The items filter in the shortcode is not working. Whatever number i enter, it always shows all posts.
Anybody else has this problem?
]]>Multisite Post Reader version 3.00 fixes issues that were causing excessive warning messages in the site error.log file. There are also some enhancements and other bug fixes. See the readme file for details.
Thanks for using Multisite Post Reader!
]]>Hi there, you are setting $mpr_version and making it global but then on line 208 you use $mpr_version_number:
wp_register_style(‘MPR_namespace’, plugins_url(‘/css/settings.css’,FILE ),array(),$mpr_version_number);
That is the one and only occurance of $mpr_version_number so believe that should be $mpr_version, right? This results in errors like:
PHP Warning: Undefined variable $mpr_version_number in …/multisite-post-reader.php on line 208
I have been long searching for a solution and thought your plugin would save me.
Beware I am a Designer, and though I have some code background I haven’t enough time & knowledge to modify
I have a WP multisite, on the main site I want to show 3(or more) news in grid/card format published in subdomain.domain.ext.
My first article contains a table (an agenda of future events).
Things work fine if I choose to display full content but if I use the limit words function (any range), the feed gets mangled.
end of first article and beginning of following one gets commented out and html output is a mess.
My guess is any HTML end tag would be cut if ever the $words is too short.
=> Solution
Since I am not sure it would be possible to fix this dynamically, I thought maybe an an option to display full length for a specific post &/or category/kw would work.
=> Option to deactivate on this type of post (since contents is full)
=> or cut only at the more link inserted in the article
=> Or, if exists & full content option is set, pick the summary (but I am not sure it would fix the problem).
– Option to Set the “More” Link text OR have it use the dynamic WP setting instead to avoid modifying the php code (tedious on plugin updates/localization).
– Option to set the title tag
= I modified the code to display a h5
Line 528 should look like
<div class="mpr_the_title"><h5><a href="<?php the_permalink() ;?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute() ;?>" class="mpr_the_permalink">
<?php the_title() ;?>
– Option to not have a link on a specific post type (i.e. A full length article)
– Option to open link in new win/tab
– Option to display tags. I added this code to your plugin
$posttags = get_the_tags();
if ($posttags) {
echo "<div class='tags'>";
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
echo "<span class='tag'>";
echo $tag->name . ' ';
echo "</span>";
echo "</div>";
And it works
Thanks for your help
I have found just after posting, that the second solution indeed works if I choose full content (but not if I choose a word count limit) and insert the more link inside the article.
Hi there and congrats for the useful plugin.
I have put the shortcode [mpr_display items=3 words=50 disableheading=yes ] in a text block of the network main site home page but the short code shows only posts from the main site and no post from the subsites in frontend.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
Your plugin is great and answer all my problem but I need the featured Image
The option showfeaturedimage=yes would be awesome.
Can you do this update I would be very apriciated.
Hello, can the author filter be added in a future update?
]]>Hi, I just installed this plugin in multisite wordpress, and have network active, the problem is I cant find this plugin in menu setting in main site or subdomain.
How to get setting menu for this plugin?
]]>Hello, I want to thank you for this plugin, it is simple and goes directly to solve the problem. However, recently I used it for a client site and I missed the lack of featured images so I implemented it.
Please let me know if you would like me to send you the modified version.
I have tried to paste shortcodes in the root site of the multisite. By that, I intended to have all posts in other sites displayed in the root site.
After copying shortcuts provided everywhere including in FAQs, pasting it in the page or post, I get either a blank page or page showing that shortcode the way it is.
What could be the problem?
]]>The plugin displays the last 19 posts. How to remove the restriction?
]]>So, I needed to see latest posts in a custom post type. According to the data on the plugin page this plugin didn’t address custom post types. Since it’s open source I was going to see about adding that functionality myself so I was browsing the code and noticed that, it actually does support custom post types with a simple “type=’custom_post_type_name'” variable in the shortcode.
I was wondering, why isn’t this documented in the official documentation for the plugin? I’d imagine people would want to see that kind of feature front and center.
]]>Hey Rick,
the plugin works well, but one question (I should improve my PHP skills) ..
I need to change the date format specific to German, I need DD-MM-YYYY instead of the english notation. How do I do that with a filter or another way? Couldn’t find any Date attribute in the code.
Another suggestion I have: The content after the mpr_heading (‘Site 1 – … site location’) [Line 377/380 in the plugin files hould be wrapped with a div for easier formatting (in my case I don’t want to display it). Did it manually, got to remind that when I update your plugin ??
Thanks again, for any help you will receive a hot chocolate or a muffin ??
I’m using our plugin in widget. The Posts are shown but I get lots of warnings, although the debug constant in wp-config ist set to false. At the moment my site runs only locally in XAMPP (PHP Version 7.3) –Edit: Now online on https://justfordevelopment.de
I only got the output working with the help of the Plugin “Shortcode Widget”, HTML and Text Widget don’t work.
The warnings:
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug – assumed ‘debug’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 252
Showing: newest 4 posts , Includes these categories: aktuelles.
Warning: Use of undefined constant includesites – assumed ‘includesites’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 330
Warning: Use of undefined constant excludesites – assumed ‘excludesites’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 333
Warning: Use of undefined constant includesites – assumed ‘includesites’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 347
Warning: Use of undefined constant excludesites – assumed ‘excludesites’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 357
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug – assumed ‘debug’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Site: 1 – ‘Feuerwehr Lilienthal’ – https://fwlilienthal.local
Hallo Welt!
2019-06-16 20:17:42
Beitrag von der Hauptseite
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug – assumed ‘debug’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Site: 2 – ‘Ortsfeuerwehr Heidberg’ – https://fwlilienthal.local/heidberg
Hallo Heidberg
2019-06-16 20:23:43
Beitrag von Ortsfeuerwehr Heidberg
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 508
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 508
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 508
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 495
Warning: Use of undefined constant debug - assumed 'debug' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\xampp\htdocs\fwlilienthal\wp-content\plugins\multisite-post-reader\multisite-post-reader.php on line 508
Thanks in advance & regards,
is it possible to include an option to include / exclude posts (by ID)?
Is there a way to show only the number of total comments of a multisite (blog #2)?
]]>Could you add a parameter that will hide the date and the characters please?
plugin has following erorr by plugin Health Check & Troubleshooting:
Your site could not complete a loopback request
Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability.
The loopback request to your site failed, this means features relying on them are not currently working as expected.
Error encountered: (0) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10017 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
I’d like to be able to filter results by post type, taxonomy, and/or tag.
It doesn’t seem possible from your instructions. I think it would add important additioal functionality to the plugin.
]]>I would like to be able to display only text from the post, ignoring media files. How to do it?
we’re using the plugin and in “debug” mode we got the error
Notice: Undefined variable: mpr_version_number in /[…]/plugins/multisite-post-reader/multisite-post-reader.php on line 197
To fix this I added the following line bofore the line 197
$mpr_version_number = "2.2.0";
so the error was fixed.
best regards,
I am using Oceanwp theme which is multisite enabled. Want to show posts from site one into site two in grid view. I am using nested shortcodes for achieving this but its not fulfilling what my requirement is. Can i specify items one at a time without specifying is. It should pick in one by one in descending order into 4 grids.
How can i achieve this?
[GDC_row] [GDC_column size=”quarter”]
[mpr_display items=’4′ category=’Solar Industry’ words=50 showsiteinfo=no disableheading=yes] [/GDC_column]
I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem, but the parameters ‘includesites’ and ‘excludesites’ are not working for me. Neither is the category limiter.
I know that include/exclude can’t be used together, so I’ve tried them separately, but it’s a no-go. All the sites are still included. Others work fine – number of words, doesn’t show empty sites, etc.
If I specify a category limiter, it returns 0 results, even if there are 300+ posts in that category.
My shortcode looks like this:
[mpr_display showsiteinfo=yes items=4 words=1 showempty=no includesites=7,8]
[mpr_display showsiteinfo=yes items=4 words=1 showempty=no category=blog]
]]>Great plugin, if you could add some filters to show posts from all blogs by categories, tag and/or custom taxonomies it would be priceless ??
Thank you.
The postst are always listed in sections, e.g. first the posts from website 1 get listed then the post from website 2 etc. I would like to list all posts but ordered by their date and not segmented by their blog/website id.
How can I change the code to archeive this? This would be very helpful to me.
Kind Regards
I input in a page the following shortcode,
[mpr_display days=4 items=10]
and networkly activated it, but it does not work and only show the message below, please check the screenshot: https://prntscr.com/gacpgb
wordpress 4.5.7
I use the Pagebuilder by Divi in some Posts in the whole network.
If I use the shortcode [… words=50], the result site shows unfortunately parts of the pagebuilder code too (and the text/picture of the post only afterwards).
Could this be a general problem or is it a special problem of my installation?
And Can you do something about it?
great stuff!
But is there a possibility that i can display only the posts from one Subsite? Via SubSite ID for example?
bye, and go on with the good work!
]]>how to hidden empty site?
Currently, the firstly registered sites are displayed at the top, although they do not have any posts.
]]>I get this error:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘mpr_Settings_Page’ does not have a method ‘mpr_page_init’ in …/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 298