Installing this plugin made it insert a bootstrap stylesheet into the header of my webpage that wreaks havoc with my actual theme (Frost, a Gutenberg theme), just overriding everything there.
[WordPress front page head]
<link rel="stylesheet" id="newsletters-bootstrap-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/views/assets/bootstrap-5.1.3-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css?ver=5.1.3" media="all">
body {
What bizarre behavior! Is this plugin incompatible with modern themes and not being maintained anymore, or is something else going wrong in my case?
I am using your plugin to create a newsletter for all three sites that use posts in Portuguese language. The font I am using is Arial, and unfortunately, there is issue rendering the text. Portuguese letters do not load…
Newsletter in the mailbox (Mac):
Newsletter in the browser (Safari):
Do you know what could be the source of the issue?
]]>if you choose radio button for consent
If you choose a drop-down menu
even the submit button is oversized. the form and field editors doesn’t do much. the padding adjustment doesn’t work. there are no space between the fields. the only way to fix this and the button is add a custom css in your template’s “additional css.”
.newsletters-fieldholder {margin-right:5px;}
#newsletters-1-form .btn-primary {
padding: 5px 25px !important;
Now the warning if you click submit without entering your email only show up for a brief second, not enough to read what it says.
I went to the demo page but it’s showing some errors
Can I use this plugin if I want to sent out special promotion to say inactive user or new users. Thanks
we are running in some issue with the plugin. Since update 4.9.6 we have not been able to add any more subscribers to the mailing lists via admin panel, because the validation of the email address failed. And: after validation, the user was not saved in the DB.
Bug description:
$list_domain_extensions alle uppercase now, this failed the validation.
We added a strtoupper in verify_formatting for now
added ‘is_active’ for the subscribers, but not added through update routine for the database
Hope this helps!
Where can you add the custom CSS to further customise your email template? It’s not available in Newsletters > Configuration > Theme, Scripts & Custom CSS. Thank you.
]]>If you delete emails from your Sent & Draft, they will be removed from this table, but they will still exist in the system. You can confirm this by checking a subscriber’s email history. Additionally, these emails will not be deleted from the wp_wpmlemails table, which can accumulate a large amount of data over time.
How can we delete emails?
]]>Dear tribulant team,
We are running a multi-lingual site with WPML. We facing a problem with language support on the newsletter subscribe form. Fields are configured for English and German language, hence, fields have the format [:en]Email Address[:de]Email Address. In the current version Newsletter 4.9.5(lite version) on WordPress 6.4.3 the language short codes are not resolved and instead values for both languages including the short codes are shown. It seems your demo site (WordPress Newsletter plugin �C Online demonstration of the Newsletter plugin. You may log in with demo / demo ( is affected by the same problem.
Is there a fix for this problem?
Recently our server updated their Server to MySQL 8.0.36
Since theor update, we cannot see the mailing list or any other lists. The error on one of the “Manage Lists” page is
WordPress database error: [Incorrect DATETIME value: ”]
SELECT * FROM wp_wpmlmailinglists
ORDER BY IF (wp_wpmlmailinglists.modified = ” OR wp_wpmlmailinglists.modified IS NULL,1,0), wp_wpmlmailinglists.modified DESC LIMIT 0 , 15;
What should we update the database table values to resolve the issue? I’m guessing somewhere in the structure.
Please assist.
]]>Is it possible for different lists to have different pages associated with them? I was wanting to add different confirmation and welcome pages for each one as I’m offering different bonuses for each newsletter signup.
]]>We’re looking for a way to let people subscribe to email notifications for new posts that contain topics or keywords in the post title and the user would have the ability to set the email as it happens with the new post or a summary daily that contains all the new posts that fit their criteria.
Do you have this option or does your pro version have this option and if not do you have any suggestions on how we might be able to accomplish something like this?
Thank you Thank you
I’m having problems with the translations.
When I add the subscription form to my articles I get the label of the entries with both translations preceded by the language tag. For example in the consent checkbox I get this:
[:it]Autorizzo a raccogliere e utilizzare i miei dati inviati in questo modulo.[:en]I give permission to collect and use my data submitted in this form.
The same thing happened when I created an email with a template where two languages are expected. For example, the consent part is shown to me like this:
Not interested anymore? [:it]Cancellati da questa newsletter[:en]Unsubscribe from this newsletter.
Having trouble viewing this email? [:it]Guarda nel browser[:en]View in your browser.
For translations I’m using the 3.4.5 version of Polylang plugin.
WordPress version 6.3.1
Active theme: Nisarg (version 1.5)
Current plugin: Newsletters (version 4.9.4)
PHP version 8.0.30
After making the latest plugin update, going from version 4.9.2 to 4.9.3, I had the following error in WordPress:
Un errore di E_ERROR �� stato causato nella linea 8 del file /web/htdocs/ Messaggio di errore: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given in /web/htdocs/
Stack trace: 0 /web/htdocs/ include() 1 /web/htdocs/ wpMailPlugin->render() 2 /web/htdocs/ wpMail->admin_groups() 3 /web/htdocs/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() 4 /web/htdocs/ WP_Hook->do_action() 5 /web/htdocs/ do_action() 6 {main}
What could it be due to? How can I solve it?
Thank you!
WordPress version 6.3.1
Active theme: Nisarg (version 1.5)
Current plugin: Newsletters (free version 4.9.3)
PHP version 8.0.30
]]>Hi, I installed and activated the free plugin and got the following error which I get warned about in a settings window:
“A critical error has occurred on your website. Check the site administrator’s mailbox for instructions.
Learn more about troubleshooting in WordPress.”
I received the error details on email:
Un errore di E_ERROR �� stato causato nella linea 6520 del file /web/htdocs/ Messaggio di errore: Uncaught TypeError: preg_split(): Argument #2 ($subject) must be of type string, array given in /web/htdocs/
Stack trace: 0 /web/htdocs/ preg_split() 1 /web/htdocs/ wpMailPlugin->language_split() 2 /web/htdocs/ include(‘��’) 3 /web/htdocs/ wpMailPlugin->render() 4 /web/htdocs/ wpmlMetaboxHelper->settings_optin() 5 /web/htdocs/ do_meta_boxes() 6 /web/htdocs/ include(‘��’) 7 /web/htdocs/ wpMailPlugin->render() 8 /web/htdocs/ wpMail->admin_config() 9 /web/htdocs/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() 10 /web/htdocs/ WP_Hook->do_action() 11 /web/htdocs/ do_action() 12 {main}
How can I fix it? Thank you!
My current configuration:
WordPress version: 6.2.2
Php version: 8.0.27
Newsletters version: 4.9.2
I have a bilingual site using Polylang and I’m considering installing this plugin. Would it be possible to create two groups of subscribers separated by language to send the appropriate newsletter to?
I installed the newsletters plugin today, but I got a php error. This crashes the entire site. The apache server gives the following error message:
AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “table” on null in?/var/www/vhosts/***/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/wp-mailinglist-plugin.php?on line 7620
Could you help me with this problem?
Kind regards,
]]>I am getting a fatal PHP error since upgrading from 4.9.0 to 4.9.1. I reverted back to 4.9.0 and confirm the error is gone. From my error log file:
PHP Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “>= 8.0.2”. You are running 7.4.33. in /home/��/wp-content/plugins/wp-mailinglist/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24
]]>In version 4.9.0 bounce management via IMAP is no longer working. This is the bug:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “PhpImap\IncomingMailHeader” not found in /wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/vendor/php-imap/php-imap/src/PhpImap/IncomingMail.php:7
The class IncomingMailHeader is undefined.
We would have bought licenses of the plugin a long time ago if you didn’t add more and more bugs with every new version.
]]>After upgrading from 4.8.8 to 4.9 we can no longer view the Subscribers list. The page displays this:
There has been a critical error on this website
WordPress reports this error:
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 7 of the file wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/views/admin/subscribers/index.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function queued_items() on wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/views/admin/subscribers/index.php:7
If I remove the corresponding if clause in index.php it works.
We are testing without other plugins enabled.
]]>Good morning, I recently updated the plugin to its latest version. Since the update of the widget that I use in the home, you show the html tags in this way:
[:en]aLe informamos que sus datos ser��n utilizados por MC Luxury Real Estate, para el env��o de nuestras comunicaciones informativas y promocionales. Para mayor informaci��n visite nuestra Pol��tica de Privacidad.[:es]Le informamos que sus datos ser��n utilizados por MC Luxury Real Estate, para el env��o de nuestras comunicaciones informativas y promocionales. Para mayor informaci��n visite nuestra Pol��tica de Privacidad.
Thank you, attentive to your answer
]]>When trying to subscribe, I get a popup alert telling me that “An Ajax error occurred, please submit again”. Other users has the same error.
It worked fine yesterday (five users have signed up). I tried with several e-mail-addresses.
I’m having a problem with the Latest Posts emails. The editor in the System Emails section is adding a ton of p and br tags, and the post thumbnail shortcode isn’t using the parameters I set, so it uses the full size image aligned left when I have large and center.
I have autop disabled in the_excerpt and the_content like so, so it only runs for posts…
tried to paste the code here, but this stupid block editor won't let me please keep this plugin compatible with WP4.9 and ClassicPress
Also, in Gmail, the two nested tables at the bottom of the email template get moved below the background table and aligned left. Don’t know if the injected p and br tags are causing that or not.
Thanks in advance, Sean
In Newsletter Lite version I cant add custom fields, so in order to use the Special Dates Autoresponder Extension do I need the Newsletters Pro version?
]]>Hello Tribulant Support,
there is a problem with our test site and live site with saving the language in Englisch and Germany.
We replicated that error in the URL of the test page.
For replication:
– go to “configuration”, put in your E-Mail-Adress and “Save Settings”.
– Create a newsletter and choose the E-Mail.
– If you try to sent it, we will get a critical error, because it tries to use the full E-Mail-Adress for sending:
Name: [:en]Sandbox[:de]Sandbox
E-Mail [:en][email protected][:de][email protected]
How can we fix this?
Why doesn’t it resolve the shortcode for the language?
WPML said to us, to ask the Plugin Developers.
with kind regards,
]]>Bounce management is no longer working with PHP 8.1. This is the error message from the WordPress debug.log:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in wp-content/plugins/newsletters-lite/vendors/bounce/bounce_driver.class.php:431
]]>I recently set up Newsletter on my website. I have included the shortcode on several places, but I’ll link to one page as the same error message is given everywhere.
When I put in an email address to test the plugin, I receive the following message:
There has been a critical error on this website.
Can anyone tell me what’s wrong and how I can fix this error please?
]]>I will test blogposts as autoresponder but see it only as excerpt in testmail
]]>I bought the Pro/Premium after the last question I had by the way.
Everytime I activate the plugin, my site’s template gets messed up with new CSS, I didn’t think it would be this plugin, but after testing, as soon as I activate it, my site gets CSS like underlined blue links, text sizes change, text link colors change and more. I may have to use Asset Cleanup to disable the plugin on different parts of the site.
Also, I tried creating a newsletter using “Create Newsletter”, I’m happy I hadn’t pressed “Send”, because after pressing “Save Draft”, everything I wrote in the textbox disappeared and there was just html like this:
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}
Screenshot below:
The first time I tried it erased everything, and I wrote a lot. The second time I just wrote “Testing.” and it did the same thing. It’s basically not saving anything I write.
Do you have solutions for any of these two problems? I really want to start using this today.
Edit: I solved the first CSS problem in the “Configuration” “General” area by turning off all CSS Styles and Scripts, now just waiting to see how I can resolved the second problem of the text disappearing when saved or scheduled, because I assume if I press send it’ll send like that.
]]>Is there a way to set the maximum amount of emails per minute or hour with the emails this plugin sends out?
]]>Only the text / html editor works at the moment. The tab for the visual editor is still there but I can’t switch the view. I deactivated the drag & drop builder to prevent any issues with the beta version, but it is still not working.