Rating: 5 stars
Funciona perfecte, es útil, fàcil i el millor de tot… es gratuit. Li dono un 10/10.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Got it set-up in no time. Easy to install and configure… really convenient!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Muy buen plugin para poder aplicar de una forma muy fácil la nueva ley de Cookies. Buen trabajo!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Un plugin molt recomanable.
Fàcil d’instal·lar i de personalitzar. A més ben adaptat per ser compatible amb WPML.
i a més gratis!
Rating: 4 stars
Thanks very much for this plugin. A couple of errors:
– Spanish translation has one error. First the message addresses the user as “usted” and afterwards as “tú”.
-When saving the settings through the admin panel, the custom css textbox introduces escaping characters (‘\’) to the css rule that applies the Close icon. At least that has been my problem on Firefox 29. As a result, the Close icon does not show up, and after saving settings more times the css rule ends up like this:
background:transparent url(\\\”../img/close.png\\\”) no-repeat center center;
(Wrong escape characters before ‘ or “)
Rating: 5 stars
Easy to install, and I can costumise my own css.