Hello, in the mobile version of dashboard I dont see the button on orders page, how to fix it?
I tried to add to admin emails the link of button, so I can directly send reminder from accessing the link like https://website.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=niwoopr_ajax&order_id=9488
But after accessing the url I see the white page and as output “0”
]]>The thread 11 months ago was explained like this:
Create your site URL : https://example.com/yourpagename/order_id={{order_id}} and when email sent we replace the {{order_id}} with actaul order_id.
But example.com is “yourpagename”. No on has a domain example.com/examplecom/
What should be put into “yourpagename”. I tried “order-recieved” which leads to 404. What link slug is default for the payment?
So wild guessing on the main function that the plugin was made for. Any clarification?
]]>Hi is it possible to use {{order_number}} instead of {{order_id}} in the email template?
Is it possible to have a translation template missing in this plug-in?
When I want to translate I get Template missing and if I create one I only have 5 options to translate. I think there should be more options.
I was wondering, if it is possible to include link to the payment / thank you page in the email template? I’m not sure, how the user would be able reach the payment through the email.