Notice: Constant WP_DEBUG already defined in /home/kelambia/public_html/climate/wp-config.php on line 86
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{‘ in /home/kelambia/public_html/climate/wp-content/plugins/my-presentation-light/mythemes.plg.cfg.class.php on line 1
Thanks for the great plugin. It’ll be wonderful if I can get it to work
In presentation setting in admin area, I have created new presentation and selected page that I want the tool tip to appear, selected the autorun. In the presentation manager, I created new tooltip. When I clicked on the jquery selector, I can see the tooltip. However, when I preview the page , it doesn’t show up. I have also tried to put the inline javascript as below but it still doesn’t seem to work. Can you please help me with this? Is there anything I missed. Thanks a bunch
<div class=”button”>” rel=”<?php the_ID(); ?>” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”>View details ></div>