When I enter a shortcode in the modal, it is not rendered. What can I do about this?
when using the modalblock as combination of block “group” “modalblock” “shortcode” and “paragraph” technically everything works well, but when closing the modal a small frame remains on the image.
As i’m not sure, where to post correctly, i’ve also open an issue on the github site (with screenshots).
Hi, my team and I are trying to add a video in the pop up, but the video won’t show. Are video blocks not supported in the modal block?
]]>Hello, very nice plug-in. I might be missing something but is there a way to close the Modal window without turning the close button on? I would like to add this same functionality to close to a button or a link with a class or something like that? Thank you!
]]>Just have a question. When the button modal is loaded, do all modal assets (like any image inside the modal, etc) load as well, or do they load once the modal is launched?
]]>Thank you so much for the plugin. It’s been a real help.
I am looking to open the modal under certain conditions, in my case triggering it from Javascript in the footer.
I’ve found bodModal.initModal(); only opens the modal on the page when the modal has already been open (e.g. on page load).
Is there a way I can call to open a modal through code?
]]>Does the plugin loads css/js in every page or only in the page where the block is called?
]]>Hello and thank you for this wonderful plugin ??
One question: could you allow customization of the h2 element in a future update? So that you can select h2-h6 here.
Background: since the output is in the HTML code of the page, an h2 may interfere with the order of the headings in the page, depending on the positioning, which is a disadvantage from an SEO point of view.
]]>Is it possible to change the font of the trigger button? Is it possible to change the margins of the button? I would like to change the font weight to “normal” instead of “bold-face” and make the whole button smaller.
We are trying to use this plugin in WordPress 6.2.2 on a WordPress VIP account but we get an error when deployed.
Locally it works totally fine but when we deploy and goto page creation we see the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'page') at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/edit-post.min.js?ver=d098b8ee5bdffa238c03:7:30074 at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/data.min.js?ver=90cebfec01d1a3f0368e:2:11372 at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/redux-routine.min.js?ver=d86e7e9f062d7582f76b:9:790 at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/data.min.js?ver=90cebfec01d1a3f0368e:2:10206 at Object.dispatch (https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/data.min.js?ver=90cebfec01d1a3f0368e:2:11315) at Object.initializeMetaBoxes (https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/data.min.js?ver=90cebfec01d1a3f0368e:2:18700) at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/edit-post.min.js?ver=d098b8ee5bdffa238c03:7:103729 at Ir (https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=18.2.0:10:73407) at xl (https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=18.2.0:10:93227) at https://my-website.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=18.2.0:10:91969
However we can get around it by adding &concat_js=no
to the query param of a page edit.
Is this something anyone else has seen before or has any ideas with? It is only on pages that use this component.
]]>Will there be an update for the sake of compatibility with recent updates of WordPress?
]]>It’s not obvious that the button label text is editable. I would suggest improving the UI in these editable text areas. Maybe, present it as a field input?
Thank you
The showonce option is not working correctly for me, it is only working on localhost. Do you have any idea why, I don’t have any clue !
I had to do a crappy fix with js/css:
let popupcustom = sessionStorage.getItem('custompopup');
sessionStorage.setItem('custompopup', 'true');
Thank you
]]>Hello –
The plugin works great, however I’m facing a situation where I need to programmatically close the modal after a form submits – is there a function I can call on form success?
Thank you
]]>I have quite a lot of text in my modal and the user scrolls through the text (this works great so far). But as soon as the user reaches the end (or top) of the content, the actual page continues to scroll, even though the modal has not been closed yet. How can this be easily prevented? Is there CSS for this? I am happy about any hint.
I have an issue with a non-working mobile menu. The theme author commented on a similar thread that:
“which likely means that one of your plugins modify the enqueue order of jQuery”
After deactivating Modal Gluten Block the menu does in fact work so I suspect it might be the issue.
Can you confirm that your plugin does modify the enqueue order of jQuery, and, is there any chance that might change in a future update?
All the best, Thorir
]]>We are using the modal block, with a custom element click as the trigger. Modal opens, and we have a Gravity Form inside.
If we partially submit the form, and click submit, the modal just closes, so we don’t see the form errors. If we click the trigger button again to open the modal, we then see the errors.
Any way we can keep this modal open, until the form has successfully submitted?
]]>Whenever someone, other than me, edit and saves a page with a modal it breaks and only I can recover it. I’ve already tried giving people administration privileges and it didn’t work.
I don’t know what else to do.
Modal Guten Block – Modal disappears with tap anywhere on the screen. How to fix this so that only tapping the button at bottom dismisses modal. Also how to disable tapping ESC key to dismiss modal.
]]>Hi there – is there any way to remove the fade transition when clicking between modals using ‘.bod-modal-to-modal’? Everything else works great, just wondering if there’s a way to set that overlay to display until clicking out of a modal. Hope that makes sense.
]]>Please let us know, what you mean with these Settings and their dependencies:
Page Load Options
Display Once?Display the modal one time only.
Modal Id Optional ID used to identify modals on different pages as the same. That is, all modals with the same ID and Display Once set to yes are treated as the same modal. Used to stop same modal on different pages being displayed more than once.
Show Once Every x Days Optional number of days before display once expires and modal is shown again. If not set defaults to 30 days.
URL Content Trigger Only trigger modal if the URL contains this text
]]>I’m getting two broken aria references on a page where I’m using this plugin. The output of the code shows aria-labelledby=”” aria-describedby=””. Can you please tell me how can I set these values?
I want to use some customized ways to close the modal block, so I need to create some script to close the modal block. What function do I need to call on what object on the page to close it?
I tried already to find the modal block div by it’s css class and set its display to none, but that didn’t work.
]]>Hi, great flexible modal plugin!
One issue I’m having is with keyboard accessibility. You can launch the modal with keyboard tabbing if assigned to a button but then cannot get any focus/tab around within the modal. Is there anyway to resolve this?
]]>[email protected]
Modal Block Upgrade 2.0 to 2.1 breaks menu item footer more button and mobile menu and does not close.
I reverted because I am working on it. If we can talk, I can update it and show you.
(index):2722 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at (index):2722:2
(anonymous) @ (index):2722
(index):2855 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at (index):2855:2
(anonymous) @ (index):2855
vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at HTMLDocument. (vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1:96647)
at l (vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1:34379)
at Object.fireWith as resolveWith
at Function.ready (vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1:36923)
at HTMLDocument.L (vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1:34117)
(anonymous) @ vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1
l @ vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1
fireWith @ vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1
ready @ vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1
L @ vendor.js?ver=1.1.41:1
ivaluaincd.wpengine.com/:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
(index):2758 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at checkCookie ((index):2758:3)
at onload ((index):985:30)
As per the title, is it possible to select inline text as the modal trigger, for example
Brown cow jumps over the moon
Then use “jumps now” as the modal text link?
]]>Normally, WordPress isn’t happy with:
$(document).ready(function() {
which can easily be replaced in your theme files with:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
For whatever reason, many vendor files in the theme functioned quite well before as the first declaration. Once I updated to v2.1, they all suddenly broke and had to be updated. Not a huge deal, but confusing as to why we had no problems for a few years, and this plugin update today exposed this issue.
I have a query on my development website that loop through a custom post type, to load a lot of employees into my page.
Each employee has details, bio, and more i wanna show in a modal.
My problem is that i can’t make your modal work into that loop ?? Looks like the modal is not generating basic stuff like aria-labelled. The modals exists, the triggers exists, but some specific class and id are not generated and i assume, that is because it’s inside a loop.
If i add one single modal at the beginning of the page it’s working.
My question is : do you know a way i can achieve that with you plugin ? Thanks for your help, i use it a on few sites already and i like how easy it is to use ??
]]>Did you ever get around to adding onclose events to the plugin, I noticed you mentioned you would be looking to add this in the future? would make the tool more usable for videos etc if we have a callback for the onclose event.
]]>Hi Mark
In short, I am trying to achieve the same as described in this thread.
However, using “image click” as a trigger, I can’t find an option to integrate the “Modal to modal links” in an easy way inside the modal content.
Can you assist please?
Thanks a lot