Hi Harald,
Thank you very much for providing this lovely plugin. It works quite well!
I noticed that the plugins loads 3rd party content from cdn.jsdelivr.net. I think that is not the best solution in terms of the privacy of my visitors.
Would it be possible to include fancybox.css
and fancybox.umd.js
directly into your plugin? Or could perhaps even the fancybox that ships with ngg be used?
I could contribute the code modifications my self, if I may.
viele Grü?e
]]>If I create a search page (i.e. a page with shortcodes [hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox] and [hr_SIS_display_images]) then it works fine if the page has no parent, that is parent set to “Main Page (no parent)”, but if I set the parent to any other page then the search doesn’t work and I get a 404 error.
Have I messed up, or is this a limitation of the plugin, or is there a way around this?
Thanks, Simon.
]]>Instead of displaying a message that there is no result for the search string entered, my site now displays a “critical error” in that case. You can see it if you enter e.g. “xyz” in the search field. Is there any way to correct this?
]]>I can’t get this plugin to work on block themes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there any way to make it work in block themes?
]]>Hi and thanks for this great plugin.
I am using [hr_SIS_display_images display=’bt’ ] to display the thumbnails of the images.
How can I change the thumbnails size of the found images?
Thanks for your help
Hoping this plugin is still supported!
When I updated to PHP 8.1 (from 8.0) errors began to show errors nd no longer works.
[13-Jun-2023 02:02:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $hr_SIS_search_limit_type in …/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1004 [13-Jun-2023 02:02:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $hr_SIS_search_limit_type in … /wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1007 [13-Jun-2023 02:02:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $hr_SIS_search_gallery_id in …/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1098 [13-Jun-2023 02:02:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $hr_SIS_search_limit_type in …/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1119
I am trying toget the plugin to work with a nea website, and am having trouble getting the search form to display. THe shortcode I am using is [hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox include_galleries=selected searchgalleries=2] which I expect to display a form input to allow the search terms to be entered, and the magnifying glass icon.
However the input field is not shown, just the icon. and a black line where the box should be.
Any suggestions welcome.
I installed this plugin as the regular search of NGG is of not use for me. When I use two words I need to get a result of the images that have the 2 words and not one of the other. Also in any order and not like in NGG where you alter the order of the tags and you get different results as it has to be entered in the same order as the tags are placed in the image metadata. Quite absurd but it is the way it is.
So when I install the widget on my heading I get the search box but when I go to check it outside wp backend it does not work. I do get a 404 error.
Somebody has a clue of what I am doing wrong?
Thank you
]]>I have a similar problem as the topic from a year ago: if I search for an item in my NGgalleries I always get no result. I checked the landing page: it’s there, with the correct ID. I did change the slug, but when I click the “page edit link” in the NGG Smart Image Settings it brings me to the right page.
The necessary shortcodes are there too. But the “no page found” page appears instead. As the solution of the one bringing in the topic last year seemed to be a wrong permalink-setting, I checked that too. But I still get no result.
I work with wordpress 6.01, Nextgen gallery 3.28 en the Mantra theme.
What else can I check?
]]>Is it possible to the search option to also search the fields I have created with NextGen Custom Fields? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/nextgen-gallery-custom-fields/
]]>When I enable paging in search result, I get the following error:
Warning: Use of undefined constant Modernizr - assumed 'Modernizr' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/landlyst21.dk/foto/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1144 Warning: Use of undefined constant canvas - assumed 'canvas' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/landlyst21.dk/foto/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1144 26 images found for searchstring youth . Show paged result list with 20 images per page.
The pictures from the search is show below and paging works fine, but I would like the error message gone. The error is show whether or not I use NextGen galleries to show the result or just a simple shortcode: [hr_SIS_display_images images_per_page=20].
Does anyone have an idea on how to fix ?
Best Regards,
Hi, is there a way to dequeue fonts/genericons/genericons.css
I am not using it and I would like not to load the stylesheet in the frontend
I tried to use wp_dequeue_style
in functions.php
, but since it is registered without the $handle
parameter, I was unsuccessful.
I could comment out the corresponding file within the plugin, but I’d like it not to be overwritten when it’s updated.
Many thanks
]]>Hello, I have an issue with the plugin.
I’m using the plugins :
– NextGEN Gallery
– NGG Smart Image Search
– Polylang
I have 3 Galleries in French, English and Arab and 3 pages to show each gallery (French page for French gallery, …).
In French, everything is fine
Page: https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/documents-iconographiques
Code :
[hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox search_galleries=’1′ include_galleries=selected]
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”1″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]
In English and Arab, we can see the search bar but nothing happen when we enter something
Page (English) : https://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/en/iconographic-documents/
Code (English) :
[hr_SIS_nextgen_searchbox search_galleries=’2′ include_galleries=selected]
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”2″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]
Ca you help me ?
Thank you.
I really like your Plugin.
It works as it should and it is much faster than the “Frontend Search” built in to NGG.
My Question is: could I add some more features to the search results?
For example: “Sort by – newest/oldest”, View as List/grid, Display Tags…
And another Question:
It would be great to have a download Button to the original File.
Or do you know, how to implement it? Custom php?
Thanks in advance
Best – Mikkel
Hi, I was just wondering if this plugin is supported/updated anymore? It says that it hasn’t been tested with the latest major wordpress versions? Is it safe to install?
Searching a test gallery is not returning any result. Here some information and troubleshooting I did:
– WordPress 5.6
– PHP version 5.6.40
– NextGen version 3.5.0
– No SSL (not enabled)
– I am using the Widgets (Footer1)
– Siteurl (as in wp_options): https://rowshanart.com/photos (searching for either fox or woodrat as a test should return a result). There are only two images in the galley
– Enabled below in class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php but not seeing anything in var_dump
. define(‘hr_SIS_dump_mode’, ‘active’);
. $hr_SIS_debug1 = 1 ;
Please let me know if anything else needed for troubleshooting.
When I use the ngg-smart-image-search in combination with WordPress 5.6 I get the following warnings. Can I do something to resolve those warnings?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given in /home/deb90669/domains/defotoverij.be/public_html/famklepkes/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1825
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/deb90669/domains/defotoverij.be/public_html/famklepkes/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1809
Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/deb90669/domains/defotoverij.be/public_html/famklepkes/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1848
Warning: usort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/deb90669/domains/defotoverij.be/public_html/famklepkes/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1853
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/deb90669/domains/defotoverij.be/public_html/famklepkes/wp-content/plugins/ngg-smart-image-search/public/class-ngg-smart-image-search-public.php on line 1857
]]>Hi and thanks for this plugin just what i need,
The problem i have is i can display search images all well usinf shortcode [hr_SIS_display_images] but i dont want all the info to show next to each image aswell so i went to change the code image display to display=“advanced_thumbnails“ but nothing working code i used is
[nggallery id=2 template=caption] ( << this is what shows to gallery , images with caption as title)
basically wanting to show searched images same as what is shown normally through nggallery settings
]]>Where do I edit the shortcode search results parameters as shown in this screenshot?
]]>The plugin is activated and the widget is working great. But your auto-created page does not display the text box.
I am using Divi theme. I created a Divi themed page using the same text as in your page, but same result.
]]>Hi! I would like to say you did a great job. Thank you for this plugin. Everything works fine but I would like to translate or remove the message that shows up after the search. Which file should be edited? I mean this one: “images found for searchstring”
]]>Search appears to work well and I do get results from both the widget and with the shortcode in a standalone page. However, I’m not able to see the thumbnail for the result. The thumbnail is clickable and opens the correct image, but the result is trying to load a link like this and not the actual URL:
Also, if I can get that image thumb to display on the search, I would also love to know how to limit the text displayed and change the formatting of the results. Can you point me in the right direction?
]]>Hello, I have been trying to access the search string in Google Tag Manager.
I need to get the search string and count of photos found whether zero or more into google analytics via GTM.
Is someone else already doing this or do the search string and photo count need to be added to data layer for access via GTM?
Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated as I have tried to access these variables for two weeks and have not able to.
Thank You
I had also posted on your site but not received answer:
Search results are not showing the cart trigger below the image, how I can display the cart in every image ?
Using last version of NGG Pro and I’ve tested both of your plugins 3.1.0 and beta 3.1.2
Thank you
]]>Moin. Bei uns geht es um eine Webseite mit ca. 1300 Galerien und. Ich sag mal 30-40.000 Bildern. Eine Suche über alle Galerien dauert ganz sch?n lange und der Webserver arbeitet dann keine anderen Anfragen ab, würde ich aus der Sicht eines Nutzers formulieren. Haben Sie da eine Idee, an welchen Schrauben ich drehen k?nnte, sollte?
]]>I am using the NextGEN Custom Fields plugin in addition to the NextGEN gallery. Is there a way for the search to also look at those custom fields?
Kann die Reihenfolge der Ausgabe beim Display Format “ngg_single_image” beeinflusst werden?
Beschreibung:In der Band Alexander Scheer …
Bilddatum:2020-03-26 09:11:19
Galerietitel:Test link
Beschreibung:Gundermann, Konzert 03.03.2020, Hamburg, Ernst Wilhelm Grueter
Schlagw?rter:link, test
Beschreibung:In der Band Alexander Scheer …
Schlagw?rter:link, test
Bilddatum:2020-03-26 09:11:19
Galerietitel:Test link
Beschreibung:Gundermann, Konzert 03.03.2020, Hamburg, Ernst Wilhelm Grueter
Danke sch?n, Ernst Wilhelm
]]>In der Bildbeschreibung einer Nextgen Galerie steht etwa folgendes:
In der Band Alexander Scheer (Gitarre), Nicolai Ziel (Schlagzeug) und Andreas Dresen (Gitarre) und andere. Details: Gundermann, Konzert 03.03.2020, Hamburg, Ernst Wilhelm GrueterZum Beitrag
Hier bzw. mir geht es um die HTML Tags strong, br und a-href
In der Anzeige im Display Format “Pro THumbnail Grid” werden diese HTML Tags gerendert. Das würde ich mir bei der Anzeige der Bildbeschreibung über das Plugin auch wünschen. Gibt es hier eine M?glichkeit der Beeinflussung?
]]>Auf er Einstellungsseite wird mir gesagt, das Feld uploader sei nicht da. Wie erzeuge ich das Feld bzw. wie mache ich es verfügbar? Danke.
]]>Is it possible to change language from english to german? To replace “image title”, “description”, “tags”, “images found for searchstring” and so on.