Hello Andreas,
Many thanks for the amazing work on this plugin. Until recently, it has been working flawlessly. Now when the user presses send, the form is sent in the background, but the plugin causes the form to show that it is loading and it never shows the sent notification.
I’m using 6.6.2 version of WordPress with PHP version 8.2. I have Polylang 3.6.5, although I tried downgrading to 3.6.4 and 3.6.3 and it still didn’t work. I also tried disabling all of my other plugins until I confirmed that this was the one that was causing this issue.
Let me know what other information you need to know to help me fix this. Thanks!
]]>Hi. My code in CF7: [select* your-from id:modalFormFieldFrom first_as_label “{����ܧ�է�}” “{���էѧߧ���}” “{���ѧ��ѧӧ�}” “{���ڧݧ�ߧ��}” “{���ѧ�ߧѧ�}” “{���֧�ݧڧ�}” “{���ڧԧ�}”]
But output in html code:
<select class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-select wpcf7-validates-as-required" id="modalFormFieldFrom" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" name="your-from"><option value="">From</option><option value="{���էѧߧ���}">Gdansk</option><option value="{���ѧ��ѧӧ�}">Warsaw</option><option value="{���ڧݧ�ߧ��}">Vilnius</option><option value="{���ѧ�ߧѧ�}">Kaunas</option><option value="{���֧�ݧڧ�}">Berlin</option><option value="{���ڧԧ�}">Riga</option></select>
Label is translated, but value is not. Can you help me?
we have recently updated this plugin from version 1.0.8 to 1.0.11 and got problem where the values of checkboxes stay untranslated like “{My value}”, but the label is translated to “Translated value”. Looks like there were some major changes inside Helpers class that are causing it.
]]>The plugin is great but I have a small problem.
In the Mail tab I have a HTML page that has style tag with many properties that start and end with {}. All these CSS properties appear in the Languages -> Translations. For example:
mso-style-priority:100!important; text-decoration:none!important;
Is there some way to remove them as they don��t need to be translated?
]]>I��ve noticed that when I press the submit button with a required field left empty, I receive the validation message in the translated language, which works as expected.
However, after attempting to submit the form with unfilled required fields and then filling in a mandatory field, the warnings for the other empty required fields revert to the original language, which is incorrect.
This issue only occurs after submitting the form with unfilled required fields.
What could be causing this problem?
(edited for the sake of clarity)
I’m getting this message, which as far as I can ascertain is not causing a problem
Undefined array key “REQUEST_METHOD” in /multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/Messages_Translation.php on line 67
Is this something to worry about?
All the time used your plugin, very cool for translation, but today on a new project there is an error, the form is not sent, it takes a long time to load and weighs, and oshbiki in the console, screenshots at the bottom.
When you put your plugin all works forms are sent out
Good day,
I translated all possible things and it worked well. Now I noticed that the notifications after form submission are not translated. The strings are in {} and translated in Polylang. Please advise where to look to fix this.
]]>If you have a link in a CF7 Form (example: acceptance of privacy policies), each language must point to a unique url. It��s easy. Just, using curly braces in the link like this: {https://your-domain/privacy-policy/}.
Next, you can then “translate” the URL in Languages > String translations, filter for ��Contact Form 7�� just how you do it with any string, with any {Text to translate}. It works…
When trying to press the Send button on the forms several times, the messages are displayed with translations that do not correspond to the current language of the page.
The language I need to set by default is Spanish. There are 4 languages available: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
What could be the error?
I have everything updated to the latest versions: theme, plugins and WordPress version.
]]>Hello, I just updated the plugin and my website crashed. Is there a way to rollback to the 1.0.8 version?
Apparently after the latest CF7 update, our forms stopped working.
With the CF7 5.9 update, select and checkboxes inputs/groups are throwing an error: Undefined value was submitted through this field.
We rolled back to 5.8.7 and everything works again. We use Conditional Fields in some of our forms, but not all fields throwing an error are related to Conditional Fields. We are also using Contact Form CFDB7 and multilingual form translations with Multilingual Contact Form 7 with Polylang.
Apparently, the conflict is related with Multilingual CF7 with Polylang.
If you check the thread, you can see more information: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/suddenly-select-and-checkbox-inputs-generate-validation-errors/#post-17478129
Let us know if we can provide any more testing.
Massive thanks for the plugin!
]]>The lates versi��n of WPCF7 indicated that the translated option is not a valid one. I needed to modify the options to make this work
[radio direction id:direction class:form-check use_label_element default:1 "Hotel Lago Grey -> Refugio Grey -> Hotel Lago Grey" "Hotel Lago Grey -> Refugio Grey" "Refugio Grey -> Hotel Lago Grey"]
Where there was this before:
[radio direction id:direction class:form-check use_label_element default:1 "{Roundtrip from Hotel Lago Grey}" "{Hotel Lago Grey to Grey Shelter}" "{Grey Shelter to Hotel Lago Grey}"]
Any work arround or something I am missing?
Thanks in advance
I noticed that the fields within {} are not being translated when the form is loaded via AJAX. Form message translations work fine.
Also, the “lang” attribute does not change.
I use template file with apply_shortcodes() and load it via AJAX.
Good evening! Thank you for this amazing plugin!
But I couldn’t understand why translate doesn’t work for backend, what I mean: I’ve translated body message https://i.imgur.com/VIu6i6I.png, but if users sent form email, for example from espanol version of the site, I got email with body message without translate, but I’ve translated everything. Also doesn’t work translate for this messages https://i.imgur.com/fihoOeR.png
Please give me advise how I could fix that? My default language Espanol and second language – English.
This error appears in my debug log.
I��m using the newest WP Version and PHP 8.1.
Where does it come from?
Hello there! I’ve found out since 1.0.8 (maybe even 1.0.7?) form messages are not translated. Translation works well till 1.0.6. I’ve also tried different versions of CF7 and PHP (7.4, 8.1).
I see this issue in multiple websites I manage. My WordPress is 6.3.
To format my ContactForm7 form, I used Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
Unfortunately, my formatting disappeared when I activated your plugin and changed the placeholders like {Votre nom}. The site is in French, English and Arabic.
Can you solve this issue ?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
]]>Hello. After last update i get error:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to PLL_Language::__construct() must be of the type array, object given, called in /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/inc/Helpers.php on line 145 and defined in /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/language.php:295 Stack trace: #0 /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/inc/Helpers.php(145): PLL_Language->__construct(Object(WP_Term)) #1 /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/String_Translation.php(36): mlcf7pll\Helpers::load_string_translations_textdomain() #2 /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/String_Translation.php(68): mlcf7pll\frontend\String_Translation->do_translate(‘{\xD0\x92\xD0\xB0\xD0\xB6\xD0\xBB\xD0\xB8\xD0\xB2\xD0\xBE��’) #3 /home/cursor/wp-includes/class-wp-hook in /home/cursor/wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/language.php on line 295
Why is this error occuring? It dissapears when I turn of the plugin which I did right now as a temporary solution.
keweb.ee/:1 Uncaught (in promise)
We are developing a new website for a client and there are some aspects of this that I am not sure that this plugin can handle.
For example, we have a link for GDPR compliance e.g. “See our Privacy Policy”, which I suspect the plugin can translate. However, the page for each language is different, as each language has its own unique URL.
We also have Calendar functionality, which means “Arrival” & “Departure” dates are using calendar pop up, so I am not sure how the plugin will cope with this.
In the current website we use a different C7 form for each language, so this issue has not come up before. If we can use your plugin, it will save a lot of time.
]]>After the last update, version 1.0.5 got an error
WP Version 6.1.1 and Polylang Version 3.3.1 and PHP version 7.4.32
[03-Feb-2023 19:39:16 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mlcf7pll\frontend\el() in /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/Messages_Translation.php:35
Stack trace:
#0 /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/Messages_Translation.php(21): mlcf7pll\frontend\Messages_Translation->__construct()
#1 /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/plugin.php(97): require_once('/home/tjmsinln/...')
#2 /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/plugin.php(77): mlcf7pll\Plugin::init()
#3 /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/plugin.php(54): mlcf7pll\Plugin->__construct()
#4 /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/plugin.php(28): mlcf7pll\Plugin::instance()
#5 /my-site/wp-settings.php(447): include_once('/home/tjmsinln in /my-site/wp-content/plugins/multilingual-contact-form-7-with-polylang/frontend/Messages_Translation.php on line 35
Hello, was there a recent update? My website random crashed and it is saying that it is due to this app not being compatible with my PHP version (8.0). Can you please confirm / ensure this works? I am getting a critical error due to it.
]]>If you disable Polylang while this plugin is active, it crashes WordPress badly enough that you can’t even get in to disable it.
(We have a client who wanted a bilingual site, but now won’t have the translations done in time to go live, so will add them later.)
I’ve fixed it locally by adding the following checks.
At the start of the function register_strings_from_array_recursive()
if(!function_exists('pll_register_string')) {
At the start of the function load_string_translations_textdomain()
if(!function_exists('pll__')) {
It’s also nicer if it can strip out the curly braces if it’s not active.
Remove from the start of the function translate_translation_strings_recursive()
return $text_or_array;
and replace with
$use_pll = function_exists('pll__');
then in the foreach loop, replace
$text_or_array = str_replace('{'.$string.'}', pll__($string), $text_or_array);
$replace = $string;
if($use_pll) {
$replace = pll__($replace);
$text_or_array = str_replace('{'.$string.'}', $replace, $text_or_array);
Thank for the plugin. Would it be possible to add something like the above?
Is it possible to implement multilingual placeholders?
[text your-name placeholder "{Name}"]
For some reason the last checkbox lable in a checkbox group is not translated. The string is captured for Strings Translations but doesn’t appear on the front end. If I copy the string out of the checkbox set it works fine.
So, I guess, there’s one iteration missing in the front end rendering of a checkbox set.
]]>How should the input be made in connection with pipes?
[radio Altersgruppe use_label_element default:1 "{unter 18|1}" "{18-30|2}"]
-> does not work
[radio Altersgruppe use_label_element default:1 "{unter 18}|1" "{18-30}|2"]
-> does not work
if I understood correctly I should be able to use the autogenerated translations if I use the the autogenerated field names, correct?
I did everything like you did in the YouTube Video (using the autogenerated field names) but, like in the video, I simply get English in both of my fields.
Did I misunderstood the documentation?
Best Regards
I love this plugin. I have used it for many websites. But today I’ve encountered a problem.
Everything was ok with translations within CF7 template editor. But error/success message translations didn’t work. It took me a few hours of trying different plugin versions, different WordPress versions and other trial and error experiments until I finally found out that the plugin works well in a production environment, but not in the staging website, which doesn’t have SSL installed.
After adding the free SSL key, translations appeared on my website. It seems that CF7 /feedback endpoint is not able to fetch translations via https request.
First of all, thank you very much for the work done with this plugin.
I would like to report a problem.
I don’t know why, but updating the plugin from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 version the browser language detection has stopped working.
Maybe related to this change:
I had to rollback to the previous version.
Please, can you fix it?
Best regards