When I add 2 forms with Recaptcha on the same page – it breaks them.
In console there is Uncaught Error: reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element
I have tested it will all plugins disabled except Ninja Forms & Elementor and I still have that issue.
How to solve this? I need multiple forms on one page.
]]>This is very strange. I moved the Recaptcha field to the form, but only the word “Recaptcha” is showing on the form.
]]>I have created a recaptcha key and added it to WP. When I try to ‘activate’ the recaptcha plugin, it does not activate. Am I doing something wrong?
I had updated to recaptcha v.3 and it doesn’t seem to work with your form. Is it not supported? If not, will it be?
]]>I have found that changing the “fieldsMarkedRequired” string in wp-content/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/Config/i18nFrontEnd.php to remove the span tags stops the script from breaking for me. Wpautop just doesn’t like those inline tags.
Just wanted to pass this along.
]]>I have integrated Google’s reCaptcha into my Contact form properly – the keys work and I can even see the Submission List showing the test submissions work. But every time I test the form, I get HTTP 500 error after submission and the email notifications don’t send.
Can you tell what I’m doing wrong?
]]>Add this code into the php file
add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'ninja_recaptcha_register_scripts');
function ninja_recaptcha_register_scripts() {
wp_register_script('ninja.g.recaptcha', "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=CaptchaCallback&render=explicit&hl");
wp_register_script('ninja.g.recaptcha.script', plugins_url('/ninja-forms-recaptcha-field/js/script.js'));
js code
var CaptchaCallback;
CaptchaCallback = function(){
grecaptcha.render(ele, {
'callback' : $(this).attr('data-callback')
And Please remove the following code
api.js script include in ninja_forms_recaptcha_display function
Add id to every .g-recaptcha
Using 3.0.30 and the latest wordpress. The recaptcha sometimes appears and sometimes doesn’t. Very frustrating. You can see it (or not see it) on the following https://www.subbakolla.com/donate/paypal-information/ and https://www.subbakolla.com/volunteer/.
I have put the script in the header of my WordPress page and put the site key into the plugin. Sometimes it is fine, others not. Others besides me as ADMIN are having issues.
]]>I can only see my recaptcha field when logged into WordPress. I’ve cleared various browser caches and am not using a caching plugin regardless, but cannot see my recaptcha field appear other than in the browser as I’m logged into the admin.
]]>Added the Site and Secret keys for reCAPTCHA, but when I add the reCAPTCHA item to the form, the whole page on which the form sits freezes and nothing is clickable. All is fine before, and again when I remove the reCAPTCHA… is there a setting I can adjust?
]]>Any way within the plug to change to the dark version?
]]>Since WordPress ReCaptcha provides captcha for comments and other WP entities, it would be nice if Ninja 3.0 and WP ReCaptcha were compatible. Currently, having both breaks the installation and one of the plugins must be manually removed to restore the site.
Is there a way to have both plugins co-exist?
]]>I’ve been trying to get the Recaptcha width to reduce. When I view my site on a mobile device the width is to wide for my content div container (i.e. it extends past the outer div). I’ve tried going into my local css file and adding the following styling
.rc-anchor-normal-footer {
float: right;
.rc-anchor-normal .rc-anchor-pt {
margin: 4px 55px 0 0 !important;
width: 200px !important;
.rc-anchor-normal .rc-anchor-checkbox-label {
width: 100px !important;
.rc-anchor-normal .rc-anchor-content {
width: 175px !important;
If I put these settings in with the developer tool in my browser it works great but when I refresh is disappears. It looks like it is getting the styling from google and ignoring my local styles. Is there a way to reduce the width?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
]]>Like some of you, I put in my key information on the setup page and I was NOT able to see the reCAPTCHA on my site once I added it to a form! I spent hours trying to troubleshoot from adding an HTML form and adding in the reCAPTCHA code from the website without any luck.
I then decided to look at the website from a different computer. Wouldn’t you know, the reCAPTCHA section was showing up on the other computer without any problems! So, why was it not showing up on my main computer?!
The solution was quite simple! Log out of WordPress (admin account) and it will show up! I tested this on both computers and it has worked flawlessly! I guess if you are logged into your WordPress admin account, reCAPTCHA does not show up. (It must assume that you are NOT a robot!)
All of my work/viewing was done on 2 different PCs using Google Chrome as the browser. I hope this helps out anyone else that is having the same issue.
]]>I think I set up recaptcha configuration correctly. (Put the Site Key and Secret key from google)
But the forms only shows “Recaptcha” word.
Could you give advice for this?
I have this error :
Erreur ! This module is not compatible with Ninja Forms v3
ninja-forms-recaptcha-field/ninja-forms-recaptcha.php was disabled
Thank you
]]>Scenario: You fill out the form, get the tick with recaptcha, but miss a required field and get the prompt. You complete the required field and try to resubmit. Form now fails with “Captcha mismatch, Please try again.” – except there’s no option to recheck the box since it’s still checked. Shouldn’t the recaptcha reset after a failed submission?
Ninja Forms Version 2.9.45
Ninja Forms reCAPTCHA Version 1.2.5
I have added Contact form with reCaptcha to my Contact Us page and the reCaptcha part is not showing up on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge. It’s only displaying in Mozilla FireFox.
For some odd reason, if I create a custom form just with reCaptcha and a submit button and add that form to my Contact us page below the Contact Form, the reCaptcha displays in the Contact form and not in my custom form.
Please let me know if you require anymore information ??
Am I able to add this form to comment pages?
]]>Is it possible to have two on one page? Right now I’m getting an error “Uncaught Error: ReCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty” because the script is included twice; if you where to enqueue the script instead of including it inline every time, would it actually allow two on one page?
]]>Hello, is it possible to reduce the size of the reCAPTCHA field in a form? Thanks
]]>In “Email and Actions”, No matter what I put in the “From Name” field it always outputs the site admin’s name instead of what I tell it to do. I can’t find any settings that would be causing this. Any ideas?
]]>I fill in all the fields Nina Forms, but it doesn’t matter – Captcha mismatch, Please try again. reCAPTCHA Site Key and reCAPTCHA Secret Key filled.
What’s wrong? Please help
]]>Please add localization support for the display field.
I changed the first line of ninja_forms_recaptcha_display function to:
$lang = get_bloginfo('language');
but i am not sure if this will hold up on multilanguage sites.
]]>I fill in all the fields Nina Forms, activate reCAPTCHA, but when I click the send button Nina Forms return error “Captcha mismatch, Please try again.”. reCAPTCHA Site Key and reCAPTCHA Secret Key filled. What could be wrong?
]]>Hello. The current version of this plugin doesn’t seem to support localization.
E.g. in ninja-forms-recaptcha.php on line 120 & line 124 (Error response messages), the messages are entered without the gettext function:
if ( !empty( $response->{'error-codes'} ) && $response->{'error-codes'}[0]!='missing-input-response' ) {
$error= 'Please check if you have entered Site & Secret key correctly';
}else {
$error= 'Captcha mismatch, Please try again.';
whereas for example line 124 should rather look like the following to support localization:
$error= __('Captcha mismatch, Please try again.','ninja-forms-recaptcha');
]]>Here is an example:
Are you human?: 03AHJ_Vus4-HE7gAE0DbzgWGx4hG-8IDknhNtdoKLIRqTGwC5PlRUtKHTLwylLXIQgH2UHG79CVLi84Krt4uEyStKfb1Tv7Vjp1_0zkqX9Ws_Fae2JKN_JrT1KRaWOVHvcu6VTRptfdEzsk-FESS6ICvWBYDmicYxGHejJcc2v7vlMzaqZqDvDxpUJHTdyyg_xz11N8QHe0GpNCAfKtdATWmjM9YoPQC5Q4V0k9xh5sPje1_nXMhfjO3sE7rvwDsUqkIETMvL-PvP4EZlsif2EYmJhWO7QIUIqweqLp3_4OuT5bjTA7l1jJO1lAsZVxNyI2NnmBwa5L4OFTx_yLOSI3nNIRvoqEoTuS6CGm4tV0i-DVuiPMny48hUApTdUWJOQYqLmXdXDnPJieca2Qk0Ok4QvQPwQtx5Jsw
]]>Whenever I receive an email submission from my reservation form the reCAPTCHA field shows a long string of random characters. How do I stop this? This began approximately two weeks ago when I installed the lasted plugin update.
Here is an example:
Are you human?: 03AHJ_Vus4-HE7gAE0DbzgWGx4hG-8IDknhNtdoKLIRqTGwC5PlRUtKHTLwylLXIQgH2UHG79CVLi84Krt4uEyStKfb1Tv7Vjp1_0zkqX9Ws_Fae2JKN_JrT1KRaWOVHvcu6VTRptfdEzsk-FESS6ICvWBYDmicYxGHejJcc2v7vlMzaqZqDvDxpUJHTdyyg_xz11N8QHe0GpNCAfKtdATWmjM9YoPQC5Q4V0k9xh5sPje1_nXMhfjO3sE7rvwDsUqkIETMvL-PvP4EZlsif2EYmJhWO7QIUIqweqLp3_4OuT5bjTA7l1jJO1lAsZVxNyI2NnmBwa5L4OFTx_yLOSI3nNIRvoqEoTuS6CGm4tV0i-DVuiPMny48hUApTdUWJOQYqLmXdXDnPJieca2Qk0Ok4QvQPwQtx5Jsw
]]>After a form submit (which does not validate) the session value will be invalid and you will not be able to submit the form (after filling all required fields).
To fix this the grecaptcha.reset() should always be called on submit.
More info here: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify
“If your website performs server side validation using an AJAX request, you should only verify the user’s reCAPTCHA response token (g-recaptcha-response) once. If a verify attempt has been made with a particular token, it cannot be used again. You will need to call grecaptcha.reset() to ask the end user to verify with reCAPTCHA again.”
]]>I see reCAPTCHA under Forms but I can’t add the Site Key and Secret. When I go to Forms->ReCaptcha, the fields for Key and Secret are blank. What am I doing wrong?