I would like to use your Redirect to a URL feature. What is supposed to happen when that is selected? I’ve experimented with putting different URLs in the Geolocation action parameters, but can’t seem to figure it out. Does it require a javascript wrapper so that you can get the geolocation values into the string? A very simple example would help.
]]>this plugin is really cool, but it seems still need revise some code on the activated theme to use it..
so i am wondering, if it’s possible to have such feature:
for example, provide a widget or shortcode with a button, whenever visitors come from a mobile browser and press that button, the page will dispay his accurate location or any content info related to that location, which is predefined and inputed by site admin.
this feature will make this plugin perfect and attract much much more wp users i believe,because that is a basic and common demand in turning wordpress into mobile era.
i am no programmer….so easy to use is very important, and i think mainstream of wp users don’t want to touch coding whenever they looking for a plugin.
anyway, thankss for the plugin…it’s a cool and leading beginning.
]]>Would be nice to have an option to turn off/on for all pages at once.
]]>Could you advise on how to use this on a live site. I’ve hooked it up to Yahoo PF but I’m not sure how to go about implementing this.
I’m trying to achieve listing the nearest town to the user. Like, “Hi, how’s life in <city>?”
I know it won’t be 100% accurate but it should be able to find the nearest town and list it. Also, would like to know how to do a fallback if the user denies location, to just use lat&long.
Thanks for your help & direction.