I would like to understand how to set ReCaptcha or captcha protection types, but I don’t see how to do this. Can you help me? Or is there any instructions?
How can i change the background color of contact form plugin?? Can you help me?
]]>Somehow the mobile navigation menu stops being displayed when I activate the cfw plugin. Help? ??
even if I have translated each field (name, email, subject, message) into the design settings, the contact form shows each field in english. How can I solve this problem?
And, I have tried to send a message, but nothing arrived to the set email (other contact forms works properly).
Under contact form queries – design settings for the plugin ‘New Contact Form Widget & Shortcode’I was able to add my own text. But now not even the default wording (Please fill below form if you have any query with us) appears. Please sort this bug out.
]]>WordPress 4.6.1 running Catch Flames theme.
After form submit we see:
Array ( [qsm] => Thank you! We will get back to you shortly. [qfm] => Something went wrong. Please contact us directly at [email protected]. Thank you! [auto_res] => undefined [email_carrier] => undefined [admin_email] => undefined [res_sub] => undefined [res_msg] => undefined [sm_name] => undefined [sm_email] => undefined [sm_Password] => undefined [sm_port] => undefined [smtp_encryption] => undefined [title_field] => Contact us please! [title_color] => #333333 [description_field] => We need your feedback to make this site a better place.... [lebal_icon_color] => black [name_field] => name [email_field] => email [subject_field] => subject [message_field] => message [name_error_field] => Name cannot be blank. [email_error_field] => Email cannot be blank. [email_error_field_2] => Email is invalid. [subject_error_field] => Subject cannot be blank. [message_error_field] => Message cannot be blank. [sb_button_color] => btn-info [sb_button_text] => submit [ph_text_color] => skyblue [bg_color] => #FFFFFF [show_query] => 25 [cus_css] => .cwf-desc { display: none; } ) Thank you! We will get back to you shortly.
I am pretty sure this was working fine before. The page just has this: ‘[CFW]’
]]>If so this deserve only 2 stars, since it is wasting people time