I configured Next Level Cache for y WP site. But its statistics shows following status.
Cache Contents
Number of Cached Items: 0
Cache Size: 0.01
Number of Resets Today: 49569
Number of Prunes Today: 110
I have InnoDB tables and MySQL 10.1.19 – MariaDB.
]]>Hi Jason, are you still actively working on the plugin?
]]>I have over 200 prunes daily. Is this normal?
My site has around 50 posts and 200-300 unique visitors per day.
It’s not too heavy with plugins and I already some exceptions for large and dynamic queries.
Also I’m using super-cache with mod rewrite with a 2 day cache timeout. So most of the time my wordpress should be idle but it doesn’t seem so.
I installed the plugin, used debug and whitelisted some number of queries.
Despite that, when open plugin it says RESETS TODAY IS OVER 1 THOUSAND.
I want to know what those queries are but your plugin only shows last reset query, which is not helpful. So how do I see all of those queries?
I saw on another thread that you felt 5MB could work for $MAX_CACHE_SIZE. Is there a reason we could not increase this to a higher value? Are you concerned about memory consumption or does the larger cache size outweigh the performance value due to a cache being so large that searches are slower than the original query?
I was looking into using your plugin on my site, which seems to fit the profile of the site you intended it to work for. However, in the past like 2 hours, the plugin claims it’s reset 63 times, and pruned 21 times. I’m pretty sure I haven’t even been visited 63 times, probably not even 21 times. This is really odd. Is there anything that you know of that could cause this behavior?
with query monitor plugin get this:
Notice: Undefined offset: -1
Count: 1
Call Stack:
Unknown location
Hello I installed this plugin. It shows error: A conflicting DB Drop-in is installed. See plugin settings.
I saw the plugin setting, but did not found any DB Drop-in
I am using the wp fastest cache plugin.
Please replay soon. Thanks
]]>The number shown at “Number of Prunes Today:” is actually a number of prunes since the plugin has been installed. I have wp-cron and other plugins use it and it works well.
What can I do to have to prune number pruned every day?
I noticed my php error log is full of:
[28-Jan-2016 08:38:39 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 140771328) (tried to allocate 32116283 bytes) in /home/ht682/paleosmak/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2964
I had set the memory for 10000.
What could be the cause of it?
I have just started playing with this cache. It looks very interesting. I set caching to some write queries regarding statistics. How long are they kept before they are flushed? Is it possible that the writes are kept maximum 5 minutes before they are flushed?
And what is the difference between reset and prune?
I have set all three variables in my wp-config.php, but I still don’t see any queries – how can I solve it?
Thank you in advance for your support.
]]>I love the logo ~ what’s the track he’s listening to?
Only, I am not sure if my clients will.
It would be good if it would show in my login only, or maybe only if there was something like this we could use, if we needed to ~
define('DISABLE_NLC_LOGO', true);
A good addition would be a simple options page with a button for clearing the cache. This options page should be separate from the existing options page and should just contain the button with a short explanation of what it does. That way it can be made available to users other than administrator users without confusing them with all of the technical info.
This would save having to unnecessarily update a post to clear the cache.
]]>Hello, this plugin looks interesting.
I installed it yesterday, it seems working. But how do I know it really ‘works’? I run some website performance tests, but I didn’t see any significant performance improvement.
My website uses Wordfence Basic Caching, Bad Behavior and this Next Level Cache plugin.
This is the information I got from Next Level Cache
Number of Cached Items: 0
Cache Size: 0.01
Last Saved: N/A
Last Prune: N/A
Number of Resets Today: 385
Number of Prunes Today: 0
Last Reset Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSg4bad_behavior
INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,ip
DATETIME NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,request_method
TEXT NOT NULL,request_uri
TEXT NOT NULL,server_protocol
TEXT NOT NULL,http_headers
TEXT NOT NULL,user_agent
TEXT NOT NULL,request_entity
(15)), INDEX (user_agent
(10)), PRIMARY KEY (id
) );
My website has average 40 human page views per day.
]]>Using 0.0.9.
Cached Items always display 0. Is that normal?
Using P3 Profiler, I still have the same number of SQL requests as before.
Is it actually working?
seems to squeeze a few more ms out of WP however WassUp breaks the cache. Any motivation to take a look? I really like WassUp stats… TY!!!
]]>[Tue Jan 27 08:38:21.823571 2015] [fcgid:warn] [pid 31511:tid 139962559170304] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: next_level_cache_wpdb::$CACHE_WRITE_WHITELIST in /home/wbpl/public_html/wp-content/db.php on line 478, referer: https://example.com/wp-admin/post-new.php
I have been having database issues with my hosting company (godaddy) and they made me notice this error message as a factor, which I doubt is the cause but you never know.
]]>Hi, do I have to do some special to properly deinstall the whole plugin.
I also add you plugin warning, but I can’t remember where it is, can you tell me in which file ?
Hi, I am just curious if you can let me know if the values below are still acceptable, or if they are degrading performance?
Warning: The number of prunes is high.
Cache Contents
Number of Cached Items: 0
Cache Size: 0.01
Number of Resets Today: 33076
Number of Prunes Today: 3431
Does this make use of the MySQL (Percona 5.6) Memcached plug-in? I have it installed and would love to know what is out there that will make use of it. If there isn’t any reason to use it then I will take it out but I was hoping that you could shed some light on what it buys me as is or if I’d need a cache plugin that is aware that it is available before it helps in any way.
I was going to email you privately but there is huge FAQ about how the forums are the absolutely best place to leave questions. Even if they seem embarrassing.
So how do I get rid of that GIF of the guy jacking off in the plugin info page and the wordpress activity area thingy?
And just out of curiosity….
Is that you in the GIF?
]]>I am running a community multisite with BuddyPress. It is quite active. And I am always looking at how to reduce queries and improve performance.
How would you like to experiment over here? ArtsArtistsArtwork
I tried the plugin and I am very disapointed^^
I have a lot of reset on the cache.
In the settings it says : “reset on every update of content”
But if I just load some pages on my website, the reset occurs on almost every page load.
Ex : I load the Homepage and I check the stats of your plugin : its OK
Now I load any other page and check the stats : Always OK
Now I return to the home page : the cache is now reset
Why is your plugin doing that ?
Thanks ??
]]>Thank you for great plugin.
I’ve used it for 1 day. And there is an message(below) in the admin dashboard.
Message: Warning: The number of prunes is high.
I don’t know the exact meaning but something wrong..
Could you tell the meaning or solution of the warning?
Kindly Regards
Hi, this cache looks very promising. Thank you for sharing it.
I have a site that crawls several news sites every 10-15 minutes and frequently adds new posts. I also use have some really db heavy plugins.
I am using the Gator Cache html cache which has improved my sites performance considerably. I have also installed Next Level Cache to improve my db queries before Gator Cache makes a static copy of my pages/posts.
Everything has gone smoothly except my number of cached items remains zero. You can see below;
Cache Contents
Number of Cached Items: 0
Cache Size: 0.01
Number of Resets Today: 267
Number of Prunes Today: 14
Is there something I should do?
]]>I’m going to have to disabled this plugin until it is more stable.
I woke up to a few thousand lines of this in our log and it was also visible on the front page to all our eCommerce clients.
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method wpdb2::save_cache_to_database() in /home/wp-content/db.php on line 500
]]>Hello dear
Today I found this alert in my admin
WARNING: The DB Drop-in is out of date.
The DB Driver 'next_level_cache_wpdb' installed at /home/ftpcpap/public_html/wp-content/db.phpdb.php is out of date. Please replace this file with the one located at wp-content/plugins/next-level-cache/db.php.
I think the plugin should be have some options with buttons for automatic move, install, uninstall, etc, the plugin
]]>Thanks for this zef plugin, I installed it but it keeps giving me:
The DB Driver ‘wpdb2’ is installed at /theme/wp-content/db.php If you wish to use Next Level Cache you will need to replace this driver file with the one located at wp-content/plugins/next-level-cache/db.php.
That file does not even exist in wp-content yet.
Even if I do copy it over, it still outputs that message.
just sneaking around in your code noticing that you didn’t make use of WPs gettext functions. Your plugin won’t be localizable that way.
–I’d recommend taking a look in the codex on that topic: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/I18n_for_WordPress_Developers–
EDIT: took a look at your other plugins … I take back the that teachy codex advice ??
]]>Hello dear
I add the lines
efine(‘SAVEQUERIES’, true);
define(‘DEBUGQUERIES’, true);
in my configuration but I no can see any change or information about debugging
Thanks for support