Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Notifly has a deprecated constructor in /wp-content/plugins/notifly/notifly.php on line 19
]]>We have Notifly version 3.1 and MyArcade.
Is there a way we can stop notification going out to followers when we import a new arcade game?
At the moment the only way is to disable notify and this can easily be forgotten.
Thanks, your help would be appreciated.
Is it possible to set the email address of people to notify on per post basis?
]]>Hello Samuel,
What code should I use to send an excerpt instead of the whole post?
And where should I put it in?
Am I right if I say that the plugin should send mails if a user publishes a post privately? I ask because it doesn’t. The following lines in the function post_email
stop private publishing notifications:
if ( 'publish' != $new || 'publish' == $old )
I have two secure websites, both using WP 3.6 with one being a sub-directory of the other, i.e.
I am using Notifly on /securesite2. I image there needs to be some tweaking to the code… can you help? Thanks
I did an extension to this plugin which adds a Widget that enables a subscription form. It was based on the Jetpack subscriptions extension and lets user define success and error messages on the widget. Is this something you would like to incorporate on your plugin? I would be happy to contribute.
]]>The time stamp on the email notification is from the date that the post or page was published. It would be better to have a time stamp from the publishment of the comment. Is that possible?
]]>Notifly sends email with an avatar that is not the right one. How come?
]]>WP version: 3.4.1 Multisite
Notifly version: 1.4
In my case, I prefer not seeing the content of the message, just the notification with the niceHTML wrapper and perhaps an excerpt of the message.
There should be an option to mask the content or pick up the excerpt (custom field?).
There are two reasons: Want people to visit the site and in our case, blogs are private protected by SSL and AUTH but most external emails are not so privacy is required.
I hacked the code a bit to mask the content but I do not have coding experience to make it more sophisticated – leave it to the author and others.
]]>Notifly does not display the Author Avatar; it used to … not sure at what point the notification emails stopped displaying avatars.
I disabled all plugins but Notifly but that did not make a difference except that the WordPress icon did not display.
]]>For some reason the e-mail addresses that are listed in the Settings > Discussion area under ‘Notify” have stopped receiving e-mails when there is a new post since last Wednesday, 6/13 – they did not receive an e-mail from a post made today at I do not remember changing any settings. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Tag <table> is not supported.
Please, include support of this tag.
]]>Does anyone know if this plugin can send just an excerpt of new posts and comments as opposed to the entire post?
]]>Is there a reason this wold be rediculously slow to send the email? im currently testing with only one email address and it take a good 30 to 45 seconds to send the message after i click publish
]]>I was looking for a plugin that would allow me to send an email to a list of emails to notify them of a new post. I found notifly. Before I install it, I would like to know, if you can select to send the emails to a post that are is tied to a specific category. In my theme some posts are tied to a slideshow category, which is only a slideshow of photographs and some others to the actual post to a blog that is tied to a portfolio category.
I would like to send only the email when I have a new post to my blog which is tied to the porfolio category.
The other question I have is if I can decide WHEN to send it or does it go out automatically after you publish the post
]]>Loving the plugin thus far but just noticed that it’s not stripping shortcodes from the email. Could you get this fixed in the next release? Thanks guys!
]]>Can I use notifly for a custom post type and not the regular post taxonomy? If so, is there any documentation on that?
]]>there is a way for add all registred user email?
]]>Not working since 3.1
]]>The comments got sent to one of the emails (out of two) but I never got notification for the post. I thought this would notify for both post and comments.
]]>hi. very nice plugin. i installed it (v. 1.2.8) in my blog (wp 3.0.1) and it works like a charm…
well, almost.
let’s say at half. ??
i have a list of 18 addresses: emails are sent to the even ones only (the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th and so on), the odd ones (1, 3, 5…) don’t receive any.
anyone got the same issue? or is it just me?…
I just upgraded notifly and when trying to re-activate the plugin I get Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_notify_postauthor() (previously declared in /home/smodom/public_html/ in /home/smodom/public_html/ on line 629