I configured the two Stripe accounts, associated the products but the payments continue to travel only and only on the Stripe account set up in the woocommerce payment plugin.
It seems as if your plugin isn’t installed, it doesn’t do any work.
How come it’s not working? I see it hasn’t been updated for a long time also…
]]>I have your tool setup with 2 Vendors, 1 with a set of US Stripe keys applied, and 1 with a set of Canadian Stripe keys applied. We have the products associated with each, but when I try to checkout and purchase one of the Canadian items it keeps coming through the US Stripe account.
We’re using the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin from WooCommerce for the Payment option.
I dont see any help files, install info or other information on this, but hope to get some assistance as this would work perfectly if we can make it active.