Boa Tarde!
Eu instalei o plugin mobilepress para ver como iria ficar no meu site, n?o gostei do que foi apresentado, ent?o desativei o plugin, só que quando eu acesso o site por um dispositivo móvel, o site continua com o padr?o do mobilepress, por favor quero saber porque esse motivo e como solucionar, desde já agrade?o.
]]>I use this plugin for a long time now but has discovered that titles for group, post and sundry doesn’t show up when in the forum section of my site.
Any help or suggestion to fixing this will be really helpful. You can see this error via PC by visiting ?mobile
Thanks for this great mobile plugin. It’s working quite fine. Is there any way to display title and meta tags added in thesis theme which is activated as a primary theme on my website? Currently, both thesis and mobilepress displaying different sets of title and meta tags. This might confuse Google as both the versions displaying same content but not the meta tags.
Vikas Kukreja
]]>The plugin is not working… still shows desktop version in mobile devices. ?
When i click the “Activate for theme” button nothing happens… what is supposed to happen?
]]>I installed MobilePress. Once I did, when I go to the site on my iPhone, it says This Webpage Is Not Available. If I check “Force Mobile Site”, I get a mobile version on my iPhone and also on my laptop. When I uncheck it, I get the desktop site on my laptop and the error message again on my iPhone. I am really lost at this point.
]]>Hello, my site will suddenly begin showing the mobile version on the desktop. It happens for a few days and then fixes itself, but it happens over and over. Today I resaved the Mobile Press settings and it went back to Desktop. But does anyone have any fixes for this behavior? I am in the process of redesigning the site and won’t need this plugin much longer, but need to stop this from happening in the meantime.
Thank you!
]]>Is it possible to change the color for a mobile press site? Mine is only in black and white….
]]>My web server was recently upgraded to php 5.4 and now the mobilepress comment gives a 504 error whenever someone leaves a comment. I had to downgrade the php version to fix this.
Any solutions sir?
I recently installed the Mobilepress plugin on my site. It’s an awesome plugin since it lets do a lot of things but I am currently having an issue with shortcodes. It seems that mobilepress does not let any shortcode run. even when using do shortcode. Can anybody give me some pointers here?
Thank you in advance.
]]>My website was running totally fine until i installed this app. After uninstalling it my website can’t load any of its pages or blogs, and i cant even make new ones. How can i fix this? plx help
]]>I installed mobilePress and uninstalled it. There’s a table called wp_mobilepress that was never uninstalled. Is it ok to drop this table altogether?
]]>Hello I’m experiencing something really painful. I use Quick Cache and each time this is activated, my links bring visitors to the mobile version of the site, even on desktop browser.
How to prevent that ?
[ Please do not bump, that’s not permitted here. ]
]]>It seems MobilePress suddenly stopped working on my blog today at
The only recent change I have made was to put in a plugin for a widget for following my blog on social media sites.
The plugin I added is called: “Follow us on widget”
I don’t think this should cause any conflicts with MobilePress, but not sure.
]]>Would it be possible to add Previous & Next links into the top and bottom of each post view page? Since these are standard links in most WP themes, it would be useful for navigation to have them appear in each post in this mobile theme. Cheers.
]]>This plugin works with my site if I enable Force Mobile Site option but then mobile loads on desktop also. How can I get it to detect automatically without forcing it? Thanks
]]>Firefox OS UA are like this one:
Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0
Here is the UA string reference:
Please, make Mobilepress capable of know that Firefox OS is a mobile device.
]]>Hey Guys,
Is anyone having troubles getting this plugin to detect the latest version of iOS 7.0.2?
It worked perfectly fine when my phone was on v7.0, but since the update this plugin doesn’t seem to be detecting.
User agents;
“Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A501 Safari/9537.53”
“Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53”
Permalink structure is working for Desktop on Custom post type but not on mobile
This works
This returns a 404.
This url viewed on mobile device also returns a 404
trying to target a single-recipes.php template file in my mobile theme to show my recipe.
]]>Hello there!
I wish to add Firefox OS support to Mobilepress.
This is te current check.php class in Mobilepress:
I think this changes can do the trick:
Please, tellme if is it possible and, if it is, please fell free to use my changes in any way. ??
]]>Update the plugin, and it deactivate all other plugins, had to delete it to get all back.
]]>I have a Iphone 4s and the link to desktop version just gets me back to mobile again
Is there a fix for this?
]]>Does this plugin not work with the facebook wordpress plugin? Neither appear on mobile devices after adding this plugin. I think this is extremely important.
]]>I’m having problems with the devices, galaxy tab 7 “galaxy tab 10”
galaxy tab 7 “it opened in the desktop version and the galaxy tab 10” open it in mobile version, link the site I’m having trouble
Not found or another error with disposito, awaiting help.
]]>I followed the simple and clear installation instructions found here:
1. Upload the “mobilepress” folder into your “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
Yet, when I visit an article/blog on the site, nothing happens; I see the desktop version. Why?
]]>I am running the Genesis Framework / Outreach Theme on WordPress 3.5.1. I have MobilePress plugin installed, but when I view the mobile page I created, I do not see the navigation menu…is there a way I can have this appear on each page on the mobile site?
]]>Please add support for Custom Post Types, most people do not use WordPress just for a blog anymore and now use Custom Post types, unfortunately MobilePress does not show these posts
]]>I am using MobilePress plugin on my website to make my website mobile friendly, but when website is loaded in mobile its not showing up images at all.
When I try to print the template url (bloginfo( 'template_url' )
or get_bloginfo( 'template_url' )
) in my mobile theme it’s missing the theme folder:
instead of
bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' )
gives the same result:
instead of
In the main theme (desktop website) everything is ok!
I’m using MobilePress v1.2.1
I’ve set the Custom Mobile Themes Directory to “/wp-content/mobilethemes” but the problem remains when I’m using the default theme directory.
A few people here and elsewhere on the web have been wondering how to get a custom theme stylesheet working on this plugin or how to restyle the default one.
I was wondering, too, but found the answer. MobilePress is set to call the stylesheet /MobilePress/css/style.min.css by default, even after you’ve added a custom theme.
To get the custom sheet working, either add an include call within /MobilePress/css/style.min.css to your custom style.css file, or change this line in the header.php of your custom theme:
<link href=”<?php bloginfo( ‘template_url’ ); ?>/css/style.min.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” media=”screen, handheld, print, projection” />
to this:
<link href=”<?php bloginfo( ‘template_url’ ); ?>/style.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” media=”screen, handheld, print, projection” />
Then just css away …. simples.
]]>i want to use this plugins for my sub domain mobile version. and need to use all the content from main domain. is it possible? and how?