Hello – I love your cooliris plug-in for nextgen gallery. I installed it and changed all of my shortcodes to use cooliris. I happened to be using my ipad and checked my website only to find that the cooliris gallery does not display.
Is nextgen cooliris gallery supported on IPAD ?
]]>Is it possible to remove the social media icons and the cooliris logo? They make the plugin hard to justify to me as I really need people to stay on my site.
In the same vein is it possible to change the colour of the blue navigation bar to match my colour scheme?
And lastly is it possible to cancel linking to the individually loaded image.
Thank you,
best regards
To start off I’m new to WP, but starting to learn – not much so far, but I keep practicing.
Now to my issue:
I have NextGen Gallery (v 2.0.33) and NextGen Cooliris Gallery (v 0.7) installed. (WP v 3.7.1)
When I try to add a gallery with cooliris skin it doesn’t give me the option to choose cooliris, but only the original/basic gallery skins.
I created a crossdomain.xml (into public_html > wp-content > themes > my theme) with info below:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM “https://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd”>
<allow-access-from domain=”*.cooliris.com” />
Don’t know what wrong turn I might have taken – anyone have an idea?
Btw – under public_html I only got following folders: wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.
Thanks in advance!
]]>NextGen Cooliris Gallery 0.6 seems not to be working with NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati 2.0.21 under Firefox 23.0.1. and Google chrome 29.0.1547.66 m. It shows left and right buttons and the cooliris name and social lings at the bottom but no images.
]]>This plugin don’t work with NextGen Gallery 2.0, please check.
I pasted the crossdomain.html into my public folder and everything seems to be fine with exception of me being able to add pictures into the gallery…. how can I add a gallery into my dashboard as well as the cooliris icon into the page/post? Thanks!
]]>Hi Team,
First of tons of thanks for this great plugin.
On wordpress 3.5.1 the facebook share button is not working, however twitter sharing is working perfectly fine.
When I tried facebook share from plugins homepage it was working.but not from my site.
Could you please look into it? Is this facebook share similar to facebook like? If not could you please develop the same.
Thanks again!!
issues, issues, issues …
Installed, activated, ran into a crossdomain issue.
I placed a crossdomain.xml into the root of my webspace (yeah, I checked it, its the exact root) but when I try to run the Coolirs Plugin, it asks me all the time to put the crossdomain.xml into my root-folder.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "https://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*.cooliris.com" secure="false" />
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
Also checked the r/w rights and (temporarily) set it to 777.
I also “updated” the policy-link, but also tried the “default” one.
I think there are some issues with the media-rss of NextGen Gallery, because the problem also exists on the cooliris page https://www.cooliris.com.
]]>Panic subsided after discovering that NextGen Cooliris had been deactivated. Not sure if it is a bug in the upgrades or the sequence but all is well now. Just in case anyone else has the same surprise.
]]>Please uodate plugin to be compatible with wordpress 3.4
]]>I just installed WordPress 3.4 and now my nextgen cooliris gallery will not work. I have the short code right and on the pages that were working before the gallery does not show up at all. Have installed the cross domain xml file properly as well. the problem was from installing 3.4 and now I cannot uninstall back. It happened on two websites. HELP PLEASE!!!
]]>I’ve followed all the installation instructions, including the crossdomain.xml file in the proper directory.
I can create a gallery using the NextGen shortcode [nggallery id=x] but [NextGen id=x] and [NextGen_cooliris id=x] don’t work.
When using the shortcode [NextGen_cooliris id=x], the player embeds properly, and I can change player parameters such as changing the player from ‘white’ to ‘light,’ etc. However, the player is empty – no pictures, no gallery.
Normally, when selecting fullscreen from the Cooliris player, it will show the gallery in full screen. Instead I’m getting a message that says “No items in the stream.”
Is it possible that the plugin isn’t finding/reading the Media RSS stream?
I’m not sure if that’s a NextGen Cooliris plugin problem, or a NextGen problem.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
]]>I get the plugin working, but my shortcode isn’t changing the parameters. For example, with:
[nextgen_cooliris aid=1 style=black mode=album numrows=2]
…I still get a white background and 4 rows.
In the end I have changed the number of rows in the code:
function show_nextgen_cooliris_shortcode($atts)
‘numrows’ => 4,
‘style’ => ‘white’,
‘mode’ => ‘gallery’,
‘id’ => 1,
‘aid’ => 1,
‘page’ => 0,
‘show’ => 10,
‘width’ => 600,
‘height’ => 370
), $atts));
… and I get what I want. I started looking at the code, and the cooliris.com documentation, but haven’t got anywhere yet.
Any ideas?
It would help to have more shortcode variations that you have tested, so that I check these out.
]]>I’m trying to use this plugin in php format – just installed version 0.5. I’ve copied the code that you have in the installation to my php file (where I want it to run) and it refuses to work.
The installation says to write:
<?php if function_exists(‘show_nextgen_cooliris’) echo show_nextgen_cooliris (600,370, 4, ‘white’, ‘gallery’, 2); ?>
The error is:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ‘(‘ in /home/XXXX/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/themes/XXXX/index.php on line 3
]]>The fullscreen feature of the Cooliris 3D wall will not work unless you add the line
allowfullscreen: “true”,
The section of the plugin will now look like this and will work:
<!– NextGen Gallery Cooliris Plugin –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var flashvars = {
feed: “‘.$vars.'”,
numRows: ‘.$numrows.’,
metadataFont: “‘.$font.'”,
style: “‘.$style.'”
var params = {
allowscriptaccess: “always”,
allowfullscreen: “true”,
wmode: “transparent”
]]>Locate the code block below and add the line
allowfullscreen: “true”,
in var params
The section will look like this:
<!– NextGen Gallery Cooliris Plugin –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var flashvars = {
feed: “‘.$vars.'”,
numRows: ‘.$numrows.’,
style: “‘.$style.'”
var params = {
allowscriptaccess: “always”,
allowfullscreen: “true”,
wmode: “transparent”
“cooliris’.$cooliris_gallery_count.'”, “‘.$width.'”, “‘.$height.'”, “9.0.0”, “”,
flashvars, params);
Without the allowfullscreen set to true the wall crashes on going to fullscreena and goes to a default Cooliris page. Not good.
So far, this works all the time.