The PHP file in the current 1.0 download has a couple typos. The form contains two occurrences of “<?=” which needs to be changed to “<?php “.
]]>I have added the NextGEN Gallery Search, but nothing has happened! I do not have a search box in ‘manage galleries’ ( except for the search image box) and I can not see anything appear in ‘options’ or ‘tools’.
The plugin is activated. Where is the search supposed to appear? What could be wrong? I would love to use this plugin. It is just what I need with many galleries, it is hard to scroll through them all.
]]>Hello Marco and fellow WordPress users,
I’m dropping by to point out that there’s a tiny bug in the plugin which, while not world breaking, can be the source of some annoying notices when you’re using the WP-Debug mode.
The notice in question is:
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
And the fix is very simple:
Open the /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-search/nextgen-gallery-search.php file and on line 17, replace the 8 with 'manage_options'
So the full line, after the edit, will need to look like this:
add_menu_page('Gallery Search', 'Gallery Search', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'ngs_search_page');
The reason for this change is that WordPress no longer likes numeric values for admin checks when it comes to menus.