin, it results in a generic “The link you followed has expired!” WP error message, and shows the following debug warning message:
Warning: Undefined array key "miniorange_feedback_submit" in /path/to/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/handler/class-moactionhandlerhandler.php on line 435
Despite getting that warning message, it doesn’t appear to have anything to do with the conflict.
Normally after activating Moderation Tools in Style Pack, the page should reload to:
Instead, with your plugin enabled, it kicks out that PHP warning message with a generic “link expired” WP message, with a 403 forbidden status code, at:
No other part of Style Pack seems to have conflicts with your plugin, only Moderation Tools. The Moderation Tools themselves appear to work properly as expected. Only the settings page that allows you to activate/deactivate Moderation Tools is conflicting. What makes it strange is that that settings page follows the same structure format of all other settings pages within the Style Pack plugin, but only the Moderation Tools settings page is conflicting.
I’ve browsed through your plugin code, but haven’t been able to find the conflict yet.
I checked if any of our function names, form name, nonce name, field names, (and so on) exist within your plugin and they don’t as far as I can tell, so that shouldn’t be the conflict.
You use namespacing and all of our relevant classes start with “bspbbPressModTools” (and those Moderation Tools are actually functioning properly) so there’s shouldn’t be any class name conflicts.
I’ve tried to identify the conflict on our side without any success, so I’m asking you to do the same on your end.
Until we get this resolved, I’m instructing our plugin users who experience this issue to temporarily deactivate your plugin, enable (or disable) Moderation Tools in our plugin, and then re-activate your plugin.
You can see this support topic for additional details. Thank you for time and cooperation with this conflict between our plugins.
]]>Hi, please take a look into the recent Ultimate Member updates. After I have updated UM to 2.6.7, my SMS OTP verification (with UM registration form) seems not working anymore. So I rolled back to 2.6.6 so as to keep this working. I can only retain the old version for short period because 2.6.7 is an important update to fix its security vulnerabilities. Please advice.
]]>Hi, the phone field is working when I use it without enabling the country dropdown on my checkout form. If I enable it, it is throwing a javascript error and not proceeding to further. Showing infinite Ajax loading. I have attached the screenshots of the error. Can you check this once, please? Thanks in advance.
Hi, I just downloaded this plugin and has been testing it using SMS OTP verification. I want to add this feature to my Ultimate Member registration form. Upon testing, user did receive an OTP but when come to verification, it prompted:
��<strong>Error</strong>: The response is no longer valid: either is too old or has been used previously.��
May I know what does it mean?
I use Nextend Social Login plugin for registration/login.
After login, I need to verify the phone number of the user. How can I use this plugin to achieve that.