Do you think there is a way to address correct cached files after theme switch:
add_action( 'setup_theme', 'switch_user_theme' );
function switch_user_theme() {
if ( in_array( wp_get_current_user()->ID, array( 5 ) ) ) {
$user_theme = 'fezforprez';
add_filter( 'template', create_function( '$t', 'return "' . $user_theme . '";' ) );
add_filter( 'stylesheet', create_function( '$s', 'return "' . $user_theme . '";' ) );
This works, but not with minipress, ??
]]>What is it?
]]>Hi, I have a very basic question.
What if I use this plugin along with a caching plugin (WP Super Cache, in my case)? I used to use wp minify, but it doesn’t work on WP 3.5.1 (broken) and caused many errors on my site. Thanks