I want to see if your software can be used as:
1 – a simple ordering platform. This would be for current clients, and no money exchanges hands.
2 – a simple way to integrate a shopping cart like experience into the website, but not to buy something, but to request information. Like to place a “add to the information request”, click here. Then, at the actual page where it lists he items of interest to the person, there would be a field where the person can
I want no sales on the site and leave only an ordering system, or a info request shopping cart
]]>This is what i always get form Autoinstaller when trying to install miwoshop 3.0.4
Error: Unable to update plugins of the WordPress installation My CMS: PHP Fatal error: Class ‘MRequest’ not found in /var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/wp-content/miwi/framework/session/session.php on line 241 Fatal error: Class ‘MRequest’ not found in /var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/wp-content/miwi/framework/session/session.php on line 241
]]>I would like to inquire on your eCommerce store and its B2B features. I shall list my requirements below. Kindly let me know which of this feature you system can provide and which will require customization.
1. System must allow us to create different member classes (i.e Retail customer, wholesaler, VIP wholesaler, etc and allow us to define different prices for each member class. System should also allow us to hide certain products or categories from selected member classes.
2. System must allow user to search product by Brand or description so that customer can add it to their order list.
3. System must allow for quantity based discounts
4. System must allow to give discounts based on payment method. i.e: If customer chooses to pay Cash on Delivery subtract 2% discount to total receipt or is customer chooses to Pay via credit card add 2% processing fee on total receipt.
5. System must allow for minimum purchase value based on location. i.e: within city area a $100 minimum purchase value and outside city area $500 minimum purchase.
6. System must allow administrator to edit customer quotation manually and update customer. i.e: Product customer wants is out of stock so administrator suggest an alternative product.
7. System must allow for credit term processing. i.e: customer to pay 60 days from purchase date
8. System must allow other payment methods such as Cash, Cheque and online banking.
9. System must allow scheduled credit card payments. i.e: System will record customer credit card detail but will only make the transaction on the 60th day from the order date.
10. System must allow administrator to send out email promotion blasts.
11. System must notify administrator of due payments for customer who are owing based on their credit term.
12. System must allow us to set tax rates and exempt certain products for tax charges.
13. System must provide option for live video or audio chat at the front store until checkout process is completed.
Other requirements:
Can we upgrade this B2B platform to a multi-store marketplace in future?
before i′ll buy the pro version i have to check the plugin. In the backend i want to create an order. At the last step i can′t choose a payment method and also no a shipping method. So if i click “save” i get the following error:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
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Links to the shop, categories, and products work fine without permalinks. However, as soon as I enable permalinks, the store breaks. I can access the main MiwoShop page (/shop), but all products and categories return 404 errors.
]]>I have an OpenCart 1.5.6.x store that I am trying to port over to MiwoShop 3.0.0 (or any version for that matter). What is the best way to accomplish this? I have a full backup of OpenCart, but it looks like the database structure may be different in MiwoShop.
]]>The description of the extension clearly states:
Bulk CSV import/export (products, categories etc.)
However, I have found no such utility, only the standard OpenCart Backup/Restore (which does not use CSV) and the Migration (which is PRO).
]]>First i want to give thanks to the creator of this plugin. I have installed this plugin and loving the look of the plugin on my site, however i can’t seem to add a product on my site without getting this: Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors!
I have tried everything to solve this problem but it still pops up no matter what. After i load my product, this the information i typed in each box for my product:
Product Name Organic Moisturizing Cocoa Butter
Slug Organic-Moisturizing-Cocoa-Butter
Meta Tag Title Body Butter, Organic Butter, Moisturizing Butter
Meta Tag Description This organic cocoa butter is a great moisturizer for all skin types.
Meta Tag Keywords Cocoa Butter, Moisturizing Butter
Product Tags Organic Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Body Butter, Body Butter
Please help me understand what am doing wrong. Thank you.