Would you please update this plugin so security plugins don’t warn about it being abandoned? WordFence just started throwing that error warning.
]]>ive been using this plugin and translating my website little bit at a time, but after translating particular plugin i was faced with this error while trying to go to e spesific section of another plugin. So the error i was getting is:
ArgumentCountError thrown
3 arguments are required, 2 given
it happened only when trying to access Classified listing pro / All listings
the funny thing was wordpress was set to English language but after ive translated most of my plugins the Classified Listing plugin was in North Macedonian / cyrilic
I could access the rest of the options/functions in the Classified Listing plugin, but the All Listings!
After a search on google i learned i should run the plugin deactivation tests. i used two browsers and i was disabling the plugins one by one and going to the other browser and refreshing and trying if the error has gone. Stubornly while ive been using My WPtranslae for a while i didnt even bother deactivating it and after doing all the rest of the plugins i had to deactivate it, it turns out it fixed the
ArgumentCountError thrown
3 arguments are required, 2 given
error! Saying that, i was aware that it hasnt been tested on WP 6! but i used it anyways and now im stuck!
im thinking the Classified Listing plugin was the last one i done an exstensive hours of tranlastion of 180 pages… if i was to go over the translation and remove it perhaps that would solve out my agony?!Im guessing i might have missed typed some HTML tags in the translation process and somehow the Classified Listing plugin doesnt know how to deal with my error so it throws this nasty ArgumentCountError thrown
3 arguments are required, 2 given!
Or can i just click the cross and remove the Classified Listing plugin and still be able to activate the My WP Translate and use it. Ive worked hard on building my website and im not taking no risks to activate the plugin just to find out if thats going to solve it… im not experienced atall in this! Help me!
The plugin is great, but I would like to know how I can translate Woocommerce emails. Basically, my woocommerce emails are in my child-theme folder and the path is something like: themes/child-theme/woocommerce/emails/woocommerce-email.php.
P.S.: I can’t find the strings related to Woocommerce emails in my theme tab in WP Translate, so I guess there’s something to do in order to access the child-theme subfolders.
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sptooted (@sptooted)
1 year, 5 months ago
Is there a possibility to create website that has 2 or more languages on it with that plugin?
I understand I can translate theme and then it displays as translated, but can I have two languges as well?
So I am right to assume that this plugin works only for bilingual websites and NOT for multilingual?
Thank you
]]>So very wierd case where we have a string that’s being translated to the wrong language… default EN string is being forced to FR…
Been down the rabbit hole and I’m wondering in teh custom_translate function where is the determination done of which language to show… default vs translated?
$mtswpt_theme_translate = get_option( ‘mtswpt_theme_’ . $domain, array() );
just grabs the translations and based on that the trasnalted string is returned and then used… yet it should be returning the default language in this instance.
I use My WP Translate.
It’s an easy-to-use plugin.
I am making a test site to renew the site,
There is a place where translation is not done in one place.
As for “%s onwards”, is there anything that causes JS not to be translated?
Wordpress debug log has lots of errors.
PHP Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”. Did you mean to use “continue 2”? ….
Can you update the plugin please?
Is there a possibility to create website that has 2 or more languages on it with that plugin?
I understand I can translate theme and then it displays as translated, but can I have two languges as well?
]]>Is your plugin already compatible with PHP 7.2
]]>Why when I add an plugin in the list and ask to translate it – it gives me 0 records from 0, and when I ask to download the PO file It downloads me a file, and I open it through Notepad, and it is completely empty
]]>Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”. Did you mean to use “continue 2”? in /home/****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-wp-translate/includes/class-my-wp-translate-po-parser.php on line 167
]]>A quick question, I want to translate default WP terms like “older/newer posts”
or “Leave a reply” etc
I can’t seem to find them in the theme translation?
I am not getting something or it isn’t possible?
Thank you
in my error_log_php file there’s the following PHP warning:
PHP Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”. Did you mean to use “continue 2”? in /wp-content/plugins/my-wp-translate/includes/class-my-wp-translate-po-parser.php on line 167
Could you fix this problem with the next update of the plugin?
]]>hola! el primer paso seria seleccionar el plugins a traducir, luego de traducir la palabras nose como seguir, tampoco se para que sirve cada boton, espero puedan ayudarme. gracias
Import Translated Strings / Export Translated Strings
Paste your import/backup code and press “Import” button below. (?)
Create and Download .po file (?)
I translate plugin text its working well and i have 1 issue please for front-end. Please help.
Front working below type to translate options well.
But translate text not working for _n type of function, like below.
_n( ‘Request Appointment’, ‘Request Appointments’, 1, ‘booked’ );
Can you please help me about this issue.
Kind Regards,
]]>Unable to add Woocommerce plugin to translation list. It seems sort of inactive!?
]]>After this last update my translations all stopped working.
For some plugins, not all, I cannot activate the translation panel, no error message but nothing happens, it is running with non results
Any suggestion?
With each plugin or template i get the message no_file when I try to open translation panel ??
Other translations plugins dont work eihter ??
Please help & best regards, Bert
This plugin doesn’t work if a plugin sets a custom domain path and the wp-content dir has been customized.
Example plugin to test: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/site-reviews/
1. The find_lang_file()
method first checks to see if a custom path exists, if it does then it looks in the hard-coded “wp-content” directory for it. The problem is that if a custom WP_CONTENT_DIR has been set in wp-config.php then this fails.
The solution would be to change line :460 in “class-my-wp-translate-admin.php” to:
$mtswpt_full_path = trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . untrailingslashit( ltrim( $mtswpt_path, '/' ));
2. If a custom path does not exist, it looks in the “mtswpt_domains” option to see if the plugin slug exists, if it does then it runs a half-hearted check for a language file.
The problem here is that this doesn’t work for plugins that set a custom domain path (i.e. “Domain path: languages”). And since active plugin slugs will always be found in the “mtswpt_domains” option, it never has a chance to fallback to the more extensive search that is used for plugins if the slug does not exist in the “mtswpt_domains” option.
thanks for plugin. when i want to remove a plugin from tabs, My WP Translate asks “this will delete the translations, are you sure?
well this is confusing me. i loaded woocommerce to translation panel. it had already translations before. so if i remove from panel, its current translations will be deleted as well??
I’m using this plugin and in the “add plugin” tab, some of my plugins are not available to select for translation (they are disabled as already selected) and also are not available as a tab to do translations.
As I remember, I used to translate them here before some update/upgrade.
I think that My-wp-translate is not showing them as a tab after update/upgrade.
How can I resolve this?
Maybe I don’t get it, but I expected this plugin to load an existing .pot file so that you can edit it. I loaded a Dutch .pot file, but the plugin only shows the original English texts, and not the Dutch ones that I want to edit.
]]>Hi, as a reminder I’d like to be able to display the translations I’ve defined via your plugin : any hint on how to code this ? I can help if necessary
would be great if the plugin would support Child Themes as well. Right now it says that it cant find the languages file if child theme is activated. Thx.
The plugin cannot find the translation file.
What do I have to do? Which path do I have to fill in?
Please help me out. Thanks in advance!
]]>So, I’ve been working a translation for one of my WordPress site that used MyThemeShop theme.
I’ve translated about 95% of the strings, but when I reach 96%, the count was back to 94% again. And then I checked my translated string that I just did a few minutes ago and it’s gone.
The translated string have gone and I’m forced to redo everything again. And after I saved it’s gone again.
I think there’s a bug within ‘auto-save’ string on this plugin. Fix it quick, developers.