This plug in is now DOA. Shortcode ? [ngg_public_uploader]
Error thrown
Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()
Maybe a PHP 7 problem ???
But no way to upload a file, whether thru moderation queue or not.
Too bad. NextGen should either fix this or delete it from the plugin directory. Now it is just wasting our time.
Hello, I’ve setup a page with [ngg_public_uploader] for users to upload from as well as a page with [ngg_pup_Moderation] to view the queue for moderation. I setup a test account, logged in and uploaded a file. There are no messages that it submits and when I check the designated file there are no files in it and the moderation page says there are no files in the queue. What do I need to change?
]]>I have NGG Pro 2.3.5 and WP 4.2.4 and the plugin doesn’t appear to work. I have tried to have it go to a queue directory and also right into a NGG gallery I created for it and no luck. Looks like it uploads a file (no error messages and page refreshes back to the choose a file page) but no files are there. I checked with FTP to see if files are present in any defined directories and nothing is there. Is there any logging with the plugin that I can look at? I set the queue directory to 777 so it is wide open from a perms perspective.
]]>I installed the plugin and all my galleries from NextGen stopped working. As soon as I deactivated the plugin everything was fine. Please Help I love what this plugin is capable of.
]]>Hello, I use All options of NextGen Gallery- Regular+Public Upload, and im thinking also to update to the Pro for the eCommerce option, but i have one thing i couldn’t solve and find the option in the plugins:
Is there a way for the user to be able to DELETE the images he uploaded when its in the Front of the site? at the moment, Users, as subscribers, have a portfolio and they can upload the images but they can not delete them.
I would appreciate any help here.
Many Thanks.
]]>I am getting –
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘ngg_test’ was given in /home1/buckman/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 213
Line 213 is $value=
do {
foreach( (array) current($wp_filter[$tag]) as $the_ )
if ( !is_null($the_[‘function’]) ){
$args[1] = $value;
$value = call_user_func_array($the_[‘function’], array_slice($args, 1, (int) $the_[‘accepted_args’]));
I would like to continue to use this plugin for a feature we are putting together for our member.
]]>Hi, when i try to change NGG Gallery Directory in ngg uloader settings i write new destination path and save settings it back to factory setting:
i want to change to: /some-main-folder
Could it be changed via ftp or sql?
]]>How may I allow users to upload pictures of up to 5mb in size and (if possible) upload 5 or more at one time (using CTRL + Click)? Below are the site’s current htaccess and server settings.
Thank you in advance,
.htaccess contents
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value post_max_size 50M
php_value upload_max_filesize 30M
php_value memory_limit 500M
Server settings as reported by plugin.
Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
Server : Apache
Memory usage : 39.68 MByte
MYSQL Version : 5.1.68-community-log
SQL Mode : Not set
PHP Version : 5.2.17
PHP Safe Mode : Off
PHP Allow URL fopen : On
PHP Memory Limit : 40
PHP Max Upload Size : 2M
PHP Max Post Size : 8M
PCRE Backtracking Limit : 500000
PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
PHP IPTC support : Yes
PHP XML support : Yes
Graphic Library
GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support : Yes
FreeType Linkage : with freetype
T1Lib Support : No
GIF Read Support : Yes
GIF Create Support : Yes
JPG Support : Yes
PNG Support : Yes
WBMP Support : Yes
XPM Support : No
XBM Support : Yes
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : No
]]>the thumbnail generation of uploaded images don’t keep the aspect ratio of the orginal image. Nextgen itself takes care of that.
]]>When an image is uploaded with the plugin it’s stored directly without the rescaling, which is configured in nextgen.
In my case i let nextgen rescale all images to max. 2048x2048px 95% quality. But The plugin seems to just copy the image to the gallery.
]]>This is great plug-in. I have the image uploads going directly to a Nextgen Gallery. The upload process works fine. However, the image thumbnail do not show unless I clear the image cache in Nextgen. Is there a reason for having to do it or is there a setting or way to show the thumbnail after it is uploaded?
For info: when using this plugin with Nextcellent Gallery Legacy plugin (instead of NextGen Gallery), a PHP warning is generated when using a gallery shortcode.
The warning is generated by the following line in ngg_uploader.php:
add_action(‘ngg_render_template’ , ‘ngg_test’ );//get rid of this, useless.
The warning is:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘ngg_test’ not found or invalid function name in /Users/XXXX/Sites/XXXX/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 192
Commenting out or removing this line makes the warning go away.
]]>I added the line
$strOutput .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tags\" value=\"".get_the_title()."\">";
to the function display_image_upload_input…
The purpose of this is that users will upload an image to the general album. The image is then viewed in galleries using the tag. The tag is supposed to attach automatically.
I did this so I did not have to build a gallery for every post that allows image uploads.
This seem to have worked at fist, but has since stopped. And idea what I can do to make this work?
Sorry if my sentence structure is bad, i’ve been working for nearly 12 hours at the computer now… long past break time.
I have the ‘Allow users to create galleries’ option ticked and have selected what user roles can create these galleries but when I view the page with [ngg_public_uploader] shortcode there is no option for naming a gallery etc?
Can you please advise?
]]>I’m attempting to test this plugin.
I create the upload pages and moderation pages. I set the directories other options but I get the following error on all the pages
Sorry you do not have access to this page.
I’m admin, of course. Nothing seems to correct it.
Thanks for the amazing plugin, but is there a way to ask the uploader some questions like; In which album would you like to place the photo’s and give us an description. like this form does;
( yeah i know its like chinese, but actually it’s dutch ?? )
Thanks for helping me out!
]]>Does this work ok with wp 3.8.1?
]]>Hello lagdonkey,
I’m currently in the process of building out an ecommerce site using WP and Woo. We are in dire need of this function and would like to see if you might be interested in working with us to build out a custom version of the plug in that aligns with what we’re trying to do. Please advise!
Thanks, I now have the settings.(previous post)
However I can’t get the uploader short code to work.
I have 1 NextGen gallery gid=1
I have the following short code in my page template
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[ ngg_public_uploader gid=”1″]’); ?>
The result is just to print out the short code e.g. [ ngg_public_uploader gid=”1″ ]
I get the same result if I put the short code in the page.
Can you advise please?
]]>Hello all current users, and people considering using this plugin. I plan on doing a complete overhaul of this plugin very shortly. A few things I have planned are:
1) Full Ajax support of the uploader. This means that if a users browser supports javascript, they will be able to use the uploader without page refreshes. Of course the plugin will still function WITHOUT havascript as well.
2) A complete overhaul of the upload handler. The way it’s currently written isn’t very modular or easy to modify, so I plan on moving to a class based handler I wrote, to make it much more modular, for people looking to modify it.
3) I plan on adding some of the requested features, such as the ability for users to add tags to images and galleries.
I expect that, time permitting, this update will occur within the next few weeks.
This plugin is great. It’s just a little hard to figure out ??
I want the uploaded images to appear automatically in the gallery page.
How can I achieve that?
]]>I have just installed your plugin.The options page shows “Allow user to create galleries”
but there is no check box.
Do other settings have to be enabled?
Also the display in the setting options boxes is not showing properly.
Can you help please.
]]>I have the plugin installed and also NextGen gallery, I have the uploaded to upload to the mod que, I can view my mod que, then send the picture over to a gallery, if i then view my gallery via my site, it says no images found, but if i check it via the backend, i can see the uploaded picture in the gallery, the only way i seem to be able to get the image to display is to manually add an image to the gallery via the backend, then they all show..
do i have something configured wrong?
thanks ??
]]>Is this a known issue?
]]>Hi and happy new year would like to know if it’s possible to send out to two emails when
Notify Me by e-mail when a user uploads images.thanks
]]>Hello, how are you?
Many thanks for the plug-in.
I’m running into the following issue.
I’m setting up a page where 3 different users can go to upload their media. I set the upload fields as per instructions:
[ngg_public_uploader gid=”1″]
[ngg_public_uploader gid=”2″]
[ngg_public_uploader gid=”3″]
But all the images go to the 1st Gallery.
Is there something really obvious that I am missing?
Thanks for any help.
]]>After installing and activating this plugin, we got that error “No valid template” in every instance where a gallery should show up on the site. Additionally, it broke the template. Had to uninstall.
WordPress 3.6.1.
NextGen Version 2.0.33
]]>is it possible to add custom input fields to the upload page what are attached to that image for ease of searching later on..
some like
Country image was taken in:
object in the photo:
FYI I’m currently running it using win7 localhost with the lastest wamp and Nextgen gallery V2..
]]>hello, just started using this plugin, been searching for something like this for a while. great work!
If I don’t select a defult upload gallery using the id=x tag, is it possible to add a dropdown list (or 2) with gallery and album??
FYI I’m currently running it using win7 localhost with the lastest wamp and Nextgen gallery V2..
]]>Hi there,
Just started using this plug in and it looks like it has the potential of solving a big issue for us.
When uploading from a desktop, I am able to select multiple photos. This is not the case when uploading from a smartphone or tablet. Is there a trick or setting that I am missing?
Thank you!