Hello, this is Greg Urban, Validas admin for MCCa.
Some clients are currently experiencing a problem with analyzing Verizon bills: Verizon’s RDD zip file and Device Report are uploaded, but the upload process gets “stuck” (spinning processing wheel), as a result the analysis or press Submit for help are not showing.
Your MyPHP Admin will not show the analysis data, but will retain the bill and user data so you can follow up with that until we post an update.
1) User data will still populate in the appropriate table. The analysis data will be shown as NULL.
2) Bills they’ve uploaded will be in the appropriate tables: RDD + Device Report. You can export these tables with the headers and into Excel for manual review.
Work Around: Run these queries manually from your PHP MyAdmin raw data table to create analysis results. Data usage is not included here.
Total Bill: SELECT (SUM(ROUND(Total_Charge,2))) FROM `’wpvd_att_raw_data_report;
Total Line Count: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT phone_number_invoice) FROM wpvd_verizon_raw_data_report
Total Savings: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT phone_number_invoice) * 13 FROM wpvd_raw_data_report
If you need anything else related to a Verizon upload issue, please respond to this thread or email me directly: [email protected]
Thank you,