I have an exactly the opposite situation as this plugin’s default. I do want to propagate all taxonomies from one of the subsites to all other sites in the network. Is this possible? Thanks:)
Can this work on just one custom post type taxonomy?
]]>I like the concept of the MU Central Taxonomies plug-in, however setting child sites to use ONLY the main site’s categories and taxonomies instead of its own is problematic as then the child can’t have any custom categories or taxonomies of it’s own.
I have three possible suggestions:
Have the plug-in ‘include’ all the main site’s categories and taxonomies instead of forcing the child site to use only the main site’s categories and taxonomies or have the option of one or the other.
Have a settings page for the plug-in on the main site that allows the admin to select what taxonomies will be replaced or shared onto the child sites (ex: be able to individually select taxonomies such as categories and/or tags, etc.)
Create separate plug-ins that only forces one of the main site’s taxonomies on the child site. ex: ‘MU Central Tags’
Having something like ‘MU Central Tags’ is what I am really looking for, as I can’t seem to find a plug-in that will allow global tags usage across a multi-site environment (without merging all blogs into one mega blog).
]]>I like the idea, very clean implementation, but are there any non-obvious drawbacks with this approach?
What happens if you run this plugin and then disable it?
Will there be a database discrepancy?
Can terms between different sites collide?
]]>I tryed a lot, but i just cant get it working at all, I am using a coupon theme and i need to use the taxonomy fot other sites in my multisite wordpress!! Please help. Does anybody know of a working plugin?
]]>When sharing the wp_x_term_taxonomy table across multiple blogs, there is an issue with the counts of posts.
The issue is the count column (wp_x_term_taxonomy.count column) gets the data of the latest blog to make an update to that term when associating it to a post. So when Blog B assigns that term to a post, the count column will get the amount of posts in Blog B that are categorized with this term. Meanwhile Blog A could have a different number of posts associated to this term.
This will show inaccurate counts in the category WP Admin table in the count column. It could also break any sort of tag cloud functionality that is based on this count data.
Can anyone think of a solution around this?
Sharing the wp_x_term_taxonomy table is useful because that maintains parent->child relationships across multiple blogs.
Have clear installed WP3.5RC and MustiSite On.
Activate MU Central Taxonomies
Add Categories and Tags on Parent Site. But on second sit nothing – no categories and no tags.
What can i do?
]]>I installed and activated the plugin in a child site, but none of the categories of the parent site are available at the child. How do I activate this plugin?