I just managed to get this plugin working today, and though I would share how I did it.
The old included instructions still work for the most part, but the way has changed a bit.
- First, the https://account.live.com/developers/applications/ website for adding the application is now changed to the Azure applications portal. It should automatically redirect you.
- Login with the account that has the onenote books you want to use.
- NOTE* This plugin only works with the onedrive hosted notebooks.
- Go to App Registrations, New Registration
- Name the app whatever you want, like said in the previous instructions. "ex: MyWebsiteOneNoteConnection"
- Who can use this application or access this API?
I dont know if this works with organizational accounts, and my guess is most people will need "Personal Microsoft Account" This is what worked for me. If you MS account is organizational you are on your own.
- Redirect URI (optional)
As said in the original instructions, https://yourwebsitename.com/wp-admin/
I believe it is necessary to have https (ssl) enabled on your site. If you don't, you should.
- Click register.
## Setting Permissions ##
- Goto API permissions
- Select Microsoft Graph, then in the search field type Notes
- Enable Notes.Read permission (Enables reading content from YOUR notes)
- Enable Notes.Read.All permission.(Enables reading content from ANY notes shared with you that you have permission to read.)
- Click Add Permissions to save.
## Getting your MSA Client Secret ##
- Next go to Certificates & Secrets
- Click +New Client Secret, give it any description you want.
- Also, set no expiration unless you want to do this again later.
- Click Add.
- You are now presented with a generated client secret
- The secret will only be displayed fully ONE TIME, afterward it is obfuscated and you will need to generate it again.
- Suggest to copy it somewhere safe, and/or paste it directly into the WP Onenote settings in the MSA Client Secret (WP-Admin-> Settings->Onenote->MSA Client Secret)
- Client Secret = MSA Client Secret (from old instructions)
## Getting your MSA ClientID ##
- Go to overview
- At the top of the screen with info about your app below the "Display name"
- MSA ClientID = Application (client) ID
- It will look somethis like this: 300b094b-5322-4569-a69-4ae4b63798026
- Copy paste it directly into the WP Onenote settings in the MSA ClientID (WP-Admin-> Settings->Onenote->MSA ClientID)
And that is it, next time you write a blogpost, press the Onenote button, it will ask you to verify the application access and then you should be able to insert your notes.
I just managed to get this plugin working today, and though I would share how I did it.
The old included instructions still work for the most part, but the way has changed a bit.
– First, the https://account.live.com/developers/applications/ website for adding the application is now changed to the Azure applications portal. It should automatically redirect you.
– Login with the account that has the onenote books you want to use.
– NOTE* This plugin only works with the onedrive hosted notebooks.
– Go to App Registrations, New Registration
– Name the app whatever you want, like said in the previous instructions. “ex: MyWebsiteOneNoteConnection”
– Who can use this application or access this API?
I dont know if this works with organizational accounts, and my guess is most people will need “Personal Microsoft Account” This is what worked for me. If you MS account is organizational you are on your own.
– Redirect URI (optional)
As said in the original instructions, https://yourwebsitename.com/wp-admin/
I believe it is necessary to have https (ssl) enabled on your site. If you don’t, you should.
– Click register.
## Setting Permissions ##
– Goto API permissions
– Select Microsoft Graph, then in the search field type Notes
– Enable Notes.Read permission (Enables reading content from YOUR notes)
– Enable Notes.Read.All permission.(Enables reading content from ANY notes shared with you that you have permission to read.)
– Click Add Permissions to save.
## Getting your MSA Client Secret ##
– Next go to Certificates & Secrets
– Click +New Client Secret, give it any description you want.
– Also, set no expiration unless you want to do this again later.
– Click Add.
– You are now presented with a generated client secret
– The secret will only be displayed fully ONE TIME, afterward it is obfuscated and you will need to generate it again.
– Suggest to copy it somewhere safe, and/or paste it directly into the WP Onenote settings in the MSA Client Secret (WP-Admin-> Settings->Onenote->MSA Client Secret)
– Client Secret = MSA Client Secret (from old instructions)
## Getting your MSA ClientID ##
– Go to overview
– At the top of the screen with info about your app below the “Display name”
– MSA ClientID = Application (client) ID
– It will look somethis like this: 300b094b-5322-4569-a69-4ae4b63798026
– Copy paste it directly into the WP Onenote settings in the MSA ClientID (WP-Admin-> Settings->Onenote->MSA ClientID)
And that is it, next time you write a blogpost, press the Onenote button, it will ask you to verify the application access and then you should be able to insert your notes.
I can’t guarantee anything other than basic functionality and connectivity is working with these instructions, so enjoy and good luck!
]]>when clicking the onenote icon, I get redirected to this url:
I can not understand “html, php… ect.”
I wish I could understand the message in the url ??
please, I’d love to use this plugin, for me who uses onenote heavily,
sharing on my blog would be made mega easy ??
thanks in advance.
*edit 01:
Hi Everyone,
So I’m going a little crazy and wordpress is new to me but I have so far managed to make my way through. However, now I am being driven crazy by something I cannot figure out.
So, I have figured out how to make “posts” in my blog. I created a new post this evening and published it. All I want to do is create a button in my main menu that says “blog” and it takes the vistor of my website to my blog where they can read it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this to happen. I have created a button in my main menu called “blog” but It just creates a section on my main page below the contact section and I do not know how to get it to link to my blog posts/page. If this were html I would just use the “” tag and be done with it.
Can someone please help me before I go crazy?? the website is iconportraitsalon.com and you can see the “blog” button I’ve created that I want to lead to my blog posts. Im using the one note template.
]]>whats wrong?
]]>So this seems not to work… I’ve set up everything correctly, but when I try adding a OneNot via the WYSIWYG-Editor, a pop-up opens and it logs in to one note, but then loads the …/wp-admin/ windows, not the OneNote folder structure.
Why is this plugin dead before it was born?
]]>Hi, you have old version of the instruction and I can’t set up a link WP with my business OneNote (not personal).
When I click on the button on the WordPress editor to try using the plugin, I get this error:
We’re unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
Could you help me?
]]>I am completely lost. After downloading the plugin, I went to settings. I clicked on the link to Instructions for Acquiring MSA ClientID & Client Secret. Those instructions look nothing like the Microsoft Application Portal. Nevertheless, I clicked Add an app. Again, looks nothing like the instructions. I search and search and search, and finally just acquire the Application/Client ID and the password as the “secret”. When I attempt to add a post and click on the OneNote icon, I get the following message:
We’re unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
Plus, I had the same problem as an earlier post that didn’t explain the resolution. I wasn’t allowed to save the Redirect URL that the instructions told me to use: https://jerryzarley.com/wp-admin/, so I added the “s” (https:// . . .).
Please help.
Website is https://jerryzarley.com
]]>I’ve been able to sync at least 5 post since I’ve installed this plugin, but this evening after following the same process I get the below error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘QueryPath\ParseException’ with message ‘DOMDocument::loadHTML(): htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ‘;’ in Entity, line: 69 (/home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath/DOMQuery.php: 3760)’ in /home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath/ParseException.php:42 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: QueryPath\ParseException::initializeFromError(2, ‘DOMDocument::lo…’, ‘/home/torah4tmh…’, 3760, Array) #1 /home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath/DOMQuery.php(3760): DOMDocument->loadHTML(‘<html xmlns=”ht…’) #2 /home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath/DOMQuery.php(175): QueryPath\DOMQuery->parseXMLString(‘<html xmlns=”ht…’) #3 /home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath.php(178): QueryPath\DOMQuery->__construct(‘<html xmlns=”ht…’, NULL, Array) in /home/torah4tmh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath/ParseException.php on line 42
]]>I tried to use this plugin with 1and1.com WP hosting, but I get an error message and can’t get any further.
Please help! I really want to use OneNote for posting.
Error message…
Warning: rand() expects parameter 2 to be integer, float given in/homepages/0/d602306504/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/redCyanGlasses/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/picker.php?on line?52
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/0/d602306504/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/redCyanGlasses/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/picker.php:52) in/homepages/0/d602306504/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/redCyanGlasses/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/onwp-base.php?on line?90
]]>When I connect to my onenote it only shows 19 pages under a category. I know I have more then that when I go login online to the cloud site. Is there a setting for this?
]]>We’re unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
Any way to fix this or did Microsoft drop the ball again?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
]]>I installed this plugin but I cannot guess how I can use it. Do I need WordPress 4 for this plugin to work?
I am using onenote with a surface pro 3 trying to find the best way to upload my math notes that I make with my pen in onenote.
When I transfer my notes to wordpress the HTML shows Inknode is not supported. Does microsoft have any plans to support written notes?
]]>I hit the OneNote icon on compose. A small popup loads at the URL site/wp-admin/?onwp-popup with the title “Select a OneNote Page”. This window is blank.
Chrome console for the popup says
[ Moderator note: code block fixed. The backtick needs to be on a new line by itself. ?? ]
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<head><title>Select a OneNote Page</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://rosacea-support.org/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/css/picker.css"/><script src="https://rosacea-support.org/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/js/picker.js"></script><script></p>
<p> var imagesPath = 'https://rosacea-support.org/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/images';<br />
var ajaxUrl = 'https://rosacea-support.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php';</p>
<p> function pageSelected(pageId) {<br />
var form = opener.document.createElement('form'),<br />
input = opener.document.createElement('input');</p>
<p> form.method = 'post';<br />
input.type = 'hidden';<br />
input.name = 'onenote_page_id';<br />
input.value = pageId;<br />
form.appendChild(input);<br />
<p> form.submit();<br />
window.close();<br />
<p> jQuery(document).ready(<br />
function () {<br />
_OneNotePickerLaunch('#onenote-picker', pageSelected, imagesPath, ajaxUrl);<br />
}<br />
<p></script><br />
</head><body><div id="onenote-picker"></div><br />
</body></html><br />
I can see my notebook entries and click on them.
but when I click Ok nothing happens.
And then suddenly I get this page with a message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION, expecting ‘)’ in \\nawinfs04\home\users\web\b2602\rh.tecsuzuki\blog\wp-content\plugins\onenote-publisher\includes\QueryPath\qp.php on line 61
I removed the slash after wp-admin (it allows me to get this far)
Could you be more specific with your directions
Do you really mean any? Should I create a unique name for myself as a user of the App?
Enter any title for your “Application Name” and select a language then click “I Accept”
I didn’t get the icon on the post until I used the Microsoft name for the APP.
The Microsoft server keeps giving us this error message when I press status buttons. ???
Sorry, something went wrong
Our server is having a problem. We’re working to fix it as soon as we can, so try again in a few minutes.
Should I delete this installation and start over??
Do you realize that Microsoft is recommending this WP App. for Onenote?
I don’t see a real enhancement by your plugin.
It will save only the strg+c + strg+v part. Perhaps it is a improvement reagarding the image upload.
But as the images use cryptic names, it isn’t a benefit at all.
Before I would use this plugin it should have
Please prevent Images to be duplicated when I reInsert the OneNote to “sync” changes.
]]>I receive the following error message when inserting an new OneNote Note.
Warning: Cannot set max_execution_time above master value of 60 (tried to set 120) in ***/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/save.php on line 18
I would like to use the plugin to import Article Drafts from Onenote.
The html-code which will be inserted is bloated with inline styles.
Please add at least an option to ignore the styles.
]]>I was able to select a OneNote page but after I clicked the Ok button, I got the following error msg…
Fatal error: Class '\QueryPath\DOMQuery' not found in /nas/wp/www/staging/tamuserp/wp-content/plugins/onenote-publisher/includes/QueryPath/QueryPath.php on line 178
We are on a hosted WPMU site. We have version 1.1 of the plugin.
Thanks for any help.
]]>This looks to be an option now on the API side. Could it be implemented here? https://blogs.msdn.com/b/onenotedev/archive/2015/04/30/support-for-work-and-school-notebooks-on-office-365-in-preview.aspx
]]>I have been able to link OneNote to OneDrive and entered all the provided API Details in WordPress. Where am I having a disconnect?
When I select the OneNote icon in WordPress, I get a pop up window that states:
We’re unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>after select a note from popup, it redirect me to wp-admin/post-new.php, but it not working:
in chrome: it shows blank page
in IE11: it shows HTTP 500
ps: I already disable all other plugins…
1. Problem (with Chrome)
If I click on the Notepad button, the Popup stays blank.
If I disable following Plugin, the import works!
Plugin: jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries
2. Problem
If I import … only the Header ist imported!
Thank you for a feedback.
Best regards
Works flawlessly in Chrome, but not in IE11 (both desktop and modern version). Can browse my notebooks in IE, but selecting a page and clicking OK yields no results.
]]>My setup is simple enough. One domain, one blog. So it seems to be working as expected bringing over text (I haven’t tried it with images yet). The only problem I have is that paragraphs are formatted as <p style="position: default; left: 65px; top: 126px; width: 719px;">
. Is there any way to avoid the OneNote imposed formatting and just indicate it as a paragraph with my already defined formatting, i.e. as <p>
I’ve installed the OneNote plugin as an network admin and network activated it, but I can’t seem to find where I’m supposed to follow the configuration steps:
After installing the plugin, on the plugins list, click “Settings” for the “OneNote Publisher for WordPress” plugin.
You need to setup an MSA ClientID & Client Secret. To see the step-by-step instructions for this, click on the link on the bottom of the “Settings” page that says “Click here for instructions to setup your ClientID & Secret”.
I select “Add New Post” and then the OneNote icon on the editor taskbar. I browse to the notebook and select the page. I press OK and nothing happens. The page is never transferred to the WordPress editor.
]]>We have more than 100 bloggers on blogs.msmvps.com. I’ve installed the plugin and network activated, but it does not look to be MU compatible.
1. works fine in the first blog that was configured in settings
2. in the second and subsequent blogs, images don’t upload or work.
different Microsoft ID’s are used for each blogger
would love to work with someone to get this working for all blogs
if you need a test account on our blog server, I can set one up for you