So I have set my ideal home page now as my landing page as the best performing home page but how do I set the posts page to the Projects custom post type I’m using to share case studies?
]]>Tried with default and custom themes, Customizer is “loading” and not showing real time changes. The good news is that if a CPT has already been set through this plugin, after disabling it the CPT stays active, even if it’s no longer listed as a static page option.
We have one (still private) website where enabled Custom Front Page prevents editing the front page with Elementor. I have switched it on/off 3 times so I’m pretty sure it’s a reproducible bug.
Log in JS console :
TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
at n.initSettings etc.
Versions :
The good point is I can disable CFP and the page still remains at the front.
]]>Thanks for your great plugin. A few days ago it worked great. It got me the option so select Google Web Stories as front page. No I made some changes on WordPress: Deleted plugins that I didn’t use and also some themes.
Obviously I deleted too many things: Now I can’t choose stories anymore as a front page element und Settings > Read.
Do you have any idea what I made wrong?
Might be a silly question but what I’m trying to do is display an archive of custom post type on the front page. I have one custom post type called “Projects” and there are many projects posts in it. I have created a template using elementor which is working fine in archive page. Now the problem is I want to set that archive as a front page.
Is it possible with this plugin to display the archive on the front page? Any Guideline will be appreciated
]]>I have set a post as homepage with this plugin. I also added the canonical url in that post but when I check the canonical url of my website with any online tool, it should show but instead, the canonical url is /
I think it is affecting my website SEO, so kindly guide me about this.
Plugin does exactly what it says it does. Works great.
Unfortunately, mine does not show any left column navigation on the post when it is being used as the homepage. Is there a workaround for that? Am I just doing something wrong?
]]>I have a custom post type with 4 pages. When I set one of those pages as my Front page (a static page), when I am editing the page changes do not show (for that page only) when I use the Preview Changes button in the publish meta box. Thank you for your help. Jerry
]]>Hi and great plugin.
I installed and now trying it to use for my custom post type. When I load the frongpage, it loads the content of default page template. How can I load the content of my custom post type?
]]>Any chance that you’ll be updating the plug-in to be compatible with WP 3.6 any time soon? It would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I am trying to use this plugin to make my wordpress landing page my static page. When I do this the format of my landing page changes and looks like a wordpress page with the sidebar and menu. Is there a way to fix this and make the landing page format the format for the home page?
]]>I just installed mPress Custom Front Page, edited the Appearance/Reading screen and I can’t see the Continue reading link at the end of the excerpt. I am really struggling with the excerpt issue. I tried to use another excerpt plugin which didn’t work either so I deactivated it before I installed mPress Custom Front Page. Any suggestions?
]]>went to readings and to get a drop down menu I have to click on static front page, is this correct? If so do I now need to creat a front page, as all there is in the dropdown menu is my posts and my page. I want a flexable front page that just shows an image and a short summery of my latest postings. can this plug in do this or is something wrong with my installing??
best regards Sharon