I’m using breakdance builder. I dont know if it is the cause for the error. But my other site not using breakdance are doing find.
This is the error
public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/tnfunction.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/tnfunction.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Warning: include(): Failed opening
wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/tnfunction.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear’)?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function nftb_get_the_user_ip()
I need to add one message if user place an order. when we receive order message in chat baot like below
Image url: https://prnt.sc/Gq6gBV5EQ7iz
after this message I also need to send this message auto.
Image url: https://prnt.sc/A4iydGA909Mx
How can I do this? Need this message “Click here to login and change the order status“
]]>Hi, I have links to products in my messages. When a message arrives in the group, a picture of the product appears in it. Is there any way to disable this? Perhaps a shortcode option or something else? In the documentation for the Telegram API, I found this description: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#linkpreviewoptions
]]>when sending from ninja form, the letter is not sent after activating the plugin, it comes to Telegram
hi. an error started appearing: The undefined variable $order_count in …index.php in line 632
plugin version 3.3.1
wp version 6.5.2
woo version 8.8.2
php 8.2.17
Hello Plugin Developers of “Notification for Telegram”,
I have recently discovered that there is a function in the index.php file of your plugin, nftb_trim_css_version, that removes the versioning of CSS. This could potentially mislead other developers and I am curious as to why you decided to include this function.
//trim css per carcaricrae il mio
function nftb_trim_css_version($src) {
if (strpos($src, 'ver=')) {
$src = remove_query_arg('ver', $src);
return $src;
add_filter('style_loader_src', 'nftb_trim_css_version', 9999);
Furthermore, I noticed that not all strings in your plugin are available for translation. For instance, order statuses and the phrase “Order Notes” are not translatable. Perhaps assigning the text domain from WooCommerce could assist with this.
Despite my questions, I want to express my gratitude for your diligent creativity and your plugin. It is genuinely useful, and I appreciate your hard work.
Thank you
]]>Hello, please convert HTML Entities to normal view. In woocommerce i recieve normal view:
—— ITEMS —— 1 x Kharkiv – Stuttgart – 159.9 USD
But in Telegram i recieve that with code –
]]>Hello, I’m getting that line often in php.log:
[13-Jan-2024 19:23:12 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $order_count in public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/index.php on line 626
PHP 8.2
In the current feature it has only one configure that send all notification into a channel or group but what if we want to sent only User Registration or login fail to difference channel? and only new order to order channel?
Ex: If website has new register than send to Register Channel in telegram and if New Order get from Woocomerce than send it to New Order Channel.
Could you check, I have configure correct with token and chatid. I use ChatID from Group and also add my bot to Group but when I test send message from you plugin it not send to group but just send only in bot itself.
]]>Good afternoon, how can I get the product attribute and its price to appear in the Woocmmerce notification? Help me please!
]]>When I set the php version to 8.1, these errors are displayed for me
Warning: Undefined array key “notify_update” in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php on line 61
Warning: Undefined array key “notify_update_time” in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php on line 62
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php:61) in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1431
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php:61) in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 7049
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php:61) in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1435
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/notification-for-telegram/include/nftncron.php:61) in /home/userrrr/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1438
]]>May I know what is the format to send message to a Group’s Topic? here is the link https://t.me/c/1538013881/285, suppose the Topic Id is -1001538013881:285 , but when I entered this ID, it only send to the group, but not the Group Topic, please assist
]]>This is the plugin I was looking for. It’s very useful. The fact that it notifies me on Telegram faster than email is really nice.
The only thing I don’t like is that when it notifies me of comments, it also notifies me of spam. I don’t need to know about spam that Akismet has caught. If 99 out of 100 comments are spam, it’s too many unnecessary notifications. Add an option to exclude spam comment notifications.
Hi Admin,
I have been using your plugin for a long time and quite enjoy using it.
Could you help to add support notification for Bricksbuilder form? Bricks is gaining quite popular lately and it comes with native form element. I would love to have telegram notification on it too rather than have to install another Form plugin.
Thank you
]]>Good morning,
I love the concept of this
On the Woocommerce side it doesn’t send me the message
How to have the same thing?
]]>Hello again. The notification says that the order is not paid. How can I change this, maybe I could fix it if you tell me a little.
Bank payment plugin installed, payment via cards. The person pays for the order successfully and in the order itself writes: “SERVICE: payment successful”.
But the notification comes:
“Order NOT Paid (SERVICE)”
Good afternoon. Prompt with a question please. I have a price calculator and, in addition to the quantity, the length is also taken into account: 2 pieces of 10 meters each – an example. I have changed the plugin code. Introduced a variable from the calculator plugin and replaced the line in ITEMS.
В файле:
// product_meters - line 520
$product_meters = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, ‘Length of one piece (m)’, true);
// line 535 - Can't think of anything better than this
if ($product_meters) {
$linea = $linea . $quantity . ?pieces. x ? . $product_meters . ?meters. x ? . $item_name . ? — ? . $line_total . ? ? . $currency_code . $extrafiledhook . ?\r\n?;
} else {
$linea = $linea . $quantity . ?pieces. x ? . $item_name . ? — ? . $line_total . ? ? . $currency_code . $extrafiledhook . ?\r\n?;
Is it possible to change the line
$linea = $linea.$quantity." x " .$item_name . " - ". $line_total." ". $currency_code.$extrafiledhook."\r\n" ;
and add a variable via a function without changing your plugin code? So that the changes are not overwritten with updates? Perhaps through a filter somehow?
]]>Please add $item in nftb_order_product_line(), so we can $item->get_meta().
Or maybe right after this function do_action(‘action’, $item, $product_id);
]]>can you please add support for gravityforms too ?
]]>I reviewed this plugin because I like it a lot but its really annoying to get reminders to review it constantly. Some days I get multiple notifications to rate it. I would even pay to make it stop doing it. Once every few days would be ok but this is getting very annoying.
There is nofications for new.
Is it possible to add option for removed items in cart?
Is it possible to mention custom billing field in notification?
I have custom field as “billing_branch”.
Could you let me know the way to show this field in notifications?
]]>Hello, I like the plugin very mutch.
But I need one option.
It is possible to send also page link in telegram from where it is sent.
Olá, é possível traduzir a mensagem de notifica??o no Telegram para outro idioma? Já utilizo o Plugin Loco Translate para traduzir meu site, mas n?o estou conseguindo realizar a tradu??o das mensagens de notifica??o no Telegram.
Agrade?o se puder ajudar.
]]>Please add Elementor plugin form builder.
Is it possible to configure the plugin so that it sends the messages we need to users when they specify their account login in their personal account?
]]>Hello, the first thing I wanted to do is to congratulate the plugin author, it makes our work easier for many people .
I would like to add to the “New Order” notification the total order count of the customer who placed it, since that information is important in our case. I have tried to search for information but I cannot find a way to add it.
Could someone help me?
]]>Добрый день, спасибо за неплохой и удобный плагин.
подскажите а почему могут приходить уведомления о уже исполненных заказов месяц назад?
Hi dev, thank you for the great plugin.
The bot successfully sends messages to my Telegram group so it is configured correctly.
For the customer to receive Woocommerce order updates, this never works. I have added my nickname both with and without the “@” at the begining of the name and I have tested several times changing order statuses but the customer never gets the order status update message.
If the plugin is configured to send order status updated to admin’s Telegram group, then the bot sends the messages to the group but the customer never receives the message on his Telegram.
I can confirm that the customer’s username appears in the order details page so it is saving this information.
Any idea what’s wrong?