I used Nextcellent years ago but deleted it after a while, and went with NGG Nextgen Gallery with its periodic improvements. I use the WP-Optimize plugin to optimize my plugins and it keeps informing me that all NGG tables also use Nextcellent and adds “not installed”. This is annoying of course. I have tried to deactivate and even delete the Nextgen Gallery plugin, and reinstall it. But the message keeps popping up again. To me it is annoying, and it might also be a vulnerability.
So my question is: How do I completely delete and remove all traces of Nextcellent?
we used you plugin for years withous problems, recently we are unable to add images to galleries, instead we get the message:
“Unable to write to directory /wordpress/wp-content/gallery/testimonianze. Is this directory writable by the server?”
Checking on the website emerged this fatal error:
NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_permalink() on null in /www/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/nggfunctions.php:366″
The website using WP 6.1.1 and all plugins are updated.
Can you please help us? Thanks,
]]>Recently the galleries on my website started displaying as one long column. I don’t know what event caused this to start happening – I suspect it was a new version of WP. I am currently running @nickg’s latest version (July 3 2022). As an experiment, I loaded the last WP version (version 1.9.35 from an old backup), and it had the same problem. When I debug using Chrome Developer Tools, I find that the nggallery.css file is not being used. I can fix it by copying the css from nggallery.css into into my theme file. But, that is a band-aide solution. The URL I provided is from my test site. In my ‘live’ site (thelesters.net), I updated the CSS in my theme with code from nggallery.css to make it work. Can you provide any clues as to why this is happening?
Thanks very much for any suggestions that you have.
]]>Well, the time has come for me to (regretfully) move on from NextCellent.
It (and its predecessor) have given me good service over the last decade, but there are too many reasons now.
Many thanks to those who kept it alive for so long.
Obviously, WordPress’ move to block structures doesn’t help. That would take a huge amount of coding to resolve.
And the old code is starting to creak – throwing more php errors and clogging up my log file.
The main reason, though is that I want to set up a WooCommerce shop, and that works well with WP’s native Media Library.
For context, I’m a photographer, and I’m looking to run a portfolio site. This has a number of galleries which are managed over time (rather than one-off posts), and doesn’t really lend itself to the basic native WP library.
So I like my images to be organised into a folder structure.
Also … Gallery blocks concern me. Structures (images, sequences) are held on a post-by-post basis, which means a change to the block could potentially mess things up. I feel safer with database structures.
So I’ve put together a post outlining how I’ll be structuring my galleries going forward, in case anyone else is wondering about options.
(Hint – it involves free plugins).
You can read it at https://critical-focus.net/blog/2022/05/and-its-goodbye-to-nextcellent-with-regret/
All the best,
I realize that this plugin is no longer supported. However, I know there are some people who are still interested in keeping it working, such as Frank (@feeschwer) and nickga (@nickga), and I’m sure others. So I’m hoping that I may get some help with this one.
When I select a gallery, and then select ‘Sort gallery’, there is a drag and drop interface that allows me to sort the pictures in the gallery. This has quit working. I can drag a picture, but when I drop it, it goes back to the original position. I don’t know for sure, but I’m assuming this started with the last update to WordPress (version 5.9). Just as a whim, I tried @nickga’s branch that he linked to in the ‘Mehrere Anpassung für PHP 8’ post. No luck – ‘Sort gallery’ still doesn’t work with that version (it was wishful thinking).
Any help would be appreciated.
By the way, the ‘Bulk Action’ delete function has also quit working, but this happened prior to the last WordPress update. It hasn’t been working for quite a while. I can work around this by deleting individual photos.
]]>Hallo, erstmal vorne weg. Ich kann leider kein englisch. Vielleicht kann jemand meinen Tweet für diejenigen die kein deutsch k?nnen, auf englisch übersetzen.
Nun meine Anpassungen zum fantastischen Plugin was auch unter PHP 8.0.3 funktioniert und auch mit WordPress 5.7 klarkommt.
Vorraussetzung ist die angepasste Version von "@nickga" von der Seite "https://github.com/nickg/nextcellent".
Mit dieser Version sind auch die "create funktion"-Probleme behoben.
@rlucian hatte vor einem Jahr das Problem mit der Auswahl der Galerien bei der Erstellungen eines Post berichtet.
Ich habe wie folgt das Problem gel?st...
Dazu die "window.php"-Datei unter admin/tinymce ?ffnen und nach der Zeile (Zeile 137/138 in der Original-Datei)
<select id=”gallerytag” name=”gallerytag” style=”width: 200px”>
<option value=”0″ selected=”selected”><?php _e(“Select or search for a gallery”, ‘nggallery’); ?></option>
folgendes einfügen...
$gallery_list = $nggdb->find_all_galleries(‘gid’, ‘DESC’);
if(is_array($gallery_list)) {
foreach($gallery_list as $gallery) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘.$gallery->gid.'”>’.$gallery->gid.’ – ‘.$gallery->title.'</option>’.”\n”;
Weiter geht es mit der Albumauswahl...
nach der Zeile (Zeile 238/239 in der Original-Datei)
<select id=”albumtag” name=”albumtag” style=”width: 200px”>
<option value=”0″ selected=”selected”><?php _e(“Select or enter album”, ‘nggallery’); ?></option>
folgendes einfügen...
$album_list = $nggdb->find_all_album(‘id’, ‘DESC’);
if(is_array($album_list)) {
foreach($album_list as $album) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘.$album->id.'”>’.$album->id.’ – ‘.$album->name.'</option>’.”\n”;
Jetzt für die Bilderauswahl...
nach der Zeile (Zeile 307/308 in der Original-Datei)
<select id=”singlepictag” name=”singlepictag” style=”width: 200px”>
<option value=”0″ selected=”selected”><?php _e(“Select or enter picture”, ‘nggallery’); ?></option>
folgendes einfügen...
$picture_list = $nggdb->find_last_images(”, 200, ”, ‘pid’);
if(is_array($picture_list)) {
foreach($picture_list as $picture) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘.$picture->pid.'”>’.$picture->pid.’ – ‘.$picture->alttext.'</option>’.”\n”;
Die 200 steht für die letzten 200 Fotos in der Datenbank. Die Zahl sollte nicht zu hoch gew?hlt werden.
Nun die Funktion für die neuesten Fotos...
nach der Zeile (Zeile 382 in der Original-Datei)
<select id=”recentgallery” name=”recentgallery” style=”width: 200px”>
<option value=”0″ selected=”selected”><?php _e(“Select or search for a gallery”, ‘nggallery’); ?></option>
folgendes einfügen...
$recent_list = $nggdb->find_all_galleries(‘gid’, ‘DESC’);
if(is_array($recent_list)) {
foreach($recent_list as $recent) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘.$recent->gid.'”>’.$recent->gid.’ – ‘.$recent->title.'</option>’.”\n”;
Zum Schluss noch die Zufallsfunktion...
nach den Zeilen (Zeile 432/433 in der Original-Datei)
<select id=”randomgallery” name=”randomgallery” style=”width: 200px”>
<option value=”0″ selected=”selected”><?php _e(“Select or search for a gallery”, ‘nggallery’); ?></option>
folgendes einfügen...
$random_list = $nggdb->find_all_galleries(‘gid’, ‘DESC’);
if(is_array($random_list)) {
foreach($random_list as $random) {
echo ‘<option value=”‘.$random->gid.'”>’.$random->gid.’ – ‘.$random->title.'</option>’.”\n”;
Jetzt zum Problem mit "Required parameter ... follows optional parameter"
Dazu sind ?nderungen in mehreren Dateien notwendig.
Erste ?nderung in der Datei "gd.thumbnail.inc.php" im Verzeichnis "lib"
Dort die folgende Zeile suchen...
function watermarkCreateText($color = ‘000000’,$wmFont, $wmSize = 10, $wmOpaque = 90 ){
und ?ndern in
function watermarkCreateText($wmFont, $color = ‘000000’, $wmSize = 10, $wmOpaque = 90 ){
Dabei f?llt auf, das die beiden ersten übergabeparameter einfach nur vertauscht werden.
Das ganze auch in der Datei "imagemagick.inc.php" im Verzeichnis "lib" ?ndern.
Nun dazu die übergabezeilen anpassen. Dazu die "nggshow.php" im Hauptverzeichnis vom Plugin ?ffnen und die Zeile suchen...
$thumb->watermarkCreateText($ngg_options[‘wmColor’], $ngg_options[‘wmFont’], $ngg_options[‘wmSize’], $ngg_options[‘wmOpaque’]);
in folgendes ?ndern...
$thumb->watermarkCreateText($ngg_options[‘wmFont’], $ngg_options[‘wmColor’], $ngg_options[‘wmSize’], $ngg_options[‘wmOpaque’]);
Den selbigen Vorgang auch in der "image.php" im "lib"-Verzeichnis.
Nun noch die "functions.php" im "admin"-Verzeichnis ?ndern.
$file->watermarkCreateText($ngg->options[‘wmColor’], $ngg->options[‘wmFont’], $ngg->options[‘wmSize’], $ngg->options[‘wmOpaque’]);
$file->watermarkCreateText($ngg->options[‘wmFont’], $ngg->options[‘wmColor’], $ngg->options[‘wmSize’], $ngg->options[‘wmOpaque’]);
Was in einer Einstellungsseite kein Beispielfoto für die Wasserzeichenfunktions angezeigt wird, dann folgendes...
In der Datei "gd.thumbnail.inc.php" im "lib"-Verzeichnis suchen...
if(is_resource($this->watermarkImgPath)) {
$this->workingImage = $this->watermarkImgPath;
} else {
und in ... ?ndern
if(!is_resource($this->watermarkImgPath) && ! $this->watermarkImgPath instanceof \GdImage ) {
Ich hoffe hiermit vielen geholfen zu haben.
Gru? Frank
I finally updated my site to WP 5 (5.5 actually) because I need to for WooCommerce compatability and other things, etc. I’ve been waiting and biting my nails about it because I’ve been afraid my site which relies HEAVILY on Nextcellent Gallery would break.
Sure enough it has. All thumbnails in galleries no longer link to their respective pages. And as many times as I hit ‘recreate URL’ in the settings (which has worked before) nothing changes.
The last update was over 3 years ago.
It is a sad day. I guess it’s time to give up the ghost and move on. I truly loved the simplicity of this plugin. My templates were all highly customized. The whole thing worked seamlessly. Now the seams are showing and it’s a tattered mess.
Buyer beware.
]]>Running this plugin in PHP 7.x generates thumbnail errors (and perhaps others, I use the plugin in limited ways), but in 7.2 the thumbs still generate even though the error message says they failed.
On my site, while running 7.3, the errors appear during thumb generation and the thumbs no longer generate.
I’m guessing that 7.3 is stricter in some way with the deprecated create_function()
that still appears in various files in the last version of this plugin.
There is a developer tool called Rector, which also has a demo site, but I am unable to get the files to be accepted, the demo claims that there are syntax errors and won’t generate a replacement.
If someone out there loves this plugin and can run the files through Rector after searching for instances of create_function()
to see which ones need rewritten, they could release a fork.
It doesn’t stop anything from working, of course, but that’s where the documentation lives.
I’m getting a message :
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.
We have around 1,800-2,000 image galleries and spend WAY too much time searching through them to find specific images. They’re split up by product. The search function crawls the names of the images, but not the title of the gallery. Our galleries are titled by the product name where the images are pretty random. Fortunately, it’s in alphabetical order. However, when you need something that starts with an H, you have 30 pages or so to click through.
Is there any way around this? Is there a better search function?
unfortunally I’m getting fatal PHP errors with the NextCellent Gallery plugin:
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215256 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_permalink() on null in /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/nggfunctions.php:366, referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215284 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: Stack trace:, referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215288 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #0 /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/nggfunctions.php(228): nggCreateGallery(Array, '208', '', false), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215291 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #1 /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/lib/shortcodes.php(241): nggShowGallery('208', '', false), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215293 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #2 /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(343): NextGEN_shortcodes->show_gallery(Array, '', 'nggallery'), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215296 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #3 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215298 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #4 /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(218): preg_replace_callback('/\\\\[(\\\\[?)(nggall...', 'do_shortcode_ta...', '[nggallery id=2...'), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215301 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #5 /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/ajax/class-shortcode-filter.php(35): do_shortcode('[nggallery id=2...'), referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
[Wed Apr 01 17:25:49.215310 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 12733:tid 140340938405632] [client 2003:c5:9f08:fb00:4d05:264e:3551:3e8d:49779] mod_fcgid: stderr: #6 /var/www/clients/client1/web16 in /var/www/clients/client1/web169/web/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/nggfunctions.php on line 366, referer: https://www.domain.tld/wp-admin/post.php?post=6177&action=edit&lang=de
I’m running PHP 7.2 and MariaDB 10.4 on this website.
Can you do something about it?
If I use NextCellent to add a ‘Featured Image’ to an article from one of my galleries then this important feature has been completely broken with the release of WordPress 5.4. The image thumbnails for all past featured images have also been blanked (they don’t show and the image URL doesn’t exist after the update).
Worse still, if you want to swap back to NextGen Gallery then the problem remains, except on any posts made by NextGen as those featured images show fine. Only NextCellent is broken. WP5.3 didn’t have this problem, so something has changed somewhere and I don’t see where from the release announcement.
I’m running PHP 7.4.
]]>Hello everybody,
I’ve just noticed that the cached gallery images are almost three times as big as the original ones!
Original image: 629 KB; Cached image: 1600 KB.
This is way too much!!
Can anyone help me with this issue? Is there a way to deactivate the cache?
for a certain webpage I take care of now and which is using the NextCellent Gallery, Version 1.9.35, the Thumbnails of the images in the galleries are shown without spaces between and also no spaces between the rows. All Thumbnails are placed near each other, without spaces. I don’t find any settings to set the space. Can you please give me a hint what to try? Thank you!
Best Regards
On the ‘Galleries’ page there is a ‘Search images’ option. After searching images, there is a page with the results of the search, and fields for changing the ‘Alt & Title Text/Descriptions’ and ‘Tags’. After changing the ‘Tags’ (or changing the description), I click on ‘Save Changes’, and none of the changes are saved. Instead, everything reverts back to what it was before I made the changes.
Has anybody else had this problem? Do you know of a fix for this? I searched the forum and didn’t find anything.
]]>Currently the pictures in tags are being sorted by date but older pictures are being shown first and on last pages, the recently uploaded pictures are being shown. Is there any way that it can be changed to the latest ones to be shown first?
Thanks for your support and guidance.
I’m getting this PHP warning message on my logs:
PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /var/www/[snip]/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/widgets/class-ngg-slideshow-widget.php on line 175
It relates to the last lines in the three widget files
An example line :
create_function('', 'return register_widget("NGG_Media_RSS_Widget");')
The PHP manual says :
This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged.
(My host said they were going to upgrade to 7.2).
I don’t actually use these widgets, but I also don’t like clogging my logs, so here’s a workaround example (for the class-ngg-media-rss-widget.php file)…
Comment out the ‘add_action’ line (above)
Append the following lines :
* Register NGG Media RSS widget
function ngg_register_media_rss_widget() {
register_widget( 'NGG_Media_RSS_Widget' );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'ngg_register_media_rss_widget' );
The widget still appears on my ‘Appearance/Widgets’ file
Similar treatments to the other two files (using unique function names, of course) should resolve the issue.
If anyone has a better solution, please feel free to chime in ??
]]>I love this plugin and have used it for years. It’s a core part of my site. However, I haven’t updated to WP5.0 because I can’t find anything regarding this plugin being compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
Has anyone else used this with WP5.0? Does it work ok? Any bugs? What has your experience been?
A series of these errors (for lines 70, 72 and 73) are thrown when accessing the Styles admin tab.
The problem relates to the source .css files :
These files don’t have the CSS Name, Description, Author or Version bits included in the headers (as is the case for the other files).
Editing the files to include these eliminates the error.
It would be nice if these could be filled for the next release, so the problem doesn’t resurface.
Just a note for future releases …
The ngg_delete_picture filter runs when the Gallery management->bulk actions->delete images is chosen, but doesn’t seem to work when the ‘inline’ Delete option on individual images is clicked.
Is there any known reason why the popup for the rotate function is blank?
I have, on chrome this console message : /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/admin/rotate.php?id=82:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
But rotate.php is in folder.
I have on firefox console message : onmozfullscreenchange est obsolète. components.min.js:12:80764
Thanks for any help in advance.
]]>Hi there,
I do not know for what reason the posibility to select what galery to insert into the post from Basics -> Select a Gallery is not working anymore on my site. There are only a message ?Select or search for a gallery” displayed but no galery is available to select. To insert a galery in post i must put the tags manualy [nggallery id=****] and galery are displayed into that post. Can anyone point me what’s wrong? Thank you!
when i try to upload images to a gallery i run into a 500 error page.
The images i tried it with are less than 100 KB.
I tried it with 10 at aonce, tried it with 3 at once and i tried it image by image.
Whatever i tried – i cant see any reason why it happens.
Sometimes it works – but mostly not.
The errorlogs tell me this:
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_permalink() on null in /var/………heiraten-mit-stil.eu/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy/nggfunctions.php:366,
Any idea what that could be?
I’m looking to update a site to a responsive format and am concerned about my galleries. Are there plans to update NextCellent to include responsiveness, or do you think it’s time to bite the bullet and move on?
I really like NextCellent, it saved me (as it did many) after NextGen went wacky on us, but responsiveness is just too important now to ignore it.
Thanks, John
]]>Once upon a time in history I installed Nextcellent for a reason I have forgotten. I later uninstalled it and continued to use Nextgen Gallery. During a cleanup of my database using the WP Optimize plugin, I recently discovered there were three tables all containing this text:
Belongs to: nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy [not installed]”
The other two tables were called ngg_gallery and ngg_pictures.
Unfortunately I clicked on the Remove button next to all three.
Consequence: They were removed alright. But a sign popped up thanking me that I had installed Nextgen Gallery. Which I hadn’t, because it was already installed. Anyway, I checked the content of my galleries and albums. There were none. Everything had been removed, or so it seemed from within the WP dashboard.
I checked my server, opened the SQL window and found the Nextgen Gallery tables removed. The NGG plugin was in the plugin folder, the photos still in their libraries. But the connection was lost.
It may be that the “Belongs to:… ” statement fooled my. I had seemingly not removed the nextcellent tables, but the actual NGG tables.
Then everything broke down and I’m currently unable to login to my website’s WP dashboard. In addition the website is not showing online at all.
This is a warning. And also a question about why the h… Nextcellent tables were not removed when I deleted the plugin, and why they still seemingly occupy Nextgen database tables long after Nextcellent has been deleted and otherwise removed. Moreover, how do I fix it?
I can not upload anything! No media or plugins. I am running the site under wampserver on localhost so can’t give you a url.
There are no specific messages, other than upload failed.
I have deactivated all plugins and makes no difference. I have also added file size increases in htaccess and ini.php …no change.
What am I missing? Most amusing – I just went to install a Heath Check and Trouble-shooting plugin but that won’t upload either ??
]]>Is there any known reason why the popup for the rotate function is blank?
I have tried to suspend all plugins to test and see if there was a conflict and that did not resolve anything.
Thanks for any help in advance.
]]>The ‘Tags’ window has an option to rename tags. When I try to rename a tag, it doesn’t rename the tag with the the text I specified, but rather replaces it with the text ‘Array’. For example, the existing tag was ‘Mexican Poppy’ and I replaced it with ‘California Poppy’, and it put the tag ‘Array’ in place of ‘Mexican Poppy’, rather than the desired ‘California Poppy’. I am using the latest WordPress and NextCellent versions.
]]>When I try to upload an image from Add Gallery / Images to my existing gallery I receive a message that No images were added. Could you help me with this problem please?
Plugin: NextCellent Gallery
Version: 1.9.22
WordPress Version: 4.9.8
is it possible to save images from NextCellent galery to local computer?
I have a few galleries at one WP site and I would like to transfer to another site.
I can’t loggin on site via FTP or cPanel, I have only access via DashBoard of site.
What can I do?