Hi everybody,
I have one question regarding the plugin usage: is there a way to have an album with several authors and match authors to corresponding tracks?
(not sure I’ve been totally clear…)
Thank you for your time
It says “Song for free or sale”, and in admin I can set this option.
Question: where is the download (or buy) link on the frontend?
I need following thing.. can you guide me a bit
1) list of all songs 2) list of all albums 1) list of all songs for this album 3) list of all artists 1) list of all albums for this artist 4) lists of all genres 1) list of related albums for each genre]]>
Hello, I want to display all album by an artist. I have a page for the artist, I can display all single songs in different albums.
What I want is to display Album covers, album names, by a single artist.
What args do I need to pass to this? $terms = get_terms( ‘album’, $args );
I have tried this but does not work.
$terms = get_terms( array(
‘taxonomy’ => ‘album’,
‘meta_key’ => ‘artist’,
‘meta_value’ => $artist_name
) );
Thank you.
]]>How can I fix the layout of a page? I have published a page but it’s not even the default layout like I saw on the demo, it’s not viewable.
]]>When i install and active Music Press plugin and create album, artist and song.
But song page view is “page not found”.