Although it exists in the text (proven by copying and pasting the text to a text editor), the underscore character “_” is not visible when used in Syntax Highlighter. Apparently, it is being overwritten (painted over??) due to the use of the CSS style of 0 padding.
For example, if you go to the page supplied by the link https://rubynator.com/?page_id=251 and search for the text “Range” you will see:
my values = my array[MYRANGE]
even though the text is:
my_values = my_array[MYRANGE]
If I go to the developer tools (F12) and edit the CSS, changing the padding to 1px (or simply disabling the padding characteristic for the style) resolves the problem.
Is there a mechanism available to ensure that the underscore will be visible when the text is displayed?
I much appreciate your help on this.
Best Regards,
]]>I am beginner in the wordpress can any one let me know how to use this code editor in my post?
I really like this plugin as it comes with great simple options like Convert special characters which does not exist in other plugins.
But the only problem which I have with this plugin is that all my code is placed in one line. No matter if I put a break between the lines. Would you please help me to solve this issue?
Thank you
]]>My scss files don’t have any highlighting. Are there any plans to support this in the future?
Your plugin is not compatible with elementor, I have an error message when I want to edit a page, when I disable your plugin, no problem!
Can you predict compatibility ?
]]>Text curse shows up when click/tap on the codes, and this will also bring up keyboard on phone.
]]>We love using this code display plugin on our site.
But recently we ran into a problem when we tried to post a rather long code sequence.
It appears that this plugin supports up to 113 lines of code, but no more than that.
Is this a known/intentional limitation of the plugin? A bug? Are there any workarounds?
Here is a link to a page I’ve created where I try to demonstrate the problem. The code box on top has 113 lines of code, and the code is displayed correctly inside the box. The code box on bottom has 114 lines of code, and the code is not displayed inside the box at all, but is suddenly display below an empty box.
]]>This code is not displayed correctly.
It is a part of wp-includes-media-template.php
If I replace all < by < and > by > than it displays correctly.
Is there another way?
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-attachment-grid-view">
<div class="attachment-preview js--select-attachment type-{{ data.type }} subtype-{{ data.subtype }} {{ data.orientation }}">
<div class="eml-attacment-inline-toolbar">
<# if ( data.can.save && data.buttons.edit ) { #>
<i class="eml-icon dashicons dashicons-edit edit" data-name="edit"></i>
<# } #>
<div class="thumbnail">
<# if ( data.uploading ) { #>
<div class="media-progress-bar"><div style="width: {{ data.percent }}%"></div></div>
<# } else if ( 'image' === data.type && data.sizes ) { #>
<div class="centered">
<img src="{{ data.size.url }}" draggable="false" alt="" />
<!-- mod voeg bestandsnaam EN ID toe aan tn in media bib. -->
<div class="filename">{{ data.filename}} - id:{{data.id}}</div>
<!-- einde mod -->
<# } else { #>
<div class="centered">
<# if ( data.image && data.image.src && data.image.src !== data.icon ) { #>
<img src="{{ data.image.src }}" class="thumbnail" draggable="false" />
<# } else { #>
<img src="{{ data.icon }}" class="icon" draggable="false" />
<# } #>
<div class="filename">
<div>{{ data.filename }}</div>
<# } #>
<# if ( data.buttons.close ) { #>
<?php echo $remove_button; ?>
<# } #>
<# if ( data.buttons.check ) { #>
<?php echo $deselect_button; ?>
<# } #>
var maybeReadOnly = data.can.save || data.allowLocalEdits ? '' : 'readonly';
if ( data.describe ) {
if ( 'image' === data.type ) { #>
<input type="text" value="{{ data.caption }}" class="describe" data-setting="caption"
placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Caption this image…'); ?>" {{ maybeReadOnly }} />
<# } else { #>
<input type="text" value="{{ data.title }}" class="describe" data-setting="title"
<# if ( 'video' === data.type ) { #>
placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Describe this video…'); ?>"
<# } else if ( 'audio' === data.type ) { #>
placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Describe this audio file…'); ?>"
<# } else { #>
placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Describe this media file…'); ?>"
<# } #> {{ maybeReadOnly }} />
<# }
} #>
<?php }