[lw_content_block type=”osm”] [wpgmza id=”1″] [/lw_content_block]
I have this shortcode but it’s not working. I would like to send you a link to the page but I can’t find anything to contact you.
]]>Hello Outerbridge Team,
Thanks for creating the plugin.
I wanted to know if i have a shortcode for button which is like this :
[27-button href=”#” style=”2″ animated=”no”]Table[/27-button]
and inside this want to call another shortcode of a table which is like this is it possible.
[ninja_tables id=”7755″ filter=’hashtag‘ columns=”year,datetime,location,state”]
Basically what i want to do is display the table on button click. So for button I am using a shortcode which will call the shortcode of Ninja tables.
If this is not possible and if there is any other way to achieve this I will be more than happy to hear that solution.
Many thanks for your help.
Installed the outerbridge nested shortcode plugin but this nested shortcode isn’t working.
My shortcode:
[gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” tags=”[field location_zipcode length=3]“.]
This nested shortcode [field location_zipcode length=3] should be providing the value for the tags.
Parts of the shortcode are being translated but the final output doesn’t use the value for the parameter. Moreover, after translating, the outer shortcode runs, and some of the inner one does too but shows the “] at the end in the html which indicates the processing of the shortcodes is being interrupted.
This behavior is the same as when the “nested shortcodes plugin” was NOT installed.No difference. Using the latest version of WordPress.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin and activated it. I’m trying to use the below but it isn’t displaying or working on my page. I’m trying to use translatepress shortcode and h5p shortcode as below:
[trp_language language=”eng_GB”]
[h5p id=”80″]
[trp_language language=”cy”]
[h5p id=”79″]
Hi folks – Can’t seem to make this work, it gives me a 404:
[iframe src=’https://apps.blahblah.com/1vox/testembed.cfm?userid=%5Bsu_user field=”ID” default=”” before=”” after=”” user_id=”” filter=””]’ ]
Objective is to have the WP user ID passed as the value of the “userid=” part of the URL.
All help appreciated ??
]]>Previous projects everything worked great. I recently went back to my code to use in new project. Unfortunately the nested aspect is not working. I’ve tried it with both my written shortcodes as well as paid plugin developer shortcodes. As “single” (not nested) all work fine. Below is my code for the is user logged in or not shortcode I’ve written. Thoughts?
* Check if user IS signed in
function j66_check_user_signed_in ($params, $content = null) {
//check tha the user is logged in
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
//user is logged in so show the content
return $content;
else {
//user is not logged in so hide the content
//add a shortcode which calls the above function
add_shortcode(‘logged-in-yes’, ‘j66_check_user_signed_in’ );
// Check if user is NOT signed in
function j66_check_user_signed_out ($params, $content = null) {
//check if the user is logged out
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
//user is not logged out so hide the content
else {
//user is logged out so show the content
return $content;
//add a shortcode which calls the above function
add_shortcode(‘logged-in-no’, ‘j66_check_user_signed_out’ );
// [logged-in-yes][a-shortcode-to-nest][/logged-in-yes]
// [logged-in-no][a-shortcode-to-nest][logged-in-no]
Hi, I want to display Elementor template inside a restricted shortcode by UltimateMembership Pro
So have installed Nested plugin but can’t see any of the changes.
Am I missing anything?
[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="3" ]
This plugin is great. However, in my markdown file, it messes up few parts. For eg, here firs tabular column and last graphviz are spoiled. This does not happen when your plugin is deactivated (but brings in another problem of numbering continuity which is why I used your plugin to avoid that issue in first place).
Here is the gist of the markdown file.
I’m a bit confused to as what this plugin exactly does. Can I use it to nest shortcodes like so:
[recent_post_slider [shortcode-variables slug=”nesting-test”] category=”99″]
The [shortcode-variables slug=”nesting-test”] shortcode is from another plugin which enables me to store variables inside a shortocde. Using it in a slider would help me unify formatting across my site, but I’m starting to guess that this plugin is for something else?
You’re plugin works well except it is adding a paragraph space after the entry-content tag:
<div class=”entry-content”>
When I deactivate the plugin, the <p></p> disappears again.
Thanks, C.
UPDATE: I changed the FILTERPRIORITY to 12 and the issue is fixed!
(Will this be overwritten with updates, though?)
I installed the plugin. Now I am using shortcodes in gravity forms plugin. Gravity forms has a confirmation page, wherein one can display conditional content using shortcodes. I am trying to run this code, but doesn’t work –
[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”{Maximum Budget (INR):43}” condition=”greater_than” value=”30000″]
Budget is above Rs.30,000
[gravityform action=”conditional” merge_tag=”{Usages (Coding):56.13}” condition=”is” value=”Coding”]
You have ticked coding !
Note# I have used 2 different types of shortcodes (gravitforms and gravityform). Both of these work individually when not nested.
Please let me know if
1. there is something more I need to do after simply installing the plugin.
2. the code is incorrect.
Hello ??
I need some help with using a shortcode within a shortcode.
I need tot retrieve a url from a query string which goes like this: https://test.com/?website=example.com
The example.com then needs to work as the wpws url.
Separately they work fine. Could you tell me how this could work?;
[wpws url=”[urlparam param=”website” default=”no website found”]” query=”.object-header-price” output=”text”]
Thank you very much.
I am looking for a solution for this:
[shortcode1 attribute1=”[shortcode2 /]” /]
I came across your plugin hoping this would allow me to do that. However it didn’t work. Looking through the forums, I see that this plugin only allows for:
But erm… this works out of the box with WordPress in the first place. So whats the point of this plugin?
]]>Did someone test this plugin with WordPress 4.4.?
]]>One of the comments complains of a problem with WooCommerce. Is there really an issue? Has this been dealt with?
Would like to ask if it is possible to nest similar shortcode? I cant get this work. I want to make a tab within a tab.
[su_tab title=”1″]
[su_tab title=”a”]This is a[/su_tab]
[su_tab title=”2″]
[su_tab title=”b”]This is b[/su_tab]
]]>I have installed and activated the plugin, I am trying to do the following and it does not work
[feature?icon=”bolt”?title=”Get in Touch” color=”2″]
[contact-form-7 id=”374″ title=”Contact form 1″]
It works for the first part but not for the second in the middle
I have installed the plugin. On my test page, I have nested shortcodes by placing: [row][/row] within another row; the same with [span]
There is no change and some shortcodes display on the preview page.
How does this plugin work?
Thanks / Don
]]>Just wanted to say your plugin made my day : ) Thank you so much!
]]>i would like to use the following two shortcodes to achieve using a content slide/reveal with event based info as the button title.
[toggle title=”[events_list limit=”1″]<div><div>#_EVENTDATES</div>#l
i downloaded your plugin hoping it would let this type of scenario work.
is there anything that can be done to make that happen?
i’m using the shortcode from https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-fields-shortcodes/ inside https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/amazonsimpleadmin/ but there is no output ??
[asa content]
[cf-shortcode plugin=”generic” field=”amazon_guid”]
i already changed the filterpriority down to 1, to no avail
]]>I am trying to use the following:
[show_to accesslevel='platinum']
<div id="liquidTopMargin"></div> <!-- Provide a liquid upper margin for the SVG viewport. -->
<svg id="svgElement" width="100%" height="98%" ....
The svg displays properly, but [/showto] is displayed at the bottom of the page and the access control that should be provided by the Premise [showto] tag is ignored.
Any ideas?
]]>Hello and good day.
I was wondering if this would also work in Post excerpts? I was able to get it to work in a page but not in a Post excerpt.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
thanks for the Plugin!
Is there a way to get the max-depth of the nested shortcodes ?
Just having an issue. Installed the plugin and activated.
I have nested shortcode here for the accordian but it is not working:
[accordion_item title=”D.Treadwell”]
[staff department=”treadwell” columns=”1″ count=”1″ thumb=”0″][/staff]
Any thoughts on how to resolve?
]]>This looks like what im looking for but it doesn’t work sadly.
Im trying to insert a shortcode within another shortcode like below:
[currency_code=”USD” price=”[shortcode]” type=”_xclick” button=”custom-05.png”]. Realy hope to get this working.
]]>Okay, so I’m trying to do a nested toggle using Arconix Shortcodes.
[toggle title=”Essential Guide to the Electric Universe”]
[toggle title=”Preface”]Text[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Introduction”]Text[/toggle]
Clearly nested [shortcodes] don’t work right in WP.
I’ve installed your plugin, but things are still rendering wrong. Do I need to put in any kind of a shortcode to the page, or do I simply enable the plugin and everything should work?? ‘Cause so far it doesn’t.
I’m on WP 3.5.1, Outerbridge nested Shortcodes 1.0, Arconix Shortcodes 1.1.2, if that helps at all. Theme is Mosaic 1.6, but live preview of 2011 & 2012 themes don’t do anything different/better, so I don’t think it’s a theme issue…
Not sure what I’m doing wrong, if anything, or if the plugin just doesn’t work as advertised, or something broke between creations and WP 3.5.1?
]]>Hey guys,
I’m using this plugin, and it works but the nested shortcodes are executing in the wrong order. This is what I have
[do action="section"]here is some [do action="span"]text[/do] and this is the rest[/do]
but what is written out is
<section>here is some <span>text</section> and this is the rest</span>
Anything I can do to fix this?
]]>I just installed your nested shortcode plugin to help me fix an issue I’m having with a site I’m developing:
I can’t seem to get rid of the [sd] and [\sd] wrapping around the password protected area. Here’s the full code:
[sd][password-protect]What happens if we put information in it’s own area, without a dropdown box for viewing? Will the sd references in brackets still appear? If so, that is a bug with the plugin..[/password-protect][/sd]
Can you help me? Will your plugin resolve this? Thanks.
]]>Got WP running on a radio stations site, was having to edit the schedule in 3 places as I’m using shortcodes for the main part. With this plugin I can finally have shortcodes within shortcodes meaning only 1 edit!
Works straight out of the box and is gonna save me a hell of a lot of time in future!