This plugin was working perfectly but after update showing no style
my Site
I tried to use your plugin, but it is making a lot of queries to DB and then I refused it.
You have in the “functions.php” file the code like this:
for(...) {
$wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_title FROM $posts_table WHERE ID = $post_number")
Why do you making separate sql query in cycle?
You can make just one query above like this:
$wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_title FROM $posts_table WHERE ID IN ($postsIds) ")
One general query to DB is more better than N queries.
If you have a wish, please fix this trouble and your code.
]]>Cannot get daily rank.
Assume we chose to include articels that were visited/created in the last 1 day.
If, for example, the most ranked post was visited 100 times in the past and noone has visited it during the last 1 day -> post is’nt displayed on the widget.
If, in the future, during 1 day three visits occur to that post -> post is displayed and visit count is set to 103.
Am I right?
How to get the real number of visits occured exactly during the chosen period of time -> 3 visits during last 1 day instead of 103 visits?